Just got back and finished this game - I see no one else has posted yet - so there is no rush to get it done by the 31st - just enjoy it....
Gentlemen, my poor effort ...
Civ II - 2.42
Launch - 1830
Landing - 1845
Monarchy - 1850BC
Republic - 325BC
Democracy - AD780
Colossus - 1800BC
Shakespeare's Theatre - 225BC
Copernicus' Observatory - AD120
Isaac Newton's College - AD740
Darwin's Voyage - AD1778
Apollo Program - AD1782
Trade #1 - 650BC
Trade #2 - 550BC
Trade #3 - 425BC
Trade - 1100BC
Construction - 500BC
Sanitation - AD580
Refrigeration - AD1280
Automobile - AD1600
Computers - AD1764
Space Flight - AD1780
Size 8 - 200BC
Size 12 - 100BC
Size 24 (max) - AD1770
4000BC - hut: Horseman; hut: 50g
3900BC -
Gitsville founded (49,39)
3800BC - Fruit now has road
3650BC -
Bronze Working->Ceremonial Burial
3500BC - Warrior; Size 2
3350BC -
Ceremonial Burial->Alphabet
3200BC - Warrior#2; both river/grass squares now irrigated; Meet (pathetic) Carthaginians, refuse offer of Warrior Code, gift Bronze & CB, alliance; We are Supreme!
3100BC - Size 3; celebration impossible

3000BC - Warrior#3; Barb landing, 2 Archers + King next to Whale sweet spot; Start large statue
2950BC -
Alphabet->Code of Laws
2800BC - Carthage discovered
2700BC - Barb King captured, 150g

2650BC - Horseman now holds wooded choke point
2600BC - Size 4; celebration still not possible
2500BC - Rivered Fruit becomes Silk - celebration now possible, but not cost effective
2450BC -
Code of Laws->Monarchy (10 turns)
2400BC - Carts discover Mysticism - hmmm; Sioux destroyed by Barbs
2100BC - Keep Carts sweet with tech gifts; Egyptians start Pyramids
1950BC -
1900BC - Revolution
1850BC - Monarchy established; 50% lux for celebration; rush statue - thanks Barb King
1800BC - Colossus; celebration; hold celebration @ 30% lux; start Temple
1750BC - Americans start Pyramids
1700BC - second Fruit turned to Silk, now 17 beakers/turn
1600BC -
Writing->Currency; Temple changed to Library
1400BC - Carts develop Pottery
1350BC -
Currency->Trade; Size 5; lux @ 40% to retain celebration

1300BC - Library completed, Marketplace started
1200BC - Carts come calling to gift us 50g

(the treasury was 3g at this point!)
1100BC -
Trade->Literacy; Swap Monarchy for
Mysticism with the Carts
1000BC - rush MP - broke again
0975BC - MarketPlace - can reduce lux to 30%
0900BC -
0875BC - Thebes builds Pyramids, Americans abandon
0850BC - Caravan#1 built
0800BC - Carts develop Map Making
0750BC - Carts acquire Seafaring
0725BC -
Medicine->Masonry; Caravan#2 built; Swap Philosophy for
Map Making with Carts; Swap Maps with Carts; they gift us 50g
0650BC - Egyptians start Gardens; Carts at war with Zulus; Dye-Carthage: 58g, 4T
0625BC - Size 6, celebration maintained @ 20% lux
0600BC - Caravan#3 built
0575BC -
Masonry->Construction; rush Temple
0550BC - Temple; Spice(d)-Utica: 168g, 4T
0500BC -
Construction->The Republic
0475BC - Carts start on Gardens
0450BC - Carts develop Feudalism
0425BC - Wine(d)-Carthage: 160g, 4T
0400BC -
The Republic->Mathematics; 75g from Carts
0350BC - Revolution
0325BC - Republic established
0275BC - Size 7
0250BC - sell Temple
0225BC - Shakespeare's Theatre
0200BC - Size 8
0175BC - Aqueduct; Size 9;
0150BC - Size 10
0125BC - Size 11
0100BC - Size 12 - lux to 0%
0075BC - Egyptians switched to cope's from Wall

0050BC - 50g from Carts
0025BC - Carts have Iron Working

A.D. 1 - 50g from Carts
AD0020 - Carts at war with Egypt

AD0040 - 50g from Carts - Cope's is safe
AD0060 - Three Barb archers land surrounding my choke horseman; Horse kills one Archer and becomes vet, but ...; 50g from Carts
AD0120 - Copernicus' Observatory, Egyptians abandon

AD0160 -
University->Theory of Gravity
AD0200 - University; Zulus destroyed by French
AD0220 - Barbarian uprising 4 Chariots, 5 Horse and a King oops!
Theory of Gravity->Horseback Riding
AD0300 -
Horseback riding->The Wheel
AD0340 - Barb King captured
AD0360 -
The Wheel->Engineering
AD0380 - Unfriendly looking yellow elephant starts stamping in my back garden - rush City Walls
AD0420 - Give many techs to nasty yellow Ellie, but gain Peace and Maps; 25g from the Carts; Egyptians swap
Iron working for The Republic
AD0440 -
Engineering->Bridge Building (Sanitation not offered); Hides(d)-Malaca: 260g, 7T
AD0500 -
Bridge Building->Sanitation; Greeks gift 100g
AD0580 -
AD0600 - Sewer System; celebration
AD0620 - Size 13 - this may not last lonf - the Barbs made a mess of my irrigation
AD0640 - Size 14; Bank; Gold(d)-Caralis: 288g, 8T
AD0660 - Size 15;
AD0680 - Size 16 - that's it no more food

AD0740 -
Democracy->Gunpowder; Isaac Newton's College
AD0760 - 50g from Carts; Egyptians still refuse to ally; Revolution
AD0780 - Democracy established; 50g from Carts
AD0800 -
AD0840 -
Chemistry->Explosives; 50g from Carts
AD0880 -
Explosives->Economics; 50g from Carts
AD0900 - Engineer#1
AD0940 -
Economics->Metalurgy; 50g from Carts
AD0960 - Swap Gunpowder for
Navigation, get 50g from Carts
AD0980 -
AD1000 - Engineer#2
AD1040 -
Physics->Magnetism; Carts 50g
AD1060 - Size 17; 50g from Carts
AD1080 - Size 18
AD1100 -
Magnetism->Steam Engine; Size 19;
AD1120 - Size 20
AD1160 - Size 21;
Steam Engine->Electricity;
AD1180 - Hides-Carthage: 72g, 10T
AD1200 -
Electricity->Atomic Theory (1200 beakers) Current Science @100% with 1 Ein = 600 beakers
AD1220 - Barb Frigate to SE - sh:t!
AD1240 -
Atomic Theory->Refrigeration; yep 3 Barb Crooks + king land to SE
AD1260 - Cart Ellie kills Barb Crook and is killed in turn
AD1280 - Cart Knight copies Ellie;
Refrigeration->Rail Road;
Chivalry + 25g from Carts
AD1300 - Supermarket; 25g from Carts
AD1320 - 25g from Carts
AD1340 - StockExchange;
Rail Road->Industrialisation
AD1360 - 25g from Carts
AD1380 - 50g from Carts; Alliance + 100g from Egypt (war with French)
AD1400 -
Industrialisation->The Corporation; Coal-Caralis: 48g, 11T; Barb King, 150g; No gifts
AD1420 - maps
AD1460 - Uprising! 3Musks, 2 Cannon + King

The Corporation->Refining; buy cannon kill musk; no gifts
AD1480 - stack reveals 2 more musks + 2 more cannon; buy cannon kill cannon; no gifts
AD1510 -
Refining->Steel; Hides(d)-Carthage: 103g, 10T; Barb King 150g; maps
AD1520 - Bloody Barb Frigate on my Whale! 25g + 50g
AD1530 - Only one Barb Crook - kills itself against Cart Settler - do I want a boat? NO could never celebrate; 25g + 50g
AD1540 -
Steel->Combustion; 25g + 50g
AD1550 - Road link with Caralis 16T; 25g + 50g
AD1560 - 25g + 50g
AD1570 -
Combustion->Automobile; Hides(d)-Carthage: 106g; 25g + 50g
AD1580 - French camel blown away; 25g + 50g
AD1590 - Barb non Musk bought; 25g + 50g
AD1600 -
Automobile->Mass Production;
Leadership + 50g from Carts; 100g
AD1610 - Superhighways

; Trade 173, max science 1056; Carts start Darwin's - must keep an eye on this; 100g
AD1620 -
Mass Production->Electronics; 100g
AD1630 - Engineer#3 (still lots to do); 100g
AD1640 -
Electronics->Nuclear Fission; 100g
AD1650 - 100g
AD1660 -
Nuclear Fission->Nuclear Power; Hides(d)-Leptis Parva: 248g, 21T; maps
AD1670 - no gifts

AD1680 -
Nuclear Power->The Laser; Copper(d)-Caralis: 258g, 28T; 25g from Carts
AD1690 - Size 22; 25g,
Seafaring from Egyptians
AD1700 -
The Laser->Conscription; Hides-Leptis Parva: 128g; 25g
AD1710 - Egypt start Darwin; 25g
AD1720 -
Conscription->Tactics; 25g
AD1730 - Size 23; 25g + 75g &
AD1740 -
Tactics->Machine Tools; 25g + 75g
AD1750 - At last - base production is now 33 (> 32); 25g + 75g
AD1752 -
Machine Tools->Mobile Warfare; 50g + 75g
AD1754 - 75g; Gitsville finally manicured: 52 food, 192 trade & 33 shields
AD1756 -
Mobile Warfare->Miniaturisation; 75g
AD1758 - 75g
AD1760 -
Miniaturisation->Computers; Railroad link to Caralis, 37T each route; 75g
AD1762 - 150g
AD1764 -
Computers->Robotics; 150g
AD1766 - Research lab - output 1776 beakers/turn; 100g; disband spare Engineer
AD1768 - Factory;

; 25g + 50g; Disband cannon
AD1770 - Nuclear plant; disband camel;
Polytheism, 25g + 50g; Size 24
AD1772 - Manufacturing Plant (83+2 shields);
Flight->Radio; start Darwin; 25g + 100g
AD1774 - 25g + 50g
AD1776 -
Radio->Advanced Flight; 25g, two junk techs + 50g
AD1778 - Darwin's Voyage ->
Advanced Flight->
Rocketry->Space Flight; Dye-Caralis: 60g; 25g + 100g
AD1780 -
Space Flight->Plastics; Wind(d)-Caralis: 227g; 25g + 100g
AD1782 - Apollo Program; junk tech, 25g + 100g - but they cost me 3 techs - guess the gravy train is over

AD1784 -
Plastics->Superconductor; SSS#1
AD1786 - SSC#1; 100g (they bearded me)
AD1788 - SSC#2; Carts steal Plastics
AD1790 - SSC#3;
Superconductor->Fusion Power;
AD1792 - SSC#4
AD1794 - SSC#5
AD1796 - SSC#6;
Fusion Power->Espionage
AD1798 - SSM#1
AD1800 - SSM#2; French Dragoon comes calling, buy off with tech
AD1802 - SSS#2;
AD1804 - SSS#3
AD1806 - SSS#4
AD1808 - SSS#5;
Stealth->Amphibious Warfare
AD1810 - SSS#6
AD1812 = SSS#7
AD1814 - SSS#8
AD1816 - SSS#9;
Amphibious Warfare->Fundamentalism
AD1818 - SSS#10
AD1820 - SSS#11; Swap
Warrior Code for Explosives and gift Computers to keep Egyptian alliance get 100g which conveniently buys the Diplo

AD1822 - SSM#3
AD1824 - SSS#12;
Fundamentalism->Combined Arms
AD1826 - SSS#13
AD1828 - SSS#14; Carthaginians request we declare war on indians - OK
AD1830 - SSS#15;
LAUNCH expected landing 1845
AD1831 - Stealth Fighter;
Combined Arms->Guerrilla Warfare
AD1832 - Stealth Fighter
AD1833 - Stealth fighter
AD1834 - Stealth fighter
AD1835 -
Guerrilla Warfare->Labour Union
AD1839 -
Labour Union->Genetic Engineering; close down science
AD1844 - all quiet, Gitsville now virtually surrounded by a ring of steel, no other civ has even started a SS.
AD1845 - Livia The Cruel lands on Alpha Centauri