August 5, 2003, 03:51
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World War II Online: MAJOR Update
WWIIOL just got a new patch(last week actually), version 1.9. There are a lot of new things, not the least of which are, and not limited to; Depot spawning and Factory bombing.
Depot spawning is where you can spawn at the CPs inside of the city(infantry only), away from the ABs. Limiting camping problems and making it easier to get around. Also if the enemy captures a Depot in a city held by your side and they have an FB to that depot from a city then they can spawn in that city. ie if Allies capture the Lux-Thionville Depot and they have an FB from Thion to Lux then they can spawn Infantry directly into German held Lux.
Im not exactly sure how facotry bombing works, I dont know if it slows R&D or if it decreases the supply limit. But its cool because we can finally conduct stragtegic air raids!
oh and they put knives in.
if you guys want I'll copy and paste the Readme text so you can see all of the updates.
August 5, 2003, 05:31
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So how are the player numbers these days? I've not heard much about it since it recovered from its bad launch problems.
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
August 5, 2003, 08:15
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there are more than enough people playing on both sides, its a challenge to fight for either side of the map. You should re-up your subscription if not for just a month to check it out. Well worth it. Oh and its FAR less buggie.
August 5, 2003, 08:20
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I've heard good things about this latest patch on a number of other forums, so I'm interested in giving it another try. I want to get involved in an organized squad this time around, if I do sign up again. Any advice?
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August 5, 2003, 08:27
Local Time: 18:55
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 Never underestimate the power of the Renault 35!
The only advice I could give you is to have fun. Definetly sign up for a squad, it makes gameplay far better when youre not always alone.
August 5, 2003, 08:32
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World War Two Online
ver# 193 (Public)
-Fixed several client performance issues
World War Two Online
ver# 192 (Public)
-Fixed a shadow related CTD
World War Two Online
ver# 191 (Public)
-Fixed a yaw instability issue with the 109
-Fixed an error with concussive resistance to vehicles
World War Two Online
ver# 190 (Public)
Converted DirectX graphics API to OpenGL graphics API
Vehicles: Planes
-Added new plane: French DB7 medium bomber
-Added new plane: British Havoc I medium bomber
-Audited filght model for Bf110 C4
-Audited filght model for Bf110 C4b
-Audited flight model for Bf109E
-Audited flight model for Bf109F (pending 19x)
-Audited flight model for Ju87
-Audited flight model for Hurricane I
-Audited flight model for Hurricane IIc
-Audited flight model for Spitfire I
-Audited flight model for Spitfire Vb (pending 19x)
-Audited flight model for H75
-Audited flight model for Dewotine 520
-Audited flight model for H81
-Fixed a bug where HE-111 crew positions that used 2 weapons did not die when the alternate position died
-Fixed a bug with He111 position 7 not being killed properly
-Added new articulated bombsight to DB7. This bombsight has the ability to move left, right, up, and down and has an indicator for the pilot to correct movment. This sight technology will be retrofitted to the HE-111.
-Reduced MINIMUM convergence on ALL forward firing aircraft guns to 100m
-Finished ground handling pass on SpitVb, should now handle same as SpitI
-Reduced total braking power on HurricaneI and HurricaneII to help reduce nose-over tendencies while applying brakes.
-Reduced bomb drag on all bombs to bring "speed clean vs. speed w/bombs" closer to historic values on aircraft with external bombs
-Changed G-force code so that player cannot achieve brain death state by pulling G's
-Added flag, gear and canopy drag
-Added flap, gear and canopy damage
Vehicles: AFV
-Added new tank: H39 French light tank
-Armored cars audited for stability
-Fixed roll and yaw values for the Matilda to address shaking on some terrain tiles
-Audited Truck and Puller transmission to match historical speed data:
Morris 60kph
Laffly 66kph
SdKfz 50kph
Bedford 70kph
Opel 80kph
-Tweaked S-35 speeds, should now hit historic numbers
-Adjusted fuel loadouts on ALL ground vehicles to reflect historic values
-Changed Char and S35 turret rotation speed to match historical data (audit in progress not final do not report issues)
-Changed French mg drums to 150 rounds to match historical data
-Adjusted Flak 30 reload time from 7 seconds to 4.5 seconds
-Added ability to spawn at depots (infantry only, mission only)
-Added knives to infantry load out
-Added third person binoculars
-Added shell ejection animations in first and third person
-Added new infantry animations for walking backwards, upright and crouched
-Added new relaxed state animation
-Changed muzzle fire and smoke
-Added muzzle light sourcing to the muzzle flash
-Added bullet smoke to troop hits
-Added new infantry emotes, usage is as follows in an open chat buffer:
full body emotes:
.emote salute
.emote cheer
combat emotes:
.emote double
.emote getdown
.emote halt
.emote moveout
Note: You may type these as short cuts (i.e. <.em doub> for <.emote double>)
-Mapped the left ctrl key to be the modifier for the trooper emotes in conjunction with the number keys
-Increased rifle spawn number to 400
-Disbaled emotes while swimming
-Keyboard commands for infantry changed as follows:
External view (offline only):changed from "V" to "Left Control, V"
Crouch: changed from "B" to "F"
Prone: changed from "F" to "V"
-Added bomber fields (may be moved by RDP cycle)
He-111 (Germany):
DB7 (France):
Havoc I (British):
Le Tourquet
-NEW CP's and AF's
Canterbury (3 x RD&P facilities)
Whitstable (3 x RD&P facilities)
Ashford (3 x RD&P facilities)
British deepwater destroyer ports added at Deal, Dover, Dunkerque and Berck-Plage
All English CP's made capturable and links to France extended to include:
Boulogne/Le Touquet -> Folkestone
Dover -> Dunkerque
Hallschlag - Kronenburger AF
Dusseldorf (4 x RD&P facilities)
Koln (4 x RD&P facilities)
Kerpen - (Gwynich AF)
Hahn-Hunsrück AF (Axis rear AF only)
Neider-Mending AF (Axis rear AF only)
Monchen-Gladbach (1 x RD&P facility)
Gorisboek (Zeeland Islands) seaport CP (infantry/fairmile only)
Krabbendijke (Zeeland Islands) seaport CP (infantry/fairmile only)
Gravenpolder (Zeeland Islands) seaport CP (infantry/fairmile only)
Willemstad Harbour (deepwater destoyer)
Hellevoetsluis (deepwater destroyer)
S-Hertogenbosch - (Vught Airfield)
Le Crotoy (French destroyer port)
Abbeville (includes French AF) (3 x RD&P facilities)
Le Tourquet (includes British AF)
Berck-Plage (includes British destroyer port)
Montreuil (3 x RD&P facilities)
Amiens (includes British AF) (3 x RD&P facilities)
Tille AF (French rear AF only)
Clermont AF (French rear AF only)
French deepwater destroyer ports also added at Calais, Oostende and Antwerp
Harbour port added to Walsoorden
-Modifed Autogunner machine guns so they have reduced accuracy against a trooper if he is prone
-Added new AA AI
British: 20mm Oklieron, 40mm bofors
French: 25mm CaMle38, 40mm bofors
German: 20mm Flak 30, 40mm Bofors
-Added new bursting rounds to 20mm and 40mm AA AI for flak curtain efect
Game Play:
-Forward Bases now draw their supply from their parent Army Base
-Newly captured facilities no-longer have a full spawn list
-Added EWS to research facilities for aircraft
-Added EWS to depots for ground vehicles
-Incerased time span for initial vehicle delivery to a newly captured AB to 0-30 mins
-Increased capture table initial build time to 15 mins
-Added new cature table dialog which indicates facility spawn status
-Increased capture table capture time to 2 mins
Research Development Production:
-Added new RDP web reporting and story generation
-Added new map icons
-Added new research facility and icon
-Added ability to adjust vehicle levels without restarting the host
User Interface:
-Removed "Display All" facility filter on the UI theater map
-Added new filtering and zoom controls to the UI map
-Removed double-click zoom at map except at 1x zoom level
-Added all non-combat emotes to ".help emote"
Settings and Config:
-Added new Settings.exe
-Added ability to turn off muzzle flashes to Settings.exe
-Added language support for French
-Fixed a bug with French and Italian Keymappers
-Added mouse wheel support
-Moved the Jettision function to "left control + J" in the keymapper
-Fire and explosions now appear voluminous and heated
-Enhanced residual fire for bomb explosions and plane crashes
-Added a new texture for 'heat'to explosion effects
-Added "chunks o' debris" for aircraft hits
-Added random sparks trailing from a burning aircraft/bomb explosions
-Added first and third person exhaust to vehicle startup
-Added flap and gear damage sounds to aircraft
-Added muzzle flash/lighting
-Adjusted global fogging variables for a smoother effect, no change to max view distance
-Adjusted ranged icon color to distinguish it from the fog
-Changed sound reduction if your vehicles engine is running (Mac only)
-New engine sounds for Havoc and DB7
-Added knife sounds
-Radio icons should now correctly indicate on which channels you receive a message
-Added "arenaLock" - this feature alows the GM to lock players from spawning, a sys message will repeat in the chat buffer
-Added fix for "side Swap" bug
-Fixed a cause for the continuous fire bug
-Fixed a bug where explosives were delivering joule damage to terrain objects twice
-Fixed bug where Eind and Panningen were not captureable
-Adjusted AI to have less impact on frame rate
-Fixed reported CTDs
 Its a biggy
August 6, 2003, 07:23
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Hey, cool. I can log in and play without even renewing my account.
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August 6, 2003, 10:48
Local Time: 18:55
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 I think youve been paying them the entire time!
But what do you think of the changes? Whats your in game name?
August 6, 2003, 12:52
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Originally posted by Space05us
I think youve been paying them the entire time!
I think they they gave everyone another "come back and play" free period. I never gave them the payment information in the first place, so there's no way I could of been paying for it.
But what do you think of the changes? Whats your in game name?
I'm liking it alot better so far. One of the big reasons I didn't keep playing was that my old computer couldn't handle it, this one handles it great - constant 40 frames per second.
I'm Osweld inside the game aswell, and I play on the axis. (I helped take Bastogne this morning  )
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August 6, 2003, 14:30
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August 6, 2003, 15:07
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I've been having fun in Luxemburg too. Only two french flags left...
The combat in those big cities is really different. Aside from me always geting lost, you really have to watch for the snipers/hiding infintry. I haven't been doing as well in the big cities as I have been out in the bush or in the small villages, but it's so much more fun... especially when there's huge dog fights and bombing runs in the sky. It really adds to the atmosphere.
EDIT: And I have a question, what does "S!" mean? I see it alot in the chat.
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August 6, 2003, 15:16
Local Time: 18:55
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S! = saluting someone ie [Space05: S! Osweld] = me saluting you, something you wont see.  Its just another way of saying '"hi" and "bye"
damn I need to get my ass in game, I didnt know you guys were back in lux already. It is fun fighting in bigger cities, as long as you dont mind having to wait for long periods of time for a few seconds of life or death combat. And it really sucks when you think youre being sneaky and accidently poke your head too far around a corner and get hit by a tanks machine gun.
August 6, 2003, 16:31
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Tanks, I don't mind. Those chars and renaults stick out like a sore thumb inside a city. It's all those infantry hiding in the ruble and inside buildings that get me.
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August 7, 2003, 00:42
Local Time: 18:55
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Posts: 2,709
The new colour scheme for my Char will be blaze orange! I never have problems while driving around in my good 'ole Char. Rennys are a bit of a hassle to drive, and usually fall prey to P-2s and 38(t)s, but if you use them correctly they can be quite effective and devastating! Nothing like imagining the look on a PIV driver's face when they see the deathcam with a renny right on thier bumper
if its been a while since you played you want to make sure you play with the toys on all sides! The brits have a decent scout car, and a bad ass AA gun. Thier armour selection still leaves me craving more. Of course they have the Spit and Hurri, but Im not an aviator so I cant really comment on them.
The Germans have a nice selection of armoured vehicles, though it sucks when its down to the 38(t)s, 232s, and PIIs. You have to stick pretty much to keeping the flies off of PIIIs and IVs. (They really got the shaft on the scout cars as far as Im concerned, but its about damn time they got the shaft on something  ) Once the first R&D phase is complete you will no doubt be seeing the PIIIH, the "Uber PIII", its toe-to-toe with the P4 if not better. (though you will most likely also lose the Stug because the regular German player has NO idea how to use it properly and GHC is more concerned with looking like its winning than actually winning)
And of course theres the French armour, not recommended for the claustrophobic. Horrible for moving fast or viewing the scenery, but when it comes time for battle it matches up with the German equipment far better than the tinfoil covered golf carts the Brits use. The Char, is of course, the most deadly armoured vehicle in the game (when put in the right hands). With an alright main gun and a kick ass hull gun, good armour, and a decent speed(you get used to the slowness) its my baby!  Much of the French player base would sooner trade in effectiveness for speed which brings us along to the S-35. It has a so-so main gun, and an okay machine gun. Light armour, and good speed. Its the average tank of the game. Then there is the R-35, the good 'ole renny! The shittiest tank in the game, I love it! Its like playing on uber hard mode.  The French also recieved a scout car, the Panhard. Its a mean lean Panzer eating machine (once again, only when place in the right hands) Great speed, awsome main gun (considering how light a vehicle it is) and did I mention it looks good!? The other newewt toy the French got was the H39. You can call it an R35 on steroids. Good for taking out Stugs, and lightly armoured German vehicles, but mainly used for keeping flies away from the S35s and Chars. (at least thats how it should be used). The French also got a new fighter plane and a new bomber, again I cant really comment on them.
 sorry I got carried away, I was only going to tell you about the new toys, but I just love this game so much! I could talk about it all day long. But I'll stop for now.
August 7, 2003, 12:06
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Another question... is there some sort of rank requirement for binoculars or something? I can never use the damned things.
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August 7, 2003, 12:29
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Originally posted by Space05us
(though you will most likely also lose the Stug because the regular German player has NO idea how to use it properly
How, exactly, do you use it properly? I jumped in one expecting a sort of quick assault vehicle, something sort of similiar to the panhard, but was taken aback by how different it is from all the other tanks. I think that it would be most useful as a support role... but not many of them are made, so it's hard to find out.
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August 7, 2003, 15:08
Local Time: 18:55
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yes binocs are rank restricted, though I cant remember what rank you need because when they came out I was already past it.
Im pretty sure each base gets one stug, so yeah they are limited. They are a moving artillery piece, they should be tought of at an AT gun with an engine and a problem where it cant hide. Just like the R-35s. It is meant for a support role. Its supposed to help take out the heavier allied tanks, just like how the PII and 232 are meant to take out infantry and lightly armoured vehicles such as the Laffly and R35s. But the average German player will take one and go crusing alone, deadly mistake as the things are very very vulnerable, its easy to manuever behind them even in an R35.
August 7, 2003, 15:36
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I'm looking at buying/subscribing... Is the game really all that and a basket of bananas? How bad does the lag get? How are newbies treated? Do you need to join a group to have fun?
cIV list: cheats
Now watch this drive!
August 7, 2003, 16:15
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Its fun! Lag can get bad at times, usually only during the peak hours of the day and usually only when youre in a battle. Or when you fly. But I have a 50.6kbs modem connection with a three second delay, its bareable at its worst and great when otherwise! Newbies are treated differently by everyone, usually someone will take you under thier wing, and show you the ropes. You dont *need* to join a group to have fun, but it increases the enjoyability of the game ten fold when you at least have someone that you tag along with on a regular basis. Being a lonewolf for a little while is fun too, it just gets boring after a while because you cant really get anything accomplished.
You should sign up for a month and give it a chance.
August 7, 2003, 17:30
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Yeah, I got a chance to play the stug some more and figured out how you're supposed to do it.
One more question...  I found out about the range finding (from someone helping the newbies learn to use the .88) and was just wondering if there are any other helpful gadgets like that. (and I assume that you jsut have to learn how to use the distance in targeting... or is there something to help with that, too?)
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August 7, 2003, 22:36
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Woah... you can play with dialup!?!?
cIV list: cheats
Now watch this drive!
August 8, 2003, 00:30
Local Time: 18:55
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Woah... you can play with dialup!?!?
not just any dialup, I live about as far away from civilization as you can get.
One more question... I found out about the range finding (from someone helping the newbies learn to use the .88) and was just wondering if there are any other helpful gadgets like that. (and I assume that you jsut have to learn how to use the distance in targeting... or is there something to help with that, too?)
I learned range finding as a trial and error procedure.
Im so used to playing that I can usually hit the target dead on on my first shot and adjust my sites accordingly afterwards. Guess I just grew an eye for it.
August 8, 2003, 22:30
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Sappers are pretty fun. Nothing quite as satisifying as taking out one of those expensive tanks with infantry... except maybe shooting out the engine of a plane with a flak gun.
I had fun defending turnhout tonight, where I tried out the sappers for the first time. took me a couple of tries, but I finally got to the tanks camping outside our army base from the south depot (and killed two enemy infantry on my way there  ) then I got my big opportunity... a fresh tank just drove past my cover in a bush then hunkered down for a night of camping infront of the army base, so I ran out form cover, killed his supporting rifleman with my pistol and stuck a satchel on his ass. It didn't kill him outright, but I did enough damage for him to despawn (before he even got to fire a shot, I might add  ). I quickly dove back into cover... and saw that there where alot of enemy infantry around me. I crawled into a corner of the rubble hoping to stay unoticed, but a pair of riflemen found me and killed me.. but I unloaded my pistol with my final ounce of strength and took one of them with me.
After despawning, I find out that there where three more tanks right around the corner from the one I blew up. I probably could of put a satchel on each one of them before dying had I not tried to hide after the first one.
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Last edited by General Ludd; August 8, 2003 at 22:43.
August 8, 2003, 22:38
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I was surprised how good the pistol is, too. I would actually prefer it over the smg. It's accurate enough for urban combat, rapid firing, and doesn't attract as much attention.
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August 8, 2003, 23:07
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What happens if one side starts to win outright? Does the game restart, or does the losing side get a boost?
cIV list: cheats
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August 8, 2003, 23:09
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And there are only 3 chokepoints in barrier from antwerp...go for it, axis!
cIV list: cheats
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August 9, 2003, 07:14
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Originally posted by MattH
What happens if one side starts to win outright? Does the game restart, or does the losing side get a boost?
The map is reset occasionally, but I'm not sure if they wait for one side to win or what.
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August 9, 2003, 12:18
Local Time: 18:55
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Posts: 2,709
I was surprised how good the pistol is, too. I would actually prefer it over the smg. It's accurate enough for urban combat, rapid firing, and doesn't attract as much attention.
the Luger? it attracts so much attention its not even funny.
What happens if one side starts to win outright? Does the game restart, or does the losing side get a boost?
I forget exactly how it works, but each city has a "strategic value". Once the total strategic value of all of one side's cities totals a certain number then CRS resets the map and one side claims victory while the other admits defeat, and then they go back at it!
And there are only 3 chokepoints in barrier from antwerp...go for it, axis!
 so many people like playing axis. I just dont get it. Besides they wont cap Antwerp, its too valuable to the Brits. (hope I haven spoken too soon)
August 9, 2003, 12:21
Local Time: 18:55
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Posts: 2,709
 yeah Antwerp is safe.
August 9, 2003, 12:36
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Originally posted by Space05us
the Luger? it attracts so much attention its not even funny.
Does it really? I suppose it has a pretty distinct sound... but it doesn't seem as loud as the other guns, and I don't think it has any tracers.
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