August 10, 2003, 14:17
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OFFICIAL: Hiverian Constitution & Laws
General Principles
Article 1 [Socialist State]
(1) The Human Hive is a socialist state under the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class.
(2) The socialist system is the basic system of the Human Hive. Sabotage of the socialist system by any organization or individual is prohibited.
Article 2 [Sovereignty]
(1) All power in the Human Hive belongs to the people.
(2) The organs through which the people exercise state power are the Central Continuing Committee, the People’s Congress, the Ministry of Law, the Department of Development, and their various subsidiary bodies.
(3) The people administer state affairs and manage economic, cultural and social affairs through various channels and in various ways in accordance with the law.
Article 3 [Democratic Centralism]
(1) The state organs of the Human Hive apply the principle of democratic centralism.
(2) The Central Continuing Committee, People’s Congress, Ministry of Law, and Department of Development are instituted through democratic election. They are responsible to the people and subject to their supervision.
(3) All administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs of the state are created by the Central Continuing Committee to which they are responsible and under whose supervision they operate.
(4) The division of functions and powers between the central and local state organs is guided by the principle of giving full play to the initiative and enthusiasm of the local authorities under the unified leadership of the central authorities.
Article 4 [Socialist Legal System, Rule of Law]
(1) The state upholds the uniformity and dignity of the socialist legal system.
(2) No law or administrative or local rules and regulations shall contravene the Constitution.
(3) All state organs, the armed forces, all political parties and public organizations, and all enterprises and undertakings must abide by the Constitution and the law. All acts in violation of the Constitution and the law must be looked into.
(4) No organization or individual may enjoy the privilege of being above the Constitution and the law.
Last edited by Voltaire; August 14, 2003 at 19:41.
August 10, 2003, 14:18
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Posts: 1,568
Structure of the State
Article 5 [Highest Organ of State Power]
The Central Continuing Committee of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic is the highest organ of state power. It is headed by the Chairman of the Central Continuing Committee of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic.
Article 5a [Central Continuing Committee]
(1) The Central Continuing Committee is the executive branch of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic. It is composed of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and People’s Deputies.
(2a) The Central Continuing Committee has the right to:
-amend the constitution;
-decide on the choice of the Commissioner of Foreign Relations, the head of the Military Commission, and the head of any special Commissions;
-decide on the choice of department heads for the various departments;
-approve the Judges of the Supreme People's Court;
-examine and approve the plan for national economic and social development and the report on its implementation;
-examine and approve the state budget and the report on its implementation;
-alter or annul inappropriate decisions of the Department of Development and the People’s Congress;
-dismiss administrators of subservient administrative bodies if found that they are not complying with the will of the People, or interests of the State
-approve the establishment of prefects, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government;
-decide on the ratification and abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states;
-decide on the enforcement of martial law throughout the country or in particular prefects, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government;
-decide on questions of war and peace; &
- exercise such other functions and powers as the highest organ of state power should exercise.
(2b) The Central Continuing Committee has the duties of:
-posting saved files of turns on the forum;
-holding turnchats for every turn, and if not able to do so the decisions as to what actions should be taken on the upcoming turn must be made on the forums and stated in a clear and concise manner;
-post a log of the turnchat on the private forum;
-posting an update of the situation on every turn;
-ensuring that such an update has an in-game image or images detailing the turns events;
-keeping the turnthread updated;
-posting polls to gauge the opinions of the People of non-standard matters (i.e. situations for which there does not already exist a general policy); &
-serving the People and State to the best of their abilities.
Article 5b [Chairman]
(1) The Chairman of the Central Continuing Committee oversees the actions of the Committee and administers their actions. As the head of the highest organ of state the Chairman of the Central Continuing Committee fulfills the role of the Head of Government of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic.
(2a) The Chairman has the right to:
-appoint and remove members of the Central Continuing Committee;
-appoint and recall plenipotentiary representatives abroad;
-ratifies and abrogates treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states;
-confer state medals and titles of honor;
-issue orders of special pardons;
-proclaim marshal law;
-proclaim a state of war; &
-issue mobilization orders.
(2b) The Chairman has the duties of:
-physically playing the turn;
-oversee all turnchats;
-approving all in-game orders before execution;
-approving all Hiveran laws before they take effect;
-ensuing that all in-game actions reflect the best interests of state;
-calling a state council of all subsidiary governing bodies before making any decisions;
-calling state elections; &
-acting in the bests interests of State.
Article 5c [Deputy Chairman, Councils]
(1) In the event that the Chairman cannot perform any or all of the functions within his duty, a Deputy Chairman, appointed by the Chairman, will act in his place.
(2a) The Deputy Chairman has the right to:
-advise the Chairman in all matters of State.
(2b) The Deputy Chairman has the duties of:
-posting election polls;
-posting nomination threads;
-posting election results;
-performing all functions assigned to him by the Chairman; &
-performing all of the Chairman’s duties if the Chairman is unable to do so.
(3) The duties of the Chairmanship may be subdivided amongst members of the Central Continuing Committee who act on behalf of the Chairman in a similar fashion as the Deputy Chairman, except with clearly defined roles; these individuals are to be referred to for the duration of their functions as Councils. If the latter comes into effect, the Deputy Chairman is to oversee the functions of the Councils.
(4a) The Councils have the right to:
-advise the Chairman in matters of State pertaining to their assigned function.
(4b) The Councils have the duties of:
-performing all functions assigned to them by the Chairman.
Article 6 [Legislative Power]
The People’s Congress exercises the legislative powers of the state.
Article 6a [People’s Congress]
(1) The People’s Congress of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic is the supreme civil legislative body of the Human Hive. Composed of elected representatives of the People of the Human Hive it functions to bring the voice of the People to the Central Continuing Committee.
(2a) The People’s Congress has the right to:
-preside over foreign negotiations;
-set the state budget;
-set development policies;
-issue orders to the Department of Development; &
-compose draft laws.
(2b) The People’s Congress has the duties of:
-ensuring that the decisions of the Department of Development are rational within the context of the in-game rules;
-providing in-game information, calculations, and strategies for use by the Central Continuing Committee in their decision making process;
-voting on proposed bills;
-ensuring that all laws abide by the constitution; &
-watching over the Department of Development to ensure that all actions are in the best interests of the State.
Article 6b [Censor]
(1) The People’s Congress shall be headed by a Censor who is to be elected upon the first meeting of a People’s Congress and who is to preside over all meetings of the People’s Congress.
(2a) The Censor has the right to:
-veto any decision of the People’s Congress; &
-have his 2 votes in the People’s Congress.
(2b) The Censor has the duties of:
-challenging all statistics and figures put forth by the People’s Congress to ensure their validity;
-providing a counter-argument to all proposals by the People’s Congress in order to fully explore all issues;
-ensuring that all possible in-game information has been provided by the People’s Congress so as to facilitate the in-game decision making process of the Central Continuing committee;
-vetoing all incorrect decisions by the People’s Congress;
-ensuring the People’s Congress abide by the constitution, the will of the People, and in the best interests of the State; &
-taking responsibility for all decisions by the People’s Congress.
(3) The nullification of the Veto will require 2/3 of the votes in the People’s Congress, excluding the vote of the Censor.
Article 6c [Representation]
(1) The People’s Congress is composed of deputies elected by the popular vote directly under the central government.
(2) Election of deputies to the People’s Congress is to be conducted on a monthly basis.
Article 7 [People’s Courts and Procuratorates]
The people's courts in the Human Hive are the judicial organs of the state.
Article 7a [Supreme People's Court]
(1) The Supreme People’s Courts is the supreme and final judicial organ of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic.
(2) It shall be composed of 3 magistrates to be elected by the People, and approved by the Central Continuing Committee, to serve for a term not exceeding two months in length.
(3a) The Supreme People’s Court has the right to:
-interpret the constitution.
(3b) The Supreme People’s Court has the duties of:
-seeing all complaints brought forth by a citizen of the Human Hive;
-ruling on aforementioned complaints;
-ensuring all laws passed by the People’s Congress are in compliance with the constitution; &
-suggesting amendments to laws and the constitution to the People’s Congress and Central Continuing Committee respectively.
Article 7b [Responsibility of the Supreme People's Court]
The Supreme People's Court is first and only responsibility is to the People of the Human Hive. The Supreme People’s Court must ensure the interests of the People are put first.
August 10, 2003, 14:18
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Posts: 1,568
Administration of the State
Article 8 [Departments]
(1) The Departments are the administrative bodies of the government of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic. They follow and implement the will of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Human Hive.
(2) Each department head will be appointed by the Central Continuing Committee.
(3) The term in office of the department heads is indefinite.
(4) The Departments are responsible for providing statistical in-game data in order to facilitate the People’s Congress in their decision making process.
(5) The Departments also are responsible for advising the People’s Congress in what action they should follow.
(6) All department heads must submit their turn order recommendations to the head of the Department of Development, who in turn will submit them to the People’s Congress.
(7) All department heads are allowed to advise and consult with each other. They are also granted the right to petition for changes or actions from other Directors that may be critical to the their department. Ultimately, however, it is the department head in charge of his/her section that has the final say in how things are handled.
(8) All department heads will have to post their general strategies in an 'office' thread which they are responsible for creating and maintaining. This will outline possible situations where the People’s Congress can not ask for orders from the Departments but will have to act on the general orders.
(9) The creation of subsidiary administrative bodies under any of the branches of the government of the Human Hive is prescribed by law.
Article 9 [Department of Development]
(1) Department which presides over all other departments, responsible for the general industrial/economic(BUILD), scientific(DISCOVER), exploratory/colonial(EXPLORE), and military (CONQUOR) development of the state.
(2)The department head of the Department of Development shall be referred to as Overseer.
(3a) The Overseer has the right to:
-determine what orders from subservient departments should take precedence;
-issue orders to the subservient departments; &
-set general development policies for the state.
(3b) The Overseer has the duties of:
-being present at all turnchats, or if unable to do so, submit the recommendations of the Departments beforehand;
-ensure that all department heads post statistically relevant in-game information before each turn is conducted in order to facilitate the decision making process;
-ensure that the information submitted by the department heads is accurate;
-propose alternative courses of action to those submitted by the department heads, and ensure that proper discussion takes place before the submission of turn order recommendations; &
-provide images, charts, graphs, etc. which may facilitate better understanding of the concepts discussed so as to help the learning process of less experienced players.
Article 10 [Department of Infrastructure](BUILD)
(1) The Department of Infrastructure encompasses a wide variety of tasks. Namely the Department of Infrastructure concerns itself with base production and terraforming.
(2) The department head of the Department of Infrastructure shall be referred to as Curator.
(3a) The Curator has the right to:
-issue build orders to the Overseer;
-issue terraforming orders to the Overseer;
-issue worker placement orders to the Overseer;
-issue orders in relation to the disbanding, construction, or upgrade of terraforming units; &
-advise any other Department.
(3b) The Curator has the duties of:
-providing in-game information in his ‘office’ thread in order to facilitate the decision making process;
-post polls on matters related to his portfolio; &
-provide orders to the Overseer prior to the turnchat.
Article 11 [Department of Expansion](EXPLORE)(CONQUOR)
(1) The Department of Expansion oversees the colonization and exploration efforts of the state, as well as maintains the military infrastructure.
(2) The department head of the Department of Expansion shall be referred to as Conquisitor.
(3a) The Conquisitor has the right to:
-issue base placement orders to the Overseer;
-issue colony pod construction orders to the Overseer;
-issue exploration and military unit construction orders to the Overseer;
-issue orders in relation to the disbanding, construction, or upgrade of exploration, colonization and military units;
-request builds from the Curator; &
-advise any other Department.
(3b) The Conquisitor has the duties of:
-providing in-game information in his ‘office’ thread in order to facilitate the decision making process;
-post polls on matters related to his portfolio;
-design new exploration, military, and colonization units; &
-provide orders to the Overseer prior to the turnchat.
Article 12 [Department of Manufacturing](BUILD)
(1) The Department of Manufacturing oversees the expenditures of energy credits and allocation of resources.
(2) The department head of the Department of Manufacturing shall be referred to as Quaestor.
(3a) The Quaestor has the right to:
-issue rushbuild orders to the Overseer;
-issue crawler construction orders to the Overseer;
-issue crawler movement orders to the Overseer;
-allocate use of crawlers;
-allocate use of resources outside radius of existing bases;
-advise Commissioner of Foreign Relations on the use of energy credits in trade with other factions;
-request builds from the Curator; &
-advise any other Department.
(3b) The Quaestor has the duties of:
-providing in-game information in his ‘office’ thread in order to facilitate the decision making process;
-post polls on matters related to his portfolio;
-ensuring the efficient use of resources;
-ensuring the effective flow of energy credits for the faction; &
-provide orders to the Overseer prior to the turnchat.
Article 13 [Department of Science](DISCOVER)
(1) The Department of Science oversees the advancement of research.
(2) The department head of the Department of Science shall be referred to as Quaesitor.
(3a) The Quaesitor has the right to:
-issue research orders to the Overseer;
-issue lab construction orders (i.e. buildings that provide a bonus to science);
-advise the Commissioner of Foreign Relations on the trade of technology with other factions;
-request the allocation of more energy credits towards research;
-request builds from the Curator; &
-advise any other Department.
(3b) The Quaesitor has the duties of:
-providing in-game information in his ‘office’ thread in order to facilitate the decision making process;
-post polls on matters related to his portfolio; &
-provide orders to the Overseer prior to the turnchat.
Article 14 [Department of Social Engineering]
(1) The Department of Social Engineering oversees the molding of the society of the faction.
(2) The department head of the Department of Social Engineering shall be referred to as Magna Frater.
(3a) The Magna Frater has the right to:
-issue orders changing the social engineering settings to the Overseer; &
-advise any other Department.
(3b) The Magna Frater has the duties of:
-providing in-game information in his ‘office’ thread in order to facilitate the decision making process;
-post polls on matters related to his portfolio; &
-provide orders to the Overseer prior to the turnchat.
August 10, 2003, 14:19
Local Time: 00:10
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 1,568
Defense of the State
Article 15 [Armed Forces]
(1) The armed forces of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic exist to serve the interests of the People of the Human Hive. Their primary objectives being: the defense of the homeland, the preservation of the socialist principles of the Human Hive, and the promotion of the interests of the State.
(2) In following with the principles of socialism and state, the armed forces fall under the direct civilian control of the Central Continuing Committee and any of its administrative bodies.
(3) The administrative body of the armed forces, operating directly under the government of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic, is the Central Military Committee.
(4) The armed forces are divided into two administrative divisions under the Central Military Committee, those divisions consisting of forces responsible for the defense of the homeland, and forces responsible for foreign military action.
(5) The armed forces of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic shall be referred to as: the People’s Strategic Self-Defense Forces, and the People’s Special Strategic Advance Forces.
Article 15a [Central Military Committee]
(1) The Central Military Committee administers the armed forces of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic in the name of the civilian government of the Human Hive.
(2) The Central Military Committee shall be appointed by the Central Continuing Committee.
(3) The Central Military Committee shall consist of two heads, each in charge of one of the separate branches of the armed forces. Also all officials appointed to the administration of the military shall sit on the Central Military Committee.
(4a) The Central Military Committee has the right to:
-ordering the movement of units;
-issuing unit design requests to the Conquisitor; &
-advising any other parts of government.
(4b) The Central Military Committee has the duties of:
-making defense plans in case of an attack on the homeland;
-planning for possible invasions of foreign soil;
-ensuring the proper defense of the homeland;
-providing the government with the necessary information in-game information in regards to their specified area in order to facilitate decision making; &
-provide orders to the Overseer prior to the turnchat.
(5) Military officers shall be referred to as Commanders of their respective division of the armed forces.
(6) The structure of the Central Military Committee shall be proscribed by law.
Article 15b [Marshal]
(1) The Central Military Committee shall be headed by the Marshal of the Armed Forces.
(2) The Marshal shall each hold veto power and hold an extra vote on the Central Military Committee.
(3) A veto of the Marshal may only be nullified by the Central Continuing Committee.
(4a) The Marshal of the Armed Forces has the right to:
-ordering the movement of units;
-issuing unit design requests to the Conquisitor;
-having the supreme word on matters of national defense and special operations in the Central Continuing Committee; &
-advising any other parts of government.
(4b) The Supreme Commander of the People’s Strategic Self-Defense Forces has the duties of:
-making plans in case of an attack on the homeland;
-ensuring the proper defense of the homeland;
-planning for possible invasions of foreign soil;
-executing invasions;
-providing the government with the necessary information in-game information in regards to their specified area in order to facilitate decision making; &
-provide orders to the Overseer prior to the turnchat.
Article 16 [Intelligence Services]
The Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic, seeing the need to protect itself from foreign and internal non-military threats, mandates the existence of intelligence services in order to protect the interests of the State.
Article 16a [Committee for State Security]
(1) The Committee for State Security oversees intelligence gathering operation of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic.
(2) The Committee for State Security is attached directly to the Central Continuing Committee.
(3) The Committee for State Security shall be divided into directorates each responsible for different tasks to be proscribed by the Central Continuing Committee.
(4) The Director of the Committee for State Security, as well as the subservient directors of other branches of the Committee for State Security shall be appointed by the Central Continuing Committee.
Article 16b [Foreign Intelligence Service]
(1) The Foreign Intelligence Service is the foreign division of the Committee for State Security.
(2) The directorate head of the Foreign Intelligence Service shall be referred to as the Director of Foreign Intelligence.
(3a) The Director of Foreign Intelligence has the right to:
-ordering the movement of probe units;
-issuing unit design requests to the Conquisitor;
-conduct probe actions; &
-advising any other parts of government.
(3b) The Director of Foreign Intelligence has the duties of:
-effectively preventing probe actions against the homeland;
-providing necessary in-game information so as to facilitate the decisions making process; &
-provide orders to the Overseer prior to the turnchat.
August 10, 2003, 14:19
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Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 1,568
Foreign Relations
Article 17 [Diplomacy]
(1) The Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic strives towards peaceful and fruitful coexistence with other factions on Planet.
(2) Diplomatic powers of the Hiverain state rest in the Central Continuing Committee, the People’s Congress, and any of their subsidiary administrative organs.
(3) The government of the Human Hive invests the official ambassadorial and negotiation right into its Commission of Foreign Relations.
Article 18 [Commission of Foreign Relations]
(1) The Commission of Foreign Relations acts as the official representative body of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic abroad.
(2) It has the powers to negotiation on behalf of the government of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic.
(3) The Commission of Foreign Relations shall be headed by the Commissioner of Foreign Relations.
(3a) The Commission of Foreign Relations has the right to:
-appoint ambassadors to other factions;
-negotiation treaties with other factions;
-establish embassies, consulates, etc. in foreign territory; &
-advise any other part of the government in regards to foreign relations.
(3a) The Commission of Foreign Relations has the duties of:
-providing all negotiations information to the people of the Human Hive via an official thread;
-following the wishes of the central government; &
-establishing an ‘office’ thread in which to keep the people informed of happenings in the field of foreign relations, and to facilitate discussion on the matter.
(4a) The Commissioner of Foreign Relations has the right to:
-veto any decision of the Commission of Foreign Relations;
-decide upon matters of in-game trade with other factions;
-issue orders to the Overseer in regards to in-game negotiations with other factions; &
-and act as ambassador to all factions if no official ambassadors have been appointed.
(3a) The Commissioner of Foreign Relations has the duties of:
-provide orders to the Overseer prior to turnchat; &
-ensure the best interests of the state.
Article 19 [Interest of State]
The diplomatic branch of the Hiverian administration must at all time act in the best interest of state as determined by the Central Continuing Committee. Thus if deception of foreign states has been deemed to be in the interest of state the Committee for State Security has jurisdiction over the Commission of Foreign Relations.
August 10, 2003, 14:19
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Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 1,568
Succession of Power
Article 20 [Head of State]
The head of state of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic is the Censor of the People’s Congress.
Article 20 [Head of Government]
The head of government of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic is the Chairman of the Central Continuing Committee.
Article 21 [Censor, Right of Succession]
In the event that the Censor of the People’s Congress is found unable to perform his duties as head of state elections for a new Censor shall be held immediately.
Article 22 [Chairman, Right of Succession]
(1)In the event that the Chairman of the Central Continuing Committee is unable to perform his duties as head of government, and the Deputy Chairman or the Councils of the Central Continuing Committee have not been assigned the powers of the Chairmanship by the Chairman the succession of the powers of the head of government will occur as follows:
-Deputy Chairman;
-triumvirate of Councils;
-diarchy of Supreme Commanders;
-Magna Frater;
-Quaesitor; &
(2) In the unlikely event of all of the aforementioned persons who hold the right of succession to the position of head of government are unable to perform their duties as such, elections shall be held to appoint a new head of government.
(3) No person who succeeds the Chairmanship for a permanent or temporary time through the right of succession shall hold the title of Chairman. Rather the position they hold shall assume the seat of government.
August 10, 2003, 14:22
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Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 1,568
Organization of Power
Article 20 [Organization of Power]
The organization of power of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic is as follows:
August 10, 2003, 14:22
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Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 1,568
Official Name, Capital
Article 20 [Official Name]
The official name of the state of the Human Hive is the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic.
Article 21 [Capital]
(1) The capital of the Hiverian Solidified Socialist Republic and the official seat of the government of the Human Hive is the base of the Hive.
(2) The capital of the Human Hive as well as the seat of government are prescribed by law.
August 14, 2003, 19:38
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Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 1,568
Central Continuing Committee
Comrade Voltaire
Deputy Chairman
Comrade Jamski *suspended*
People’s Congress
Comrade HongHu
People’s Deputies
Comrade OctavianX
Comrade EZRhino
Comrade Micha
Comrade Sheep
Comrade Vander
Supreme People's Court
Comrade Tassadar
Comrade HongHu
Comrade OctavianX
Overseer of Development

Curator of Infrastructure

Conquisitor of Expansion

Quaestor of Manufacturing

Quaesitor of Science

Magna Frater of Social Engineering

Comrade Octavian X
Central Military Committee

Committee for State Security
Director of State Security

Director of Foreign Intelligence

Director of Directory A

Comrade Tassadar
Commission of Foreign Relations
Commissioner of Foreign Relations

Last edited by Voltaire; November 19, 2003 at 13:24.
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