Corruption and my Pathing Ideas
An Idea occured to me while Reading the OCP threads, about ralphing or Zenning to get optimal Corruption reduction...
Firstly let me say that I dont like it. the fact that it exists. Sure taking advantage of a game engine and using this to win is what playing computer games is sometimes about.... but the idea that Firaxis/Sid who-ever thought is was a good idea to make the program run this way in the first place... Hmmmm....c'mon guys.. hello??
Ok never to have a winge without having an answer... heres my solution.. and some added benefits if it was done...
Parent-Child city relationships. The Idea is that Each city when placed has a parent child status. The Capital is obviously the parent for the very next city, but as each city is placed, you can choose either the nearest, second, third or fourth nearest city to be its parent.
The Idea here is that whatever the Parents Corruption level is, Plus the distance, Plus the number of children the parent has... is the new cities corruption level, which can be of course reduced by normal corruption reduction means.
Also having a road connecting Parent to child (or railroad) will reduce the distance for corruption.
Here are some Benefits: Firstly it wont matter where you place your cities, and some obscure mathmatical formula makes a city with a direct road to the capital and no neaby cities having crippling corruption. This includes sea travel. A distant sea side town with port, where the capital city is a Port town itself, counts as only 1 city away for the purposes of produce distribution (which is the reason for having the corruption in real-terms) and only the distance (non roads until navigation or other applicable tech)
Ok, Second benefit... Resource paths. IMO 1 grapes should not give an automatic +1 happy face in ALL cities, only in the closest city and a certain distance say 5 cities total per resource-following the parent-child plan. some later technologies/buildings could enhance this, for example market place in the parent city (or each parent city) allows the resource +1 city access, same for bank etc etc, also refridgeration would allow all cities.
BUT cities that combine tech, buildings and resources could boost this score... AND make new resources for trade..
e.g. Local Town A has access to 'Grapes' and so does the closest (according to parent/child relationship), 5 cities. Any of these cities could make a Cooper and Wine Maker, which would Now produce 5 cities worth of 'Barrels of Wine' as a new resource. This can be used for happiness or traded to other nations.
Other applications
Both Copper and Tin, and some version of Blacksmith/smelter would be needed to produce the resouce Bronze.. Then adding a Weaponsmith to produce a specialty troop unit.. similar to having a barracks to make upgraded troops, you'd have some other building to allow certain troops to be built, upgraded version of certain specific troops or something.
Ok enough with my wish list... I know this Parent-child relationship is actually very very easy to do in programming language, probably easier than the corruption algorithm that they have now.