October 30, 1999, 15:35
Local Time: 05:49
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Noooo! Not Alex Mor too!
I was checking Alex Mor's site, as I usually do once in a while to see updates, and now it says that the Russian Civil War will be in Test of Time! I'm not wasting $30 for a different version of Civ2, but maybe the Russian Civil War will be so good that I will have to buy TOT.
Nick Crown (Greek.)
October 30, 1999, 16:10
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are you serious? No scenario could be worth $30!
October 30, 1999, 17:35
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Yup. I taught alex how to override the sprites. He said that having 2 different soldier angles is too great of an opportunity to pass up. He said he didn't like the artwork in his previous scenario because you'd have guys attacking with their asses.
October 31, 1999, 00:19
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Yes, that is true. We don't want that happening during a war of independence in Italy, now do we?  MarkL, ehem, are you talking?
Not just Alex's scenario, but also Archangel's WW2 scenario coming up, and all the scenarios it comes with.
Nick Crown (Greek.)
October 31, 1999, 00:38
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i have tot now, its good but i'd only pay about $10 for it. which is incidentally, what i paid.
October 31, 1999, 01:29
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I don't know how much money the average American man spends on hobbies but I'll bet it's over two-thousand dollars a year. Civ is the single cheapest hobby I have ever had and I for one am grateful to have spent only $40 for ToT.
October 31, 1999, 01:52
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Temba, you got ToT?! WWNC! (Will Wonders Never Cease) Check out Kestrel's "Escape From Sol," It's better than the "official" scenarios.
October 31, 1999, 17:26
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Hey! Yow greedy western capitalists who have more them 1000 $ per month at Your job...
You can not pay for TOT 30 $ (!!!). I can not believe it...
Well, well...
TOT is a future of scenario making. I am true believer of it. A single value of TOT is only a big upgrade of scenario creating.
For example:
100 kb of "events" - on my "Spartacus" in one "events" file.
Invisible barbarian units. You can prevent them from disbanding.
New macro language commands...
Advanced unit fields...
Different "bribe" politic...
About my scenario.
Actually I already at summer made full FW version of "Civil War" with numerous units, but found that it is not interesting for playing. And I was totally lack of "events" volume.
I decided that I need more brain work becuse
I always thought that scenrio need ideas not only a war. When I found new ideas I became lack of time and "burn out" of Civil War. And so my scenario is frozen.
October 31, 1999, 19:06
Local Time: 05:49
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Posts: 922
Hmmm...cool. Can you send me the FW version. Wow, ok, I'm buying TOT now. Haha.  Seriously, it sounds awsome. Alex, are you going to make any more scenarios in normal Civ2 mode on FW?
Nick Crown (Greek.)
October 31, 1999, 21:10
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Good for you Alex! You tell those western capitalists just how greedy they are!:|
What do you guys do with your money that you cant spend thirty bucks on your freaking hobby!
By the way Alex if you make only $1000 a month in America you are considered so poor that you need goverment aid! Most people I know make at least $5000 a month.
November 1, 1999, 15:36
Yeah, Alex is right. I blow $30 when I go out to dinner.
William, your friends probably make more in two months than I do in an entire year.
November 1, 1999, 16:23
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I live in Bergen County, New Jersey just outside of New York City. I guess that the per capita income here is probably higher than anywhere else in America other than Manhatten itself. Although my friends are white color workers as am I, $5000 dollars a month is not rich arround here. Housing is really expensive, my rent is $800 a month for a two-bedroom in a crap neighborhood. I pay $900 a month to put my two kids in daycare and that is dirt cheap! My girlfriend's morgage on a 5-beadroom house in a very nice neighborhood is $2700 a month plus $800 in taxes.
Can you blame me for balking when I hear guys complain about spending $30 for ToT?
November 1, 1999, 17:38
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Let's just say that I make a lot of money a month and leave it at that. I put a lot of it into my buisness though, and my website I am constructing now, but the main reason I can't buy TOT is that it is hard to find the time to venture to CompUSA these days.
Besides, computer games aren't my first priority, and I don't think you'd really call Civ2 my hobby.
Nick Crown (Greek.)
November 1, 1999, 20:35
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Nick, you're thirteen!
November 2, 1999, 00:55
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Hey William, still curious here. If you don't mind, what do you do for a living?
With the forking out $30 American for TOT. Here its $52.99 though thats in Canadian dollars. Its not the money that bothers me, Its what we got for that $52.99. Many people have complained about what they got , a secondary game with just graphic improvements , several more scenario language commands and more units. They could of increased gameplay ten fold. I heard they spent 6 months to a year with this thing at Micropose. I'm still curious about what they did in that time frame. One thing they could of done was add another Civ to it but they didn't. And thats what got people *****ing about the games price.
November 2, 1999, 01:28
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Hey William, you guys make $5000 a month. hmmm near $7000 here in Canada. So what do you do for that kind of income, computer specialist, computer tech, gotta be something with computers?
November 2, 1999, 01:51
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Civfan, I am a computer systems analyst, mostly I help mid-sized companies streamline their information management systems.
Like Alex said, "ToT is the future of scenario building". Buy it, use it, and you'll be a beliver too.
NickC ... you should consider channeling some of that cash into psychotherapy.
November 2, 1999, 02:15
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William, I agree with what you and Alex said. TOT is the future,"short future" of scenario building. But hopefully Micropose will release a patch that increases certain aspects of the game. Most of the limits are the same as the previous versions. Total number of cities 255 or something to that number and 32000 cash. I believe theres more to that comment with the limits here in an Apolyton thread.
I believe TOT will have a short future as king of the scenario building world because they will release CivIII soon enough, but who really knows.
November 2, 1999, 03:14
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Yeah Nick, you are 13! How much money can you make?
November 2, 1999, 16:18
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I'm not thirteen! Wow! Whoever said that is way off! No, William, if you are talking about my attitude in these forums, don't get me wrong. I like to have a little bit of fun on the computer!  William, why do you keep insulting me ('lame' insults, might I add) when I have done nothing to you in the past?
Nick Crown (Greek.)
November 2, 1999, 16:30
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wow...i make $500 on a GOOD month....and i usually blow half of it like blackclove said. I spent $100 last friday for a party i was throwing.
And yes, I have TOT. Its incredible, i just need to figure out scenario making and such. I think everyone should get it, its really the next level of civ!
November 2, 1999, 21:44
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Ahhh, Temba. It does my heart good to hear you talk that way. The last (almost) bastion of Luddism has fallen!
November 4, 1999, 01:22
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It's not bad, but I think it's athmosphere is kinda more like the fantasy scifi way...
I still play regular games with FW, I'm propably the last one
May 11, 2002, 02:57
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Just feeling a little nostalgic. 'sigh.' And this was one of the milder threads.
May 11, 2002, 03:56
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Above: Yet another child of Apolyton with waaaay too much time on his hands.
I believe TOT will have a short future as king of the scenario building world because they will release CivIII soon enough, but who really knows.
Whats this guy talking about? MGE will always be king
May 11, 2002, 04:26
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When I first noticed this thread, I thought, "The ELDERS have RETURNED!"
Then I looked at the dates.
Ah! Nostalgia.
Wish I'd been there.
Lost in America.
"a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
"or a very good liar." --Stefu
"Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.
May 11, 2002, 05:14
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Whatever happened to the ToT Russian Civil War Alex was working on? All he ever released was the FW version.
It always is fun to troll through the old SLeague threads though - things were far more heated back at the beginning, I'm sorry I missed most of them!
May 11, 2002, 10:16
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Funny, I chatted with Blackclove about a month ago.
Looking at this I now feel OLD...
May 11, 2002, 10:38
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NickC. *snif*.
But things have changed...  Sigh.
Follow the masses!
30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!
May 11, 2002, 14:40
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Hey, I'm still here!
Re-elect Bush!
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