View Poll Results: What Technology should we go for after Monotheism?
2 |
14.29% |
7 |
50.00% |
0 |
0% |
3 |
21.43% |
0 |
0% |
1 |
7.14% |
Other (assumes we get further technologies from huts with prerequisites)
0 |
0% |
Forget Science, War is the only answer
1 |
7.14% |
Potassium (Bananas)
0 |
0% |
July 1, 2003, 17:39
Local Time: 23:54
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Science: Next Technology
First of all, thanks to Atawa for passing along a civilization which has gained 19 techs during his reign as Science Minister. I can only hope that during my term in office that the Imperium can do half as well.
While our knowledge has come in large part from the infidels living in huts, I beleive that we will very soon "invent" ways in which we will surpass these hut people, rendering their attempts to pass knowledge to us useless.
However, should they impart the knowledge we are currently seeking (Monotheism) then we will need to have another choice of technology for our scientists to pursue. Alternatively, through some minor miracle, our tech rate could improve to a point of allowing us to complete our research of Monotheism, which would also mean we would need to choose our next technology to research.
Our esteemed King Shade requires the direction of YOU, the people, and in order for me to give him the most informed decision, I ask for your opinion in which technology we should be going for next.
Science Minister
Edit: I forgot to put a time limit, so unless H Tower edits this poll, it should have a 2 day timeout, to give King Shade time to receive the results prior to playing Friday
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Last edited by Sparrowhawk; July 1, 2003 at 18:38.
July 1, 2003, 18:15
Local Time: 23:54
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I have calculated the odds of getting each of the technologies we have the prerequisites to and they are as follows:
Chemistry - 29/93 = 31.18%
Chivalry - 1/93 = 1.08%
Economics - 11/93 = 11.83%
Invention - 16/93 = 17.20%
Monotheism - 17/93 = 18.28%
Navigation - 2/93 = 2.15%
Sanitation - 17/93 = 18.28%
* Note: Once Invention is discovered, no huts will produce Scrolls of Wisdom
The past is history. Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.
July 1, 2003, 21:28
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Re: Science: Next Technology
Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
First of all, thanks to atawa for passing along a civilization which has gained 19 techs during his reign as Science Minister. I can only hope that during my term in office that the Imperium can do half as well.
What can I say, the hutgods were good to us
I voted Invention, we dont realy need the other tech right now so lets go for the big hutmoney to build up our army
July 1, 2003, 21:58
Local Time: 23:54
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If we get invention and stop the tech huts, will that mean we will get more barbarians from huts? We'll lose a lot of exploring units that way...
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July 1, 2003, 22:12
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This quote is taken from Sampson's thread in the Great Library:
Originally posted by Sampson:
Invention Rule
Once a Civ acquires Invention, the Scrolls outcome is suppressed and its chance is added to Gold. The outcome ratio becomes 1:2:1:0:1 in TGMSB order.
The page can be found here:
A Study of Hut Outcomes
The past is history. Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.
July 2, 2003, 00:48
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i like Atawas idea..... time to pay for the war machine, losing units is just a part of hut chasing...besides were likely to get a few huts before invention comes our way, meaning we may get a few more freebies before its all over
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July 2, 2003, 07:22
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Great to see a Science Minister is doing lotsa research to keep us at the forefront of military tehnology! If there're any threads I should be aware of as Foreign Affairs Minister, let me know as, although I have scanned through the strat forum, I haven't read everything.
I oppose Invention for the reason that, if we have it, we may get a few hundred gold from a dozen huts, whereas we can expect around 2 techs from the same number of huts in the same time. Techs for FREE.
Furthermore, gold to buy an army will not help us until we have the tech for good forces - would you rather spend production and gold now to build Horseman or build Crusaders shortly, or with the aid of huts get our way closer to Cavalry quicker? A large army from units built now will not help us against the civs we discover in 50-100 turns.
I say we hold off on Invention, especially since the gold from huts invested into Libraries and Universities will do little to help our tech at our size, whereas a single scroll gives us one with no effort, allowing us to divert trade into gold sooner in the future.
There is the possibility also we will get Invention from a hut shortly anyway, and we may as well try to get the most out of a great feature of huts whilst we can, by not targetting that tech.
Science is our key - technological superiority will give us the edge, not by using bought units from a less advanced time. The more we can do to get Science quicker the better - hence the establishement of Newton.
I vote for Chivalry, helping us towards the better Cavalry forms. Thus once we DO get Invention we can move more quickly to Leadership and Tactics, which will benefit us far more in the future when we know our enemies, as opposed to Knights and Crusaders now, which will only be effective against our current foes. The sooner we get there the better prepared we will be for the wars we have committed to.
July 2, 2003, 11:10
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 well said MWIA.
Our technological lead is not that substantial, lets exploit these wonderfully inventive heatherns as long as we can.
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July 2, 2003, 11:16
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I voted Chemistry, on the path to Explosives (and Engineers - on a map of this size and style, we'll need a lot of roads). But really, Chivalry would be OK as well. Invention kills the hut techs, so let's avoid that.
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July 2, 2003, 18:29
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would you rather spend production and gold now to build Horseman or build Crusaders shortly, or with the aid of huts get our way closer to Cavalry quicker?
We will need to improve our science base to get Calvary, since the only tech 'on the path' left to get is Chivalry.
Looking at the percentages, we are far more likely to get Monotheism than Chivalry, so let's keep popping the huts.
BTW- once we discover Engineering, the next hut will contain Invention! So let's hope we get Monotheism, otherwise we will have to begin the Xin to improve our science base.
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July 2, 2003, 21:22
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Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man
I voted Chemistry, on the path to Explosives (and Engineers - on a map of this size and style, we'll need a lot of roads). But really, Chivalry would be OK as well. Invention kills the hut techs, so let's avoid that.
I agree with these enlightened comments, roads will help our mighty armies get to the action faster.
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July 3, 2003, 23:14
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Though this poll contained an error in it (two if you count the fact that I forgot to give it a time limit), I am not about to point it out to you.
I am now considering it closed, as the King wishes to continue the slaughter of innocents,  oops, I mean Greeks/Romans on Friday.
Clearly the people beleive that if we should be fortunate enough to discover Monotheism (likely from a hut) that we should choose Chivalry as our next technology.
The people have spoken. Now if only we are successful in increasing our science rate to a point where my position is actually meaningful.
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July 3, 2003, 23:39
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Patience, Sparrowhawk; Science will become very important soon enough. But in the innocence that precedes that, allow us to enjoy the simple military pleasures of attacking our enemies and capturing or obliterating their cities with the units we have at the moment.
They will soon become obsolete, so we might as well use them while they are influential, and Science is the method for discovering the new techs that will give us the better units in the future.
Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
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July 4, 2003, 04:40
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Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
...the King wishes to continue the slaughter of innocents, oops, I mean Greeks/Romans on Friday.
 That soon! OK - better get on to things when I get home shortly.
July 8, 2003, 00:03
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