August 28, 2003, 06:21
Local Time: 06:46
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Originally posted by duke o' york
I don't understand why you didn't bribe the barb ship when you had the chance. You had Shakespeare's Theatre at that point so the ship would have only meant a drain of one shield, and you could have still celebrated the population up so that this did not matter.
Perhaps wrongly, I believe that if you have a double red out of the Shake's city celebration is no longer possible.
I was quite content with the railroad connection to the nice friendly Carthaginians.
August 28, 2003, 06:40
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What do you mean - "double red out of"? Shake's has the same affect as Fundy - everyone's content regardless of unhappiness factors and the luxuries invested in will affect these content citizens, rather than what they would have been otherwise in the way the Gardens does, meaning you have to leave guards out of the cities.
I've started to worry that I've stated the obvious here so if that's not what you meant then please say so.
Or has the potent combination of sun and wine really fried your brain?
"When we grow up we'll both be soldiers, and our horses will not be toys,
And I wonder if we'll remember when we were two little boys!"
August 29, 2003, 01:34
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You had me worried - but a quick test confirmed that I was right:
Taking a random save from this game (AD1060) the 'happy' screen shows:
and the city is celebrating...
But, if the warrior leaves the city - 'happy' screen becomes:
CCCCCCCBRRRRRRRR - as the double red is applied
and celebration is lost ...
August 29, 2003, 10:59
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Here's the save - try it yourself ...
SG[1]  - not brain-fried after all
August 29, 2003, 11:25
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OCC #1 for Old & Slow
4000 -- Hut = Archer
3850 -- Hut = Archer
3800 -- Found Rome (other Settler is watering the trees) with the citizen working the first of three whales
3500 -- Discover CB
3050 -- Discover Alpha
2550 -- Sell the barracks just built & start over (already have a temple)
2500 -- Discover Bronze -- switch to Col.
2150 -- Barbs attack -- nab the leader for $150.
2000 -- “We’re pathetic” -- truer words were never spoken
1900 -- Discover Code
1700 -- pop. = 100K
1250 -- Discover Monarchy (a turn too late -- ARGH!)
1100 -- Revolt
1050 -- Monarchy
975 -- Complete the Colossus
900 -- Discover Writing (switch the shields in place to library & buy it.)
775 -- Discover Currency (switch the shields in place to market & buy it.)
650 -- Rome blows up -- pop = 200K
625 -- Recover with Elvis
600 -- Discover Trade
575 -- Meet with Carthage, (4spears) give Monarchy -- peace.
450 -- Discover Literacy
250 -- Discover Myst
175 -- Give Myst to Carthage -- we become Allies forever (but not necessary GREAT allies -- they give us Iron Working)
150 -- Hut = Elephant (None)
50BC -- Complete Marco Polo’s -- Trade for six techs, including Republic, revolt (at least we got this one right!)
25BC -- Republic with three enthusiastic Allies (a benefit with Classic)
1AD We love to size 7.
80 -- Discover Phil & take Med as a free tech.
160 -- More trades, now have 24 techs. Zulus gift us $300, Sioux $50, Amerks, nada.
260 -- Sioux gift = $25, Amerks & Zulus nothing.
300 -- Rome blows up at size 8, pop = 300K
340 -- Deliver demanded Hides offshore to New York for $433 & non-demanded Beads to Washington for $268
360 -- Discover Engineering, build Aqueduct
400 -- Build Bank
480 -- Gift Math to Zulu (their request), get $250
520 -- Carthage demands $250 (we give it -- what great allies they are…) we ask for a gift & get…$250. Funny, the coinage looks familiar.
540 -- Demanded Dye to Philadelphia = $360 (our third trade route). Demanded Hides to Wash = $296. Barbs kill a Hides Camel (argh!)
580 -- Discover University - buy one as well. Trade with Egypt & get Astro
660 -- Build Cope’s. Zulu gift = 125, Sioux = 100, Amerks = nada.
760 -- Hides (d) to Wash = 502 (2 deliveries)
780 -- Discover Sanitation
780 -- Build King Richard’s Crusade -- I like having extra shields -- let’s see if this makes a difference
900 -- build a coliseum -- We love starts. (Hmmm maybe I should have done this sooner.)
940 -- Build a harbor
960 -- Rome = size 12. We lve ends. Dye to Wash = 520
980 -- Discover Theory of Gravity
1000 -- Gems (d) to Ele = 537. Trade San to Amerks for Inv, gift? No, Zulu? No; Sioux? = 50.
1020 -- Discover Navigation
1080 -- Build Shakes, sell col.
1100 -- pay $450 to Carthage, get $200 back -- we’re such great allies.
1140 -- Discover Physics.
1180 -- Amerks come to talk Want Dem? sure. Revolt? (hmm is it that magic time -- OK) NO -- It is exactly the WRONG time
1260 -- FINALLY recover in Democracy.
1280 -- Discover Magnetism
1380 -- Trade with Zulus -- We lose $250, then we gain $200 -- another Ally we don’t want to talk to. Discover Metal.
1400 -- Build Isaac Newton.
1420 -- Discover Electricity
1480 -- Discover Explosives
1510 -- Discover Refrig -- another offshoot that may or may not payoff -- a few farms = a few Eins. Will these guys actually three turns’ worth of tech?
1540 -- Trade for Econ & Chiv from the Americans -- gift? no. Talk to the Sioux -- after we fork over $50 & two techs, we get $50 back.
1560 -- Hut = Barbs (after four attempts at another city)
1570 -- Discover RR. Dye to Phil = 240
1600 -- Discover Ind (Hard to say if KRC was worth it or not. Carried a financial surplus of about $1K for a number of years that may have deterred gift giving from my four allies.) Buy a Crux & Frigate from the recently landed barbs & nab their leader.
1630 -- Discover Corp; hut = 50g.
1650 -- Discover Refine
1670 -- Build Darwin’s & discover Electronics & Steel
1680 -- Buy a Stock Exchange
1690 -- Give RR to Sioux (get $50), Zulu’s (get $200), Carthage (lose $578, gain $250). Amerks already had & were working on Darwin’s (hence my hurry up)
1710 -- Spice to NY = $810
1720 -- Discover Auto -- swap Ind for Lead from Americans
1730 -- Try a great round of begging -- Americans - nothing, Sioux -50, +50; Zulus -200, +200. hmmm no wonder I don’t go around asking.
1750 -- Discover Conscription.
1754 -- Discover Atomic Theory
1758 -- Discover MP
1762 -- Get $50 from Sioux
1764 -- Get $50 from Americans & $200 from Zulus
1766 -- Discover Tactics
1768 -- Copper to NY = $990
1770 -- Discover MT
1776 -- Discover Flight (Sioux = nothing, Amerks = $50)
1780 -- Size = 32, max. (with 2 Eng & a Settler working the area)
1782 -- Discover mini. Zulus get Cons from us & gift back $200
1786 -- Carthage comes to talk -- we give them Metal, they give us $250
1788 -- Discover Computers
1790 -- Give Tactics to Zulus, Amerks, Sioux; get $200, 100, 25. Americans Discover Communism (MPE dies)
1792 -- Give Carthage Cons, get $250
1794 -- Discover Radio, swap computers for Commy with Amerks & collect $50. Give Tactics to Carthage & collect $250.
1798 -- Discover Advanced Flight; deliver two trucks -- demanded dye for 368 & Oil (n) for 184, both to Philly.
1802 -- Discover Esp -- I like spies & I like having embassies -- should have sent some dips out earlier during the golden years & would have been able to postpone this. Didn’t want to be uninformed should there be serious SS building competition. -- This also explains why I traded for Commy in the first place.
1806 -- Discover Rockets -- Finish power plant (built a factory two turns ago & offshore late 1780’s. Hmmm Shields are about 30+ -- can use a truck for each of the small parts. Is this good enough? We have a bunch laying around…better start Apollo’s now.)
1812 -- Discover Space Flight
1820 -- Discover Plastics
1826 -- Discover NF
1832 -- Discover Mobil Warfare -- after considerable thinking we realize that the science won’t be holding us back at this stage -- so we take a few turns out to get a couple of techs, & start planting trees when we’re not cleaning up pollution
1836 -- Complete Apollo
1838 -- Discover NP (the only #2 tech with the last six being #1 techs). Cash in a couple of trucks = SC1
1840 -- SC2
1842 -- SC3
1844 -- Discover Robotics SC4
1846 -- Build a Manufacturing Plant
1848 -- SS1
1850 -- Discover Laser, SC5
1851 -- SC6 (we have a bit under 700g on hand, talk to the worshipful Zulus -- deny them the Advanced Flight that they want & watch the alliance dissolve. Oh well. At least they walk away as cordial.)
1853 -- Discover Superconductor
1855 -- SM1
1858 -- Discover Combined Arms; SM2
1859 -- SM3 & we’re broke
1860 -- SS2
1861 -- SS3
1862 -- SS4
1863 -- Discover Fusion power SS5
1864 -- SS6
1865 -- SS7 now up to 83 shields -- no longer have to sacrifice my Non’s & dips -- have two Engs for cleaning, one Non Musket, one Non Knight. The Settler & everyone else have been sacrificed on the alter for SS parts.
1866 -- SS8
1867 -- SS9
1868 -- Discover Stealth; SS10
1869 -- SS11
1870 -- SS12
1871 -- SS13
1872 -- SS14
1873 -- SS15; LAUNCH: ETA = 1888.
1874 -- Stealth fighter #1
1875 -- Stealth fighter #2
1876 & on -- Barracks, followed by two tanks, discover GW & LU, make a Jeep & a few spies. Also made a Solar Plant (and a granary -- finally) & retired the two Engs. -- a fair amount of hunger after converting three grasses & a plains to trees -- but still ended with size = 32
1888 Arrive, score = 333, Livia the terrible (probably aptly named.)
Trade routes maxed out at 16 for all three, dropped to 15 each after I built four trees.
Nobody else ever made a SS part.
Never at war -- that’s a new one for me.
Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments
August 29, 2003, 14:13
Local Time: 06:46
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Well done OnS - I suspect that KRC fooled you into thinking that the shield production was upto scratch - had you got your 32 base shields earlier you might well have beaten me.
August 31, 2003, 17:00
Local Time: 07:46
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Posts: 147
I discovered this thread 2 days ago and couldn´t resist. It´s some time I played an OCC. An excellent idea SG (1). Here is the log:
OCC 1 Romans
4000 hut Horse
3900 hut Archer
3850 50g, Rome founded (49,39)
3600 Alphabet
3550 hut Warrior Code
3450 Carthaginiens peace
3100 Writing
2600 Code of Laws,
2450 Library, hut Horse, Carth. offer CB, refused
2300 Carth. announce Currency, surprise attack Horse on Mountain survives,
2250 Horse survives again, Veteran,
2100 Literacy,
2050 Diplomat
1800 Rome Xinning one turn
1750 Republic discovered, Carthaginiens give 50g for peace, trade for CB, Bronce Working, Currency, Carth. refuse Alliance
1700 Temple, start on Colossus, hut Barbarians, horse lost
1650 Republic,
1550 hut Horse, hut 50g
1500 hut 50g
1400 hut Barbarians, hut Trade, switch to MPE
1350 Horse defeated by Barbarians
1150 Map Making, Hut 50g
1050 Carth. Trade for Mystizism
1000 Rome celebrating
950 Rome size 7
800 Finally: MPE, contact all AI, peace maps, no useful techs, Rating Moderate, key civ Spain, obviously a restart, give all techs
725 Trade for Iron Working
700 Rome size 8, Carth. Alliance, 100g,
675 Philosophy, Medicine,
625 French trade for Banking, give tech Alliance, Americans trade for Construction, give tech, Alliance
600 settler
575 dye to Utica (d) 96g
550 spices to Utica 46g, dye to Utica 46g, settler
500 Bridge Building,
475 Trade for Masonry
375 Carth. 50g, Americans 75g,
325 French 100g
225 Carth. 100g
200 Carth. Give Philosophy 200g, Zulu Alliance 50g
175 ST
150 Americans 150g
125 Aqueduct
75 trade road to Utica finished
50 Mathematics, French 200g
25 Rome size 12
1 Zulu 25g
50 Colossus
100 Carth. 75g, Zulu 50g
120 Astronomy, Carth. Trade for Engineering, 50g
140 Zulu 50g
260 Zulu 100g, French 150g
280 University
340 Copernicus
360 Americans 200g
380 Rome University, Zulu 100g
400 trade for Invention, Zulu 50g
420 Sewerage, Carth. 75g
440 Discover Democracy, Zulu give Invention 100g
460 Democracy
480 Carth. 75g, Americans 50g
520 Theory of Gravity, Zulu 100g
560 trade for Navigation
580 Chemistry
640 Physics, French 100g, Rome size 21
680 Carth. Give Physics 150g, French give University 200g
700 Steam Engine
760 Railroad, INC
800 Industrialization, trade for Gun Powder
840 Explosives
880 Industrialization, Carth. 75g
920 Magnetism
960 Metallurgy
1000 Electricity
1020 French 200g
1040 Cart. Give railroad 150g, Atomic Theory, Zulu give railroad 100g, Americans give railroad 200g
1080 Refrigeration
1120 Corporation, railroad to Utica finished
1160 Refining, French give Ind. 200g
1200 Steel
1220 Rome Supermarket
1240 Combustion, Zulu 50g
1260 Bank
1280 Automobile, French give Warrior Code 200g 
1300 Rome Superhighways, Barb Leader 150g, Zulu about to finish Darwin´s, try to give techs, only accept one, decide not to build Darwin´s myself, Cart. 75g
1320 Electronics, Zulu develop Conscription, oil to Utica 135g, trade for conscription, 50g
1340 Stock Exchange
1360 Mass Production, Carth. Give Metallurgy 150g, gold to Utica (d) 404g, Americans give Conscription 250g
1380 Nuclear Fission, trade for Feudalism, Horse Riding
1420 Nuclear Power, Mass Transit,
1460 Chivalry, gold to Utica (d) 384g, Zulu 100g
1480 French give tech 50g, Spanish give techs, Alliance, key civ has changed again, back to moderate
1500 Leadership French 50g
1510 Americans 150g, Carth. 25g, Zulu 100g
1520 Tactics
1540 Machine Tools, Carth 25g, French 100g, Americans 100g, Zulu 100g
1550 Zulu don´t get Nuclear Fission, break Alliance
1560 Mobile Warfare
1580 Miniturization
1590 Carth. give Mobile Warfare 50g, French 100g, Americans 100g
1600 Computers
1620 Rome Research Lab, start final celebration, Cart. 50g, Americans 50g, French 100g
1640 Robotics, Carth. give Robotics 50g
1650 Copper to Utica (d) 260g, oil to Utica 68g
1660 Laser, French 100g
1670 Factory, size 25, base production 35
1680 Advanced Flight
1690 Rome Hydro Plant
1700 Nuclear Power
1720 Rocketry, Americans give Computers 75g, Carth. give Rocketry for The Wheel, 25g
1740 Manufacturing Plant, Space Flight
1750 Apollo Program
1752 Structural, Plastics
1754 S2, Americans 200g, Zulu give techs trade Communism, Alliance reestablished, 150g 
1756 S3
1758 S4, Major Guerilla Uprising near Rome
1760 Tank
1762 S5
1764 S6
1766 S7
1768 S8
1770 S9
1772 S10 French don´t get Space Flight, break Alliance
1774 S11 Zulu 100g
1776 S12
1778 S13
1780 S14
1782 S15
1784 Module1
1786 M2
1788 M3
1790 C1
1792 C2
1794 C3, Espionage
1796 C4
1798 C5
1800 C6, Launch 15 - 6 - 3
1801 – 1814 keep AI happy, build some units
1815 AC Landing, Livia the Cruel (well, there was a little war 4000 years ago  )
August 31, 2003, 18:46
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
Well done OnS - I suspect that KRC fooled you into thinking that the shield production was upto scratch - had you got your 32 base shields earlier you might well have beaten me.
I had the thought that enough trucks (say 24+) and lots of cash could make up for the lack of shields later on -- maybe I could get by without Robotoics & the manufacturing plant -- but late in the stretch I realized that THAT option wasn't going to happen. Oh well.
Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments
August 31, 2003, 23:32
Local Time: 01:46
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I am just passing 1700, researching 1tech/turn last century, about to do Flight (got everything else). ROME size 34, three TRs to Carthage each +37 (max #Trade: 217, Beakers>2,000!), and a recurring Gold supply; time to plant some trees and stoke the furnaces. All other civs are Enthus or Worship, three intact Alliances (including Carthage), and a dozen NONE units on guard duty. If I get up to 80 Shields fast enough I should have an early 1800 landing, otherwise mid-1800s. Lots of trouble between 1AD and 1000AD with Barb landings and land reclamation. Hope to post tomorrow or Tuesday.
In hindsight I wonder if the 2-special site to the west might have been a better choice, with much less Engineer work, more rivers and Grassland. Oh well...
September 2, 2003, 02:10
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@Gits Nice, a repeating commodity… never had that with OCC.
@Elephant I've never had a friendly civ close enough for the RR route bonus. Whenever I've had a civ on the same continent they've either been too small to generate that much trade or had units stationed on the path, negating the bonus.
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September 2, 2003, 03:20
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Great game Zenon!!
Stray - i think you have things the wrong way round (although I did have an early repeating hides)
September 2, 2003, 04:06
Local Time: 23:46
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@Git Yes, that's what I was talking about. I was looking at your 1060AD save with four Hides in store, one en route, and Hides still open on the supply list.
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(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
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September 2, 2003, 06:59
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Thank you, SG (1)! I am quite content with the game. I had some problems remembering how an OCC is played but certainly the ELCG - Training was helpful. Made some mistakes, though (still can´t believe I traded for Bronce Working and Currency the same turn  )
Elephant, size 34 and one tech a turn is impressive. I am quite interested in your log.
Strayboy, I always try to get an alliance with a neighbouring AI first in Early Landing games. The allied units can´t block the road/railroad bonus. If I can spare it I also send a settler to the city I am trading with to improve the land. With the trade routes and a little help any AI city will grow to at least size 8.
September 2, 2003, 08:56
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Qiestion for the group
Wow. Some very impressive stuff here.
Hey, I'm in the 1870s and still a long way off.
I'm in MGE and didn't get Cope's.
Should I even bother?
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
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September 2, 2003, 11:07
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I say go ahead -- practice makes better. Besides, I need someone to compare to.
Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments
September 2, 2003, 17:42
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Dont look like I'll beat you, Zenon. Should finish up tonight. I'm SSx-ing right now, but Carthage is still Allied and Enthusiastic. The Egyptians just got NucFiss, but should not have time to MP...
Straybow: if you are going for an early spaceship, dont kill any civ on your continent (even the Mongols!). Give them everything you can (especially Republic) to get an Alliance, pick a good city to set up trade routes with, and do the Roading and RRing yourself. I put off the weed and tree whacking to make it happen, and it paid off big!
September 3, 2003, 03:14
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Definitely persevere Rabbitman - that way you have something to beat next time
September 3, 2003, 13:02
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Here's my summary:
ROME founded 3850BC (49,39)
Monarchy: 1850BC
Republic: 725BC
Democracy: 1340AD
Trade: 1250BC
Medicine: 475BC
Construction: 20AD
Sanitation: 280AD
RailRoad: 920AD
Refrigeration: 1520AD
Automobile: 1540AD
Computers: 1690AD
Flight: 1740AD
Space: 1762AD
1st TR: 900BC (Dye to Carthage)
2nd TR: 875BC (Hides to Carthage)
3rd TR: 375BC (Wine to Utica; 2nd Hides to Carth didnt give 3rd TR; replaced Utica with something to Carthage later)
Max Trade Arrows: 217
Size 8: 360AD (sh/b 250BC, or even 650BC, but popped out Settlers instead)
Size 12: 440AD
Size 20: 1540AD (LOTS of weeds & trees!)
Size 34(max): 1700AD
Colossus: 400BC
Shakespeare: 340AD
Newton: 1240AD
Apollo: 1766AD
Launch: 1816
Land: 1831
SCORE: 295 38% Livia the Cruel
Last edited by Elephant; September 3, 2003 at 13:54.
September 3, 2003, 13:18
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And the (exhaustive) log:
And the City Screen at maximum Size, Arrows and Beakers (just after Computers, before Flight):
Last edited by Elephant; September 3, 2003 at 13:23.
September 3, 2003, 13:40
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Comments on this game:
One of the first things I noticed about the start was that the Continent number was #1. This led me to think that we had a single large continent with most if not all of the civs on it. My early goal was to check out the different possible city sites, emphasizing the river options, while trying to make as early and favorable contact with whatever civs surrounded me. I ignored the 4-Special spot on the peninsula as "too much work" and "too little grass". Other spots offered rivers, which can help out with extra trade once BrigeBuilding is discovered, and a lot more grass, although the one I chose with 3-Specials probably had too much work to be worth much more than the one to the west with only 2-Specials. Since I expected most of the civs to be on my continent I discounted the issue of access to the Ocean.
After a bit of exploring I ran into the Carthaginians, who though often warlike settled down into VERY nice neighbors after they got into Republic and the TRs started producing. THANK GOD FOR THAT BOTTLENECK! I blocked it with an Archer first, then after running a trade road through ("Carthage Highway", later "Carthage & Rome RR") built a Fort and put my two best NONE units there. Since we were Allied early Carth could have been walking all over my buffer space, but that block kept them out. Interestingly, they planted a city just to the north of my block, but never asked me to evacuate the block. I did everything possible to avoid having the alliance cancelled, even giving them NucFission when they got ornery and demanded it.
I posted a couple Dips on different peninsulas to see if anything was passing by, and noticed a Yellow Trireme end its turn within range. I sold my LIBRARY to get enough gold to go to sea, and never regretted it! I would not have been so successful at getting NONE Engineers and delivering repeating Gold freights to the Sioux had it not been for that first bribed ship! As the city grew the supplied commodities changed, but since I prioritized the Carthage Highway early every subsequent delivery could not knock off those top 3 routes. And what sweet routes they were: +37 EACH x3= 111 arrows alone! And with eight river tiles and two Silk I was swimming in trade!
Unfortunately I did not pay enough attention to getting all those jungles whacked down early. I could have done Shakes first in place of Copes but I did not have enough food to grow. I finally pumped out three Settlers to help my NONE one work, and traded those for supported Engineers after Explosives. This greatly delayed city growth, but once the land was cleared Farmland was a quick and easy addition. I could have gone for size 36 with a few transformations of Plains to Grass, but it was time to replant some trees to get to 32 Shields. By that time I had bribed three Engineers overseas, so the supported ones could be disbanded and some famine delayed. During the building of SpaceShip Structures ROME went into famine and bottomed out at size 30, but I recovered two of those by the landing.
Last edited by Elephant; September 3, 2003 at 13:50.
September 4, 2003, 04:57
Local Time: 06:46
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Great game - well done
SG[1] - thinking about a voluntary visit to The Institute to hone up his OCC game
September 4, 2003, 09:41
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Maybe you can get by with only a visit, but I think I'll need a longer stay.
Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments
September 4, 2003, 11:13
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Well, I'm saddened to report that I persevered...
and got clobbered!
The Carths and Egyptians ganged up on me and pounded Lagomorphia into total submission in 1926.
First civ game I've lost since Feb 2002 (which was my 1st-ever deity game).
Probably attributable to several factors -- only one NON unit from huts, late to monarchy, didn't get Cope's, and definitely insufficient skills at AI diplomacy. I had a hard time maintaining alliances.
Thought I was going to pull through it, but couldn't get any techs through trade or gift once it got late in the game. Once Flight was discovered, I was doomed to slow research. (Felt VERY weird to have the AI out-researching me...)
* -Jrabbit retires to The Institute for further study of The Paulicy. *
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
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September 5, 2003, 00:53
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A pat on the back for reviving my favourite activity here in the exciting old OCC days. Will atttempt to reinstall Civ2 in the old Pentium 166 and feel the fever of mininising time (while wasting it  ).
September 5, 2003, 08:18
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Originally posted by tonic the old Pentium 166...
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
September 6, 2003, 00:01
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FYI "166" as in MHz. Those in the know label their Pentium incarnations with roman numerals I, II, III......
September 16, 2003, 13:12
Local Time: 01:46
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Phila PA
Posts: 828
Is anyone else (SG[1] may be out of it) ready to pick up the mantle and start an OCC #2?
September 17, 2003, 10:48
Local Time: 01:46
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Vienna, VA
Posts: 781
I’m an OCC follower (as was demonstrated by my last effort -- safe, but slow). I can’t speak for SG [1], but I see no reason why this should be an exclusive activity -- if you have a reasonable start (maybe a sense of a great location or two) I’ll have another go.
Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments
September 22, 2003, 12:51
Local Time: 02:46
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Oberlin, Ohio
Posts: 387
I am unable to post readable saves, but I would be interested in playing an OCC game. Please post in 2.42, both zipped and unzipped format.
September 30, 2003, 08:38
Local Time: 07:46
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: of home-made blueberry muffins
Posts: 7,200
How many submissions were actually made for this?
"When we grow up we'll both be soldiers, and our horses will not be toys,
And I wonder if we'll remember when we were two little boys!"
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