The FreeCiv world have now give us a completelly new improved way to play Civ 2 MP PBEM games. Don't miss this chance to test it! If you like PBEM you will like it!
No hassle with e-mails, cheaters and so on...
Instead the game is played on a server there you logon each day. You have 24 hours for each turn and you are free to choose at which time you want to loggon to the server.
The server solution have many advantages. The most importants are no cheating possible! no problems with AI interaction, less work - just 3 mouse click to start each session (no mail box to open and so on).
The game is free, that means all can play not only whose that owns Civ 2 MP.
You are welcome to post qusrions here or even better in the first link above (the discussion thread at FreeCiv) in such case all players interested in the game will see them!
I can give you instructions on how to get the free software you need to play.
Welcome again!
__________________ winzity ICQ 30339567
Please note I don't longer use the mail address
Please ask me on ICQ or use Apolytons e-mail function if you want to send e-mail to me.
You mean if you like playing regular civ2 pbem you will like it, no scenarios.
I agree. The problem of the server if that, whenever you want to change anything in the game, you must ask the server administrator for doing so. Of course, it has advantages, but I'm not sure if the advantages are bigger than the disadvantages.
24 hours? The strictest house rules I know of in the pbem forum is 48 hours, taking into account that people have real lives.
I'm not able to play in a 24-hour basis.
I wouldn't exactly call it a better way to pbem
Let's say a different way
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
Hold on there! You haven't tried it and now you're already knocking it?
No, Freeciv doesn't offer scenarios in the way Civ2 does. Maybe we'll see that later. Although it does allow special abilities and differing units for civs now.
Now back to the topic: longturn. I'll try and clear up some points about FC and longturn
24 hour turns!?:
First up, longturn isn't like pbem. You don't receive a save from player A and have to send it to player C in a 24 hour period.
The beauty of longturn lies in the fact that you can log in during ANY TIME of the gameturn to make your OWN MOVES. All the players in the game execute their moves in the SAME time period. Even you don't log in and make your moves it will simply continue to run.
What's this administrator-only access? how about game settings?
Unlike Civ2, where you play on your standalone PC. Longturn runs on a server you log into. You'll receive your loginname, password and the server name from the administrator. Only the administrator can change gamesettings or add/remove players.This is a great way to prevent casual cheating.
And gamesettings?
If there's one point FC shines at it's gamesettings. It offers a myriad of options we can only dream off in Civ2. Like for example diplchance. This is a chance setting (0-100%) for diplomat actions. You better stock up on a lot of dips with a chance setting of 50%. It's very frustating to see dips get wasted that way. I speak from experience
What about missing a turn? Does the game stop?
No, if a player misses a turn the game will simply continue . Cities will continue with their original build orders (no AI will take over your civ), units will move on their own if you 've automated them or given them goto orders and research will follow the the tech goal you set out.
Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.
Now back to the topic: longturn. I'll try and clear up some points about FC and longturn
24 hour turns!?:
First up, longturn isn't like pbem. You don't receive a save from player A and have to send it to player C in a 24 hour period.
The beauty of longturn lies in the fact that you can log in during ANY TIME of the gameturn to make your OWN MOVES. All the players in the game execute their moves in the SAME time period. Even you don't log in and make your moves it will simply continue to run.
Ok, let me get this straight... that would mean you would have to execute your moves for each turn once per 24 hours. Any time works in the 24 hour period, but thats still once per 24 hours. Thats still bad, if not worse for most PBEMers, at least for me.
Now if the longturn doohickey could be without a time limit, then you might have something going for you. PBEMing, at least here, is relatively casual. No big rush (though no one likes to wait forever either). Also, I prefer the scenarios myself... historical (more or less) preferably.
For now, the 'incovenience' of posting (yeah, we don't exactly play by e-mail here) the turns is not a big minus for me, especially as it allows a time to actually role play and create stories. Without the needing to post, then we would have to go out of our way to post such things.