Well Morrowind on the xbox has been providing me with the best 'computer' entertainment i've had in a very long time(on any platform).
So in the case of this game i'd say it works very well on xbox, not that i've played it on PC for a comparison.
As for Daggerfall, it would seem the xbox could be an ideal platform for it(easy to keep it stable as any xbox is the same as the next xbox).
I understand there are rumors of maybe an XP friendly update, as the game is quite old and doesn't run on most new pc's.
So it was in that light that i was wondering if it might be an idea. I'm trying to pester the guys at Bethseda about this( i've sent one email

). I guess that now i've discovered these great games i don't want the fun to end.
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info here. prove me wrong.
Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.