This game is totally based off of UKNESIV: Global Destiny, and I take no credit for it. Full credit should go to UKNemesis.
If UKnemesis disagrees with me running this game, then I will fully close this nes. Though I don't think he will care much
This is a complete copy of the rules of UKNESIV. Again, I take no credit for it.
Here is a link to the map sections which you can use for getting the names of countries. I will be using a smaller map to show political changes (invading of nations mostly), and it will be updated once a week most likely:
Btw, that is not my map or site.
Right, now we get to the good bits.
Combat will be moderated by me, since I'm not playing. It's not going to be the random roll the dice rubbish, I'm going to actually work out the combat(don't worry, I'm not going to be defence biased, or offence biased, I will just do an honest job of it).
[You can only invade once per turn. You cant fight two battles.]
Neutral nations WILL have their own armies, which I will work out when you attack them(I'm not going to bother keeping track of all those armies, but I will work out how many troops they have based on how many turns they've been alive and how much they are worth, just like you do).
Land units can move ONE country per turn. A turn is one day. For each turn, you get the number of credits(see above) for each nation, plus 3 credits extra per factory you have.
Sea units can move ONE ocean per turn, and air units can move TWO countries per turn, or ONE ocean per turn(must move from a country, through an ocean straight to another country, can't stay over the ocean without an aircraft carrier).
That means a land unit can move to a neighbouring country in one turn, a sea unit can move to a neighbouring ocean in one turn, and an air unit can move two countries in one turn, or cross the ocean straight to another country in one turn.
In this thread you must post your income, your buys each turn(basically update it every turn) and your units and buildings and their locations and orders.
See this [this is my thread in JNES over at civfanatics. Based on this. May give you some ideas.)
[It's best for the look and feel of the game to post the maps and flags like shown in all those threads. Go here for a good site to get those maps and flags:]
You must post your regular orders and your attack orders here, and I will post the result as soon as I can. Taking time to do tactics and plans make your results usually a lot better.
You begin with the amount of credits that your country is worth.
Here is the units and buildings list(cost is in brackets):
Nations markesd with an N can build nuclear missiles, nations without must research them
Infantry Division(3 credits)
Good in defence, poor in attack. The basic infantry unit, with trucks and support units.
Mechanised Infantry Division(5 credits)
Excellent in defence, okay in attack. Better infantry unit, equipped with armoured personnel carriers. Include support units.
Armoured Division(7 credits)
Excellent in attack, poor in defence. The basic tank unit, with support units.
Artillery Division(3 credits)
Poor in defence and attack, but can bombard neighbouring nations(including when you're attacking them), and defend against air attacks. Includes support units.
Special Forces Division(10 credits)
Good in attack and defence, can attack factories in secret missions(must be PMed to me), with a risk of being caught(nationality only revealed if caught). Includes support units. Able to attack anywhere on the map.
Fighter Squadron(7 credits)
Your basic fighter squadron, including support units. Excellent in defence, okay in attack. Examples include the F-22 and the F-15.
Close Air Support Squadron(5 credits)
Provides air support to your land forces, and includes support units. Poor in defence, but good in attack. Excellent against land units. Examples include the F-16 and the A-10.
Naval Air Wing(10 credits)
Can be based on aircraft carriers or land. The only unit able to be based on aircraft carriers(the other air units must cross the ocean straight away, and can't land on carriers). Good in defence and attack. Examples include the Harrier and the F-14. Comes with support units.
Gunship Squadron(5 credits)
Your basic attack helicopter unit, supports land units or attacks targets. Okay in defence and attack. Comes with support units. Examples include the Apache, the Comanche and the Hind.
Bomber Squadron(12 credits)
Your basic bomber squadron, comes with support units. Can carry 1 tactical nuke. Good in attack on ground and sea targets, poor against aircraft and defending. Can bombard. The main example is the B-52.
Stealth Bomber Squadron(15 credits)
Can only be hit by air units. Excellent against ground targets, poor against sea and air targets. Also poor in defending. Includes support units. Examples include the F-117 and the B-2. Can carry 1 tactical nuke.
Stealth Fighter Squadron(10 credits)
Is a true stealth fighter, unlike the F-117. Can only be hit by air units, and includes support units. Good in attack, excellent in defence. The best example is the F-19.
Aeroplane Transport Squadron(7 credits)
Can transport 3 divisions, and then move them using the air units movement rules. Transporting is the only way land units can move across the ocean. Poor in attack and defence. Includes support units.
Transport Fleet(10 credits)
Can carry 5 divisions. Poor in attack and defence. Includes support units.
Helicopter Transport Squadron(5 credits)
Can transport 1 division, moving the same as the aeroplane transport squadron. Poor in attack and defence. Includes support units, and the best example is the Chinook.
Aircraft Carrier(25 credits)
Can be used a base by naval aircraft wings. Is empty to begin with. It can carry three naval aircraft wings. Poor in attack, good in defence.
Aegis Cruiser(15 credits)
Can shoot down incoming missiles that may hit the fleet. Okay in attack, good in defence. Excellent against air units.
Destroyer(12 credits)
Good in attack, okay in defence, good against air units. Carries Tomahawk cruise missiles and Harpoons.
Frigate(10 credits)
Poor in attack, good in defence, excellent against submarine units.
Corvette(5 credits)
Okay against all units.
Missile submarine(10 credits)
Can carry 2 tactical nukes(must be bought) and Tomahawk cruise missiles. Poor in defence and attack.
Attack submarine(5 credits)
Carries torpedoes and Harpoon anti-ship missiles. Good in attack and defence.
Nuclear submarine(15 credits)
Can carry 1 tactical nuke(must be bought), Tomahawk cruise missiles, Harpoon anti-ship missiles and torpedoes. Good in attack, excellent in defence.
ICBM bunker(50 credits)
Can hold and fire up to four ICBMs at a time(must be bought).
Anti-missile system(25 credits)
Has a good chance of shooting down incoming ICBMs and tactical nukes in the province it is built.
Factory(Your income per turn + 3 credits)
Factories cost what you make per turn(doesn't include banked money) and increase your income by 3 credits. You may have more than one per country.
Nuclear Research (Your income for one turn)
You can then build nuclear missiles
Tactical nuke(10 credits)
Can only be moved on units which can carry it. Can only hit countries next to the ocean that the submarine is in, or the one that the bomber drops it in. See below for details of what nukes do.
ICBM(25 credits)
Can hit any country in the world. Must be in an ICBM bunker. See below for nuke rules.
Nuclear missiles
Nuclear missiles, if they hit successfully, destroy all factories in the country they hit, and reduce its income by 1 to 3 credits(for a tactical nuke) and 1 to 5 credits for an ICBM. You may also aim nukes at armies, fleets or air bases, in the hope of destroying enemy forces. The amount of damage done depends on many factors.
Right, here is the list of nations, in order of how many credits they are worth to begin with(you may choose any to rule, but I suggest only taking those in the 4 credit section at the least, best bet would be to take a richer nation.