New exploit of great power; attention CMNs
Now, we all know that there's a pretty big amount of bugs and possible exploits to use in SMAC games, PBEM or IP MP. It has been agreed by players and the moderators to make these bugs and exploits illegal, and the generalised list is available by CMNs at request, I believe.
Now, though, a new exploit has been found that is, I believe, much worse than the majority of known ones, AND pretty hard to detect, although possible. However, unless turns are watched carefully, the cheating player might just win the game in a seemingly normal fashion.
The exploit allows a player to construct something expensive at one of his bases, and then, the turn he gets that thing finished, he can also finish production at any other bases. For instance, a player with 12 bases, and one of them completes the Impact Rover prototype, he can also finish production at all of his other bases, getting out a few formers, Recycling Tanks and whatnot.
Of course, use of this bug as excessive as finishing, say, 5 Secret Projects the same turn is obviou, but, if not overused, this bug is hard to detect, unless a moderator is watching production of all bases carefully.
This exploit is present both in the latest versions of vanilla SMAC and SMAX, and is tested. I will, however, not be describing a way to use it.
If anyone here, especially CMNs, needs more information, you are welcome to PM me, but, once again, I will NOT tell how to actually execute the bug.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man