It's written (c)1995. But we played games with MTG like rules using ordinary cards before.
Diamonds were money (like mana, but it was tech game).
Hearts were health.
Spades were attack.
Combining hearts and spades gives unit (for examle combining 3 hearts+4 spades gives light infantry)
Clubs vere specials and the specials were marked with pen on their bottoms. (for example combining 4 hearts 10 spades and 10 clubs {ranged} gives us heavy artillery) (not all of the combinations had the name, there were just an examples.
The play was on celled table where the "units" moved from "factory" trying to reach enemy factory. Also each unit had his hitpoins simbolized by coins placed on the top of the card. when the units gets hit some of coins are removed. When the unit is repaired the coins are returned.