Originally posted by Oerdin
How come you never PMed me about the meeting? I guess I'll have to wait for the next Tahoe vacation.
Didn't even know this thread was still "alive."
I didn't PM you because we never made it to Sac-Town and by the end of the vacation (the last 4 days, actually), Laura and I were exhausted from watching Sophie tool around in a totally un-babyproofed house, and kind of in a funk about the whole situation. It wasn't an easy vacation, and the idea of going to Sacramento and back in that 5-speed manual POS just made me nauseous.
We'll probably do San Fran/San Jose within a couple of years - Laura and I like big cities with lots of (recent) history, and those two fit our bill rather nicely. Sacramento is probably closer to San Fran than Reno, the mountains are likely nowhere near as bad, we'll have a nicer car, plus we won't have my uncle cast a pall over the entire situation.
mrmitchell: Of course there is. Or there will be, if there isn't one now.