Originally posted by Asher
This kind of logic is an example of the logic of the Unix community, and precisely why they're not necessarily more secure. 
The true Unixes actually are, because they've had 30+ years to mature and get all the bugs written off. If you looked at the Unixes when they were 10 years old, how old NT is, they were in a far worse state in terms of security than NT is right now.
Keep in mind that Linux is not a Unix...
As for the "Unix" community being more responsible...the person who holds the Unix trademark, SCO, is going around threatening to sue people and trying to charge licenses for Linux (because it "stole" some stuff...) to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, when the people thought what they were getting was free.
Meanwhile, the MS license actually protects the consumer and/or corporation from such practices -- if any legal issue ever comes up regarding Windows, the license states MS will handle the legal matter completely at their cost. They're not left hanging to dry as is the case today with Linux.
Which is more responsible?
Yo, Linux users stop lumping UNIX in with your dorky little toy.
There are LIGHT YEARS of difference between the UNIX and Linux communities.