We do not yet have the votes for a permanent pact with Hive. That could
change at any minute; the vote difference between a less permanent
arrangement and the pact you have proposed is one vote, at current.
There are at least four votes not yet cast and a couple of the ones cast
might yet be changed.
However, as I say, there is not sufficient support to enter into a
permanent pact at this time.
We counterpropose a less permanent arrangement with the potential to
evolve into a permanent one.
The Foreman's Proposal, meant as a working document:
Hive - Drones Pact agreement
Preface: This document provides the overal framework for a Hive - Drones
pact. While it does not extend to an agreement to fully work together for
a shared victory and while towards the end of the game a situation where
a final winner among the two involved parties need to be found could
result, it is created on the assumption that both involved parties are in
the near and mid term best served by peaceful and cooperative
co-existence and by helping ensure the prosperity of both involved
1.0 Conditions
1.a - This pact is intended to further the chances of victory for both
involved factions by creating trade income and an environment where
resources are not wasted guarding against each other and where trades of
information or technology can occur without needing to fear this
information/technology will shortly after be used against oneself.
1.b - Sovereignty of each factions starting continent. Bases or crawlers
cannot use the other factions continent. Unpopped pods on the others
continent or in the water on the coastal line or inside a bases radius
should be left alone by the other faction.
1.c - Trades will occur when agreed upon by both factions
1.d - Units in the other factions territory must be withdrawn if
1.e - Factions are allowed differing foreign policy. However, each
factions foreign policy should be transparent to the other faction.
1.f - When trading of units, techs, comm frequencies and other useful
information with a faction that is an enemy of either Drones or the Hive,
the other faction must agree to the exchange. An enemy is defined as a
faction where the current diplomatic state is that of war.
1.g - The pact will run for minimum 50 turns from the time unless both
parties agree to end it beforehand.
1.h - Notice of termination must be given minimum 10 turns in advance.
1.i - Each faction is free to pursue its own goal of victory including
making other alliances.
1.j - The Hive will not found coastal bases that contend for sea
resources with existing Drone coastal bases and Drones will not make
coastal bases that contend with existing Hive Bases for coastal
1.k - SPs close to completion by one faction should not be rush built by
the other faction. Close to completion means expected to complete in
three turns or less with current production.
1.l - Sea bases should not be founded closer than 5 squares from the
coast of the other factions continent.
2.0 Issues that can be addressed during course of the pact
2.a - The initial terms of the pact can be amended by an agreement from
both factions.
2.b - Connecting the two starting continents requires approval from both
factions. Pre land raising borders will continue to hold in the agreement
of territorial rights.
2.c - Important issues not covered by the pact or inadequately covered
are addressed by a 1 faction 1 vote system. If the two decisions differ
the factions will agree to disagree.
2.d - Issues of lesser importance can determined by (hive percentage vote
* 0.5) + (drone percentage vote * 0.5). Either the hive chairman or drone
foreman can decide at any time whether an issue is important.
3.0 Expected Behaviour
3.a - Expected behaviour is not a rule, just a recommendation.
3.b - Both drones and hive should send reinforcements in the event of an
invasion of the home continent.
3.c - Research plans should be coordinated.
3.d - The pact and terms of the pact should remain hidden as long as
possible to reduce undue attention from the other factions. In case of
breach of rules by one party the other party is however free publish the
contract as well the details of the breach.
3.e - The hive and drones should attempt to assist each other in war.
3.f - The hive and drones should be open about their relations with and
plans for other factions.
3.g - Transparency should be kept at a high level to avoid mutual
suspicion building up. Particularly if large scale millitary preparations
are occuring.
3.h - Underhanding dealings or circumventing maneuvers, though maybe not
in direct violation of a particular paragraph but clearly violating its
spirit should be avoided. Examples of such would be but are not limited
* Feeding information, technology or units to a third party well
knowing it will then by the third party be forwarded to an enemy or
well knowing the third party is preparing millitary action towards
the pact-brother.
* Attemts of deception - such as pretending that diplomatic relations
with a third faction are other than what they actually are.
* Withholding knowledge of imminent millitary action towards the the
pact brother by a third party.
* Taking steps to diplomatically isolate the pact brother.
3.i - In the case one factions enters an agreement with a third faction
that includes shared victory this should be clearly told to the other
We can get our next discovery in 2125 regardless of Pact commerce or
radical allocation of energy. Indeed, we need not unbalance at all to
achieve that date, we need merely to move two workers to undeveloped
energy special tiles for a couple of turns. (Living Standard and Anvil of
Man...Buster? )
The big question is whether you will accept a lesser pact and whether you
still wish to work cooperatively toward Industrial Automation with that
lesser pact in place. Against the possibility that you will and that you
do, we will accept the pact as offered in the box this turn. We will
move those workers as described above. If we are in agreement, accept
the Pact, then send Physics accepted or put Physics in and accept. If
you do the second, we will not gain commerce (small as it is) in 2123.
If you do the first, we will. (Bold type is for Buster's benefit.
