July 30, 2003, 01:59
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The Glory of Manifestos
It is my dubious pleasure to announce to the world the steps will shall be taken by the Glory of War to fulfill it's military and political objectives in the short term. Our objective is like it has been with our valiant ally Neu Demogyptica, to destroy the nation of Spain due to the long-term threat it represents to the stability of Bob.
Unfortunately, Roleplay's treachery has been manifested once again, by way of the unlikely alliance with the Gathering Storm, an alliance which has seen these two teams coordinate their efforts to hinder our troops in battle.
In a cowardly act, Roleplay has gifted the cities of Santiago, Toledo, Bilbao and New Madrid to the Gathering Storm, with the hope that these cities should not fall into the hands of ND or GoW. Moreover, GS has explicitly threatened us that violation of their new borders in these cities will be considered a hostile act, notwithstanding that accepting these cities and hindering our progress was a hostile act in itself. GS has continued to harrass and sabataoge our war efforts since the beginning of the war and has left us no option but to defend ourselves from their actions.
The gifting of cities, however, has not been one-sided. During the 10 BC turn, GS gifted the city of Inchon to Roleplay only to take it back the next turn. This transaction was initially undetected by both ND and GoW due to the nature of the turn order. It is our suspicion that this move was undertaken to speed the transfer of troops to a transportable location in the south of Stormian territory for possible action against ND or GoW in the future. This at the same time in which GoW was attempting to negotiate a peaceful middle ground in which our team would respect GS's possessions in Bob while at the same time GS not hindering our progress.
It is obvious that GS has never had any peaceful intentions and that it will seek to establish a presence on Bob, regardless of past written agreements, signed in the name of the so-called "honor code" which they claim to uphold. Apparently GS is willing to violate deals and switch sides to its convenience despite appearing to be a team upholding a superior standard of decency and integrity. GS's action has shown that this "honor code" exists only as a figment of their collective imagination, and as a now-useless propaganda tool to try and convince the world that their word is solid as a stone.
Thus, in order to ensure it's own survival, the Glory of War announces that no city gifted to the GS in Bob will be recognized as legitimate Stormian population centers and will be captured and razed at will. Furthermore, any GS troops in southern Bob moved to any position considered hostile to our own movements or assisting Roleplay troops, will be engaged.
Should GS decide to violate the homeland of the Glory of War or Neu Demogyptica, we will consider this as an outright declaration of war between our nations and we will take all necessary actions not only to ensure our survival, but to ensure that the GS has no chance of winning this game up to the point in forfeiting our own victory and sacrificing our nation for the sake of a military or diplomatic victory to an allied team.
This is GS's last chance to refrain from committing what in the long-run is ultimately suicide. We are prepared to give our nation away to ensure victory does not fall in GS's hands. The world is on our side. It is up to you to ensure that the Gathering Storm become a name associated with honor and skill, or that synonymous with treachery and arrogance. For our part, we did all we could to honor our committments, respect your interests and establish cordial relationships. Sadly, GS did not reciprocate in neither of these respects.
In summary:
- The Glory of War will from now on consider any gifted city in Spain as Spanish and will engage any hostile forces in the battlefield regardless of nationality.
- Should GS ignore this manifesto, The Glory of War declares a permanent embargo and a break in relationships with GS.
- Should GS ignore this manifesto, The Glory of War will take all steps necessary to deny victory to GS in this game.
May the path of wisdom be the path you choose.
-Master Zen
Consul of Foreign Affairs for The Glory of War.
A true ally stabs you in the front.
Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)
July 30, 2003, 02:36
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Yeah, whatever. You want it. You got it. You will get no bleating from us.
Bring it on.
(")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.
July 30, 2003, 03:15
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Neu Demogyptica welcomes this manifesto and stand to it's ally the Glory of War in this truely hard times.
Up to this very date we lived in hope that GS was mistaken by us and had not realy planed to ally with treacherous Spain but this hopes were in Vain and if GoW will have to declare war on GS we will do it too.
I can only see one chance for GS to avoid this terrible fate.
Please give all the citys that you have been giftet back to Spain and if they should refuse this to the GoW or ND.
Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team
July 30, 2003, 03:34
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Originally posted by Darekill
Up to this very date we lived in hope that GS was mistaken by us and had not realy planed to ally with treacherous Spain but this hopes were in Vain and if GoW will have to declare war on GS we will do it too.
You mean you will declare war once more?
July 30, 2003, 03:42
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No, if you would have read my Messages thouroughly then you would have understood that up to this date we do not consider us at war with GS though we have this state ingame.
We have taken Santiago but this was an ingame action and we did not declare war on you in public. We claim that Santiago was a spanish city and that we would and will not honor a change of citys to avoid losses of war.
You did not answer the replys and i find it designative that you aready consider yourself as in war with us. You could have told us that earlier.
But judging by your actions so far we realy do not belive that you have any interests in solving this menace in a peaceful way.
Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team
July 30, 2003, 04:48
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Re: The Glory of Manifestos
Originally posted by Master Zen
In a cowardly act,
Note: the following is my personal response, not an official Gathering Storm response.
If you want to talk about cowardly, look no further than your own mirror. Two nations, both with powerful unique units and poised to enter their golden ages, teaming up to conquer a single nation of similar military strength that has neither the advantage of a unique unit nor the advantage of a golden age at present? [Sarcasm] Surely, that must be the greatest act of bravery in the history of the world. [/Sarcasm]
Further, while I admit that Gathering Storm took advantage of an agreement between our teams to favor our interests over yours, was not your entire purpose in requesting the agreement in the first place to manipulate us into acceeding to your interests at the clear expense of our own? You and Neu Demogyptica had already decided to divide Bob between yourselves and, further, had essentially decided that there would be no place for any significant Gathering Storm presence there (if any presence at all). Assuming anything resembling an equal division of Bob, that would have left Gathering Storm with the smallest available land area of anyone but Vox. And you expected us to stand idly by and watch that happen if we could find a way to stop it without breaking our agreements? Under such circumstances, and in light of your own record of rather creative interpretations of agreements, Gathering Storm felt comfortable doing a bit of what could be viewed as creative interpreting of our own.
But we did not attack you, enter your territory, or even interfere with a war you were already involved in in-game. Our actions neither took nor threatened anything you actually owned, or anything you even had a legitimate claim on beyond the fact that had RP tried to make a stand against you, they could not possibly have held against ND and vice versa. I hardly view declaring a two-on-one war as something that grants a moral right to claim another nation's lands and cities!
And we certainly have never signed an agreement that would preclude our ever establishing a presence on Bob, especially when one of the native nations of Bob has invited us to do so. Nor is our presence on Bob inherently hostile to you, although you seem intent on making it such.
If you are intent on battle at the expense of peace between us, we offer you the opportunity and the challenge of honorable combat, two nations against two nations. If you are what you pretend to be, surely you can view that as reasonable without threats of going out of your way to take us down with you if you lose. But your post here paints an entirely different image of the so-called "Glory of War," an image of cowards who only dare fight two versus one and who are willing to resort to extortion rather than risk something resembling a fair fight.
What's the matter? You and ND already have the head start of ND's having conquered some RP cities and of RP's having had to give other cities to us to prevent them from falling (thereby dramatically reducing those cities' production). Is Glory of War not willing to accept an honorable fight, even with that kind of head start and with your side having golden ages and powrful UUs and our side not, without resorting to threats of "If we go down, we're taking you down with us"?
July 30, 2003, 04:56
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Originally posted by Darekill
I can only see one chance for GS to avoid this terrible fate.
Please give all the citys that you have been giftet back to Spain and if they should refuse this to the GoW or ND.
And then what? Find ourselves reduced to the second smallest civ in the game in available land area?
July 30, 2003, 05:08
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Actually GS was very interested to be part of a 3:1 coalition aginst rp  but obviously rp decided to give you all the cities for free... now rp has friends which probably are more dangerous than GoW and ND together... About the history: RP tried to get the biggest part of Bob and of everything here... they knew the risks and they never cared about it... now they have to fight or they have to talk but they dont have to give their cities and their population away to GS.
master zen!
Consul of the Republic of Neu Demogyptica
See our official announcements HERE!
July 30, 2003, 05:40
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Borc, who is more gulity of trying to gain a disproportionate share of land, RP earlier in the game or you and GoW now trying to divide Bob between just the two of you? Obviously, you didn't learn from RP's alleged mistake.
July 30, 2003, 05:54
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It is my opinion that Nathan is both wrong and right.
Nathan is wrong to harp on the concept of a 'disproportionate share of land'. After all, we are all playing a game where players are divided into teams and strive to have fun and to achieve victory, and the likeliest method of victory in PBEMs of this nature is by conquering two thirds of the world - doubtlessly, a "disproportionate" share of land for one civ to control, but this is why it's called victory.
However, Nathan is right to suggest that GoW and ND couldn't have possibly expected GS to sit idly while GoW and ND divided amongst themselves a continent that is more than three times larger than Stormia (according to tile count).
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
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July 30, 2003, 06:00
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Cowards? Huh MZ?....
Seriously made me laugh my butt off!!!
RP could have handled either ND or GoW one on one no doubt. But noooo. GoW and ND are the kind of girls that need to bring their friends with them to the bathroom or at least to a fight.
GS has been nothing but honorable. To suggest that GS has been anything but is ludicrous.
The kind of Diplomacy you use on other teams won't work on GS or RP; go fly a kite.
July 30, 2003, 06:25
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Haven't we been over the whole bravery/cowardice thing?
IMHO, GoW was wise to have started a war where the odds were grossly in their favor. IMHO, GS was wise to have intervened in the war on Bob, because no intervention would literally mean forfeiting any chances of winning the game.
GS was diplomatically outmaneuvered by GoW when they got us into a NAP and then told us that they're going to gangbang RP, and they don't want us to gain any hold on Bob but perhaps we would kindly send a few galleys to RP's shore to freak them out (but get no real reward out of it but promises, which GoW doesn't have much of a record at keeping). So GS was left with little choice but to return the same to GoW, and diplomatically outmaneuver them.
Obviously the diplomatic phase is over. I suggest that we act accordingly and stop hurling words at each other, and start hurling sharp objects instead.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
July 30, 2003, 06:41
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Way too many words in response to a big pile of bull.... Moooooooooooooooo!  And if I take a look at the author, he has that bull even as civgroup icon. With his butt in the right direction.
July 30, 2003, 06:48
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If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
July 30, 2003, 07:13
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Originally posted by BigFree
GoW and ND are the kind of girls that need to bring their friends with them to the bathroom
GoW you suck, whining when things don't go your way and then promising to do everything you can to stop one team from winning. Have some dignity FFS.
July 30, 2003, 07:49
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Re: Re: The Glory of Manifestos
Last edited by GhengisFarb™; July 30, 2003 at 21:40.
July 30, 2003, 08:01
Civ4: Colonization Content Editor
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Re: Re: Re: The Glory of Manifestos
Originally posted by GhengisFarb
GS and ND will have to resettle the south in an effective way to utilize the land, those Spanish idiots certainly were horrible city planners.....
I just had to quote this, to prevent Ghengis from editing it. Great debating style! I applaud, Glory of Broken Vows!
July 30, 2003, 08:09
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GoW, you guys are funny  . You may want to try to convince the world about how dishonorable we are, when all of the previous GoW deals were in some way violated by GoW, not by us. OTOH, it takes serious stretching of truth to try to convince anyone that we broke a treaty...
If you would read your own reply, you even contradict yourself: we would have suggested to you that you should take RP, by signing a deal and discussing it about 6-7 turns ago, when you were preparing for RP targets for over 10+ turns?
Right.  Never mind, GF... stop whining, this war is not going to be so easy as the RP gangbang you set out for. Sorry, too bad. It was your choice, so bring it on!
July 30, 2003, 08:14
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That's the spirit!
This is war, not the senate. Back up your words with sticks and stones, not more words. Long speeches and silly arguments and sticky propaganda don't contribute much to the fun element in this game, I reckon.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
July 30, 2003, 08:18
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Last edited by GhengisFarb™; July 30, 2003 at 21:41.
July 30, 2003, 08:47
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 at GoW.
Sorry, fellas, for a team that opening gloated about using loopholes in agreements, you don't have a leg to stand on.
NAP = Non Agression Pact. No more, no less. We have not taken aggressive action against you. We have not violated your territory. We have not attacked your units. You can try and twist this any way you want, but we aren't the deal breakers here.
Christ! We didn't even NEED a loophole. You got us to sign a NAP with you. Fine. They we, via diplomatic means, acquire cities you coveted for yourselves. Perhaps if you hadn't dilly-dallied with those pretty little Riders, you'd have them by now. But no, we acquired them first - WHICH I REMIND YOU COULD VERY WELL HAVE HAPPENED IF WE HAD COME IN ON YOUR SIDE.
I understand your frustration. Things didn't work out the way you wanted. If that means you're going to attack us - STFU AND DO IT ALREADY!
Bring it. The Armies of the Storm stand ready.
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
July 30, 2003, 08:51
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Top 5 alternatinve names for Glory of War
5. Glory of Wimps
4. Glory of ugly Women
3. Glory of Whinning
2. Glory of Wuss
1. Glory of Weasels
Disclaimer: .......usual stuff.. personal opinion etc...
Are we having fun yet?
July 30, 2003, 08:51
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I love reading these trash threads
Two things though.....
Originally posted by notyoueither
Yeah, whatever. You want it. You got it. You will get no bleating from us.
Bring it on.
Please... we tried to ensure that it would never come to this.
We did deals before we attacked.
And we attempted to negotiate when you accepted the gifted cities.
Our only fault was that we did relied on the GS honour code that they would keep their word. We assumed they would not take aggresive acts against us. That was our only mistake.
Originally posted by nbarclay
But we did not attack you, enter your territory, or even interfere with a war you were already involved in in-game.
Can someone please get Nathan up to date. GS claim they got RP cities through their great diplomacy only. It must of had nothing to do with our Riders and ND's Ansars sitting at RP's borders.
Explain then, how accepting gifted cities right before we were about to attack is not interfereing with our war. How denying us passage through the cities is not interfereing with our war.
Good Grief
"No Comment"
July 30, 2003, 08:54
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Can't we just go down to the battlefield and fight a bit?
I'm not sure that ND and GoW will win this. I'm not sure RP and GS will win. I hope we can prevent that from happening.
But it is quite obvious that GS had plans to get a big chunk of Borconia anyway. So you guys should not take our War as a excuse for the invasion. Just say that you are after a domination victory and it is all right with me. We will try to prevent that of course but we understand it.
On the other Hand it is also obvious that ND and GoW want to expand. The Situation on Borconia left no doubt that there would be a two on one war anyway only the constellation was not plain to see. Most likely and most feared by ND was the alliance between RP and GoW. RP should ask themselves how this odd alliance could happen between GoW and ND which was not easy to predict at first. There are reasons for that.
The next point is how our Neighbors the remaining two teams fit in this powerplay. Vox is beaten up a bit. they still have some power but they have other things to do now then mingle in a war that does not take place on their new continent. Legos has obviously all the time in the world to sit back and watch the spectaculum. They can decide on which point they deem one of the combatants is likely to win and intervenve on the side of the losing party. this will ensure their large continent will be sufficient to win either by spacerace or by outproducing the other Nations.
So tell me if you don't agree but remain honest. This is my point of view and I'm almost sure that I'm not so wrong. All the other horsecrap of honor and keeping contracts and beeing in the right seen from the view of a dubious moral does not count. This is a game. It is a game about power and might it is brutal and cold. We can make out of it what we want. We can play it nice and easy and claim all are victoryous if we manage to play without wars and end it peacefull or we can try to prove our skills on the battlefield by fighting each other. I've already used to many words to express that I#m fed up by semimoralist arguments from anysides. I'm pretty sure that no one is as coldblooded in Real Life then he is here in this game so come on be as mean as you think you need to be but stopp telling lies that no one will belive!
Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team
July 30, 2003, 08:58
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Re: The Glory of Manifestos
Originally posted by Master Zen
- Should GS ignore this manifesto, The Glory of War will take all steps necessary to deny victory to GS in this game.
Are you telling us that you were allowing GS to win the game?
"Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
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July 30, 2003, 09:02
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Originally posted by Darekill
You did not answer the replys and i find it designative that you aready consider yourself as in war with us. You could have told us that earlier.
It is curious that you ask them to tell you that you are in war, because you didn't told us that we were in war until you were ready to strike. If you don't act with honour don't expect the enemy to act with honour.
"Never trust a man who puts your profit before his own profit." - Grand Nagus Zek, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, episode 11
"A communist is someone who has read Marx and Lenin. An anticommunist is someone who has understood Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
July 30, 2003, 09:03
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Can't we just go down to the battlefield and fight a bit?
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
July 30, 2003, 09:08
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Originally posted by Darekill
I've already used to many words to express that I#m fed up by semimoralist arguments from anysides. I'm pretty sure that no one is as coldblooded in Real Life then he is here in this game so come on be as mean as you think you need to be but stopp telling lies that no one will belive!
For God's sake listen to this man, people!
If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
July 30, 2003, 09:10
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Originally posted by Hot_Enamel
We did deals before we attacked.
And we attempted to negotiate when you accepted the gifted cities.
Even from GoW's POV, I'm sure you had realized that the offers that you've made us were garbage.
Darekill:  You expressed exactly what was on my mind.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
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July 30, 2003, 09:13
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 @ Darekill.
As if you used my own words...
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