August 10, 2003, 14:30
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Opinion of RoN
A friend of mine was talking about buying RoN and rekindled my interest. The only way to find out how good a game really is, is to ask those who play it. So, here I am.
How would you rate this game, overall? How would you rate the gameplay, the graphics, AI, etc.
Thanks in advance.
August 10, 2003, 15:29
Local Time: 02:10
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gameplay 10
AI 10
graphics 8
stability 6
Are you down with ODV?
August 10, 2003, 15:58
Local Time: 09:10
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Gameplay: 9
- With tons of options to make the game play the way you want it to, you can't ask for much more 
AI: 8
- I have changed the game to last 10+ hours... the AI doesn't like this change
Graphics: 9
- Couldn't be much better, without starting to require tons of resources
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August 11, 2003, 03:32
Local Time: 17:10
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Story: 0
- No story at all.
Gameplay: 10
- Really good, refreshing real time strategy that isn't overly simple. Large Epic Battles. Games can take a while however in conquest mode with a hard computer. There are other victory options which can make it quicker.
Graphics: 10
- Although it seems to look like Age of Empires it is 3D. The effects are great, I love it when I reach the gunpowder age and smoke is all over the battlefield.
Single Player: 6
- You have the conquer the world compaign but this gets boring after a while. Although it is essentially completely replayable and you could have a different game everytime there is no story however to draw you into the game.
Multiplayer: 10
- Game gets really good when you play with friends I recently did a multiplayer game with my housemate vs 4 computers, was very fun.
Replayablity: 10
- The game has many customisation options for maps, and they are randomly generated. You can play certain ages and just stay in them also. which is good.
Stability: 8
- I havn't had any issues with the game which wern't related to one of my computers hardware. I recommend a 800mhz machine or above at least. There isn't any major copy protection that could really annoy you either unlike some other games who's legit cd's arn't readable.
August 11, 2003, 05:50
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the best strategy game since alpha centauri. It somehow mixes real time and turn based strategy concepts. RoN is definitely better than Age of Empires/Kings and it is much much better than Civ3 (I'm not sure if I like it more than civ2  ). If you don't like strategy games too much it still has nice graphics. It is the game of the year. Buy it.
August 11, 2003, 13:46
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Originally posted by One_Dead_Villy
gameplay 10
AI 10
graphics 8
stability 6
I second this, except I rate stability as 8.
I've been lucky to not have as many problems with Gamespy as others.
August 11, 2003, 19:36
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Well the action when it gets to the modern age and forward blows. I prefer to play until the enlightment age. It's just there is so much upgrading and research in the game. Then with unlimited resources it's just throwing huge armies against each other non stop or get nukes and blast away.
August 11, 2003, 21:31
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I agree with Lord_Zero, the game is perfect until the MA.
If you like any RTS games, RON is for you, since it takes all the good features and combines them. However, you computer will make the most impact on your enjoyment.
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August 12, 2003, 09:21
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The best strategy game RT since Starcraft and the best strategy game period since Civ2 and Advanced Wars.
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August 12, 2003, 17:03
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As someone who normally avoids RTS games like the plague, what can you tell me about this game?
Would someone who prefers TB games like this game?
Does this game turn into the 'click-fest' that most RTS games seem to turn into? I prefer games that I can win because I think well, not games that I can win because I can click my mouse fast.
How does the AI do? In some RTS games, I've seen the game and the constant action taking up such computing power that the AI really can't think or keep up (Hearts of Iron was the worst of this). So does the AI for this game make it something that can be played single player, or is this a game that's only really for multi-player?
In short, for someone who bought Age of Empires, played it for a week or so and then gave up on it and has never played it since, is Rise of Nations something to look into?
Fear not the path of truth for the lack of others walking it.
August 12, 2003, 17:48
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@ marc420
TBS Preference: It is far more likely a TBS gamer will find a way to play and enjoy RoN than many other RTS titles. The Europa Universalis games, including HoI, might be the exception, but RoN has a more tactical feel - somewhat like the Age games.
Click-Fest: RoN has a very wide range of game settings. It can be played as a mad click-fest or in a far more deliberate manner. You can pause the game and issue orders. It is, however, an RTS - don't let some of the reviews fool you.
AI: I don't think I've seen a better, more intelligent and convincing AI in any strategy game to date. Slowing the rate and increasing the cost of research (through settings you can adjust when setting up a game) will impair the performance of the AI. You can adjust by setting the difficulty up higher, but many players still find the "middling" difficulty settings a real challenge. The AI doesn't seem to cheat, but it does receive resource gathering bonuses on the two highest levels (six levels of difficulty are offered). I'm primarily a single-player type and have had scads of fun, particularly playing the Conquer the World campaign.
AoE Got Boring Fast: Yes, RoN is a game many TBS folks should investigate - best by playing the demo before shelling out a lot of money. If you don't like long downloads, the RoN trial version is on CGW's August issue's demo disc #229. I understand it also appeared in July on discs accompanying the following:
-PC Gamer
-Maximum PC
-PC Zone
-Computer Games Magazine
August 13, 2003, 18:14
Local Time: 09:10
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As someone who normally avoids RTS games like the plague, what can you tell me about this game?
Would someone who prefers TB games like this game?
Some do, others don't.
Does this game turn into the 'click-fest' that most RTS games seem to turn into? I prefer games that I can win because I think well, not games that I can win because I can click my mouse fast.
I am not sure, but I can't play without using pause every 5 seconds. Actually, I can (ahd to finish a game of 25 minutes in less than 30 in order to catch a train), but that is not something I like. If you really like to think and ponder, this game will look like a clickfest. Probably thinking 30 seconds instead of 3 you would take the same decision, but I feel this game rushes the player, and I don't like this.
How does the AI do? In some RTS games, I've seen the game and the constant action taking up such computing power that the AI really can't think or keep up (Hearts of Iron was the worst of this). So does the AI for this game make it something that can be played single player, or is this a game that's only really for multi-player?
I've seen some lag in single player, so the ai may sometimes take some computing power, but then I hav'nt played that much...
In short, for someone who bought Age of Empires, played it for a week or so and then gave up on it and has never played it since, is Rise of Nations something to look into?
Do like I did: Buy it with the possibility of returning it. You can also get your hands on a demo. I haven't seen much more in the game than what was in the demo (more nations to choose from, but same gameplay mostly). I know I'll probably return it and get my money back unless my son wants the game.
Clash of Civilization team member
(a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
web site and forum here on apolyton)
August 19, 2003, 16:48
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There is an excellent demo available from the official website at Microsoft. Make sure RON likes your graphics card before purchasing, info on issues with graphics cards also available on the official website.
Game gets five stars from me, however I too feel that the one on one game becomes less enjoyable with the dawn of the modern age. RON does tend to become boring after a couple of weeks, CtW simply does not appeal to me at all. I would have liked to see a campaign of some kind. Perhaps we will get one in the expansion pack if there is one.
August 20, 2003, 13:05
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Stability issues are much better with patch 3...the online quickmatching system is as simple and easy as any Ive ever used, including Single player crashes are another story though.
August 23, 2003, 23:34
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I played it for a month non stop. It's really good.
September 12, 2003, 21:39
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It's a very well done game; kudos to the developers.
I highly reccomend buying Rise of Nations.
I buy no more than one game per year, so you can imagine my standards.
September 26, 2003, 14:38
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Just picked it up and think its a preetty good game to my surprise.
The pause function is definitely the clincher for an old TBS'er like myself.
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October 8, 2003, 09:56
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Originally posted by Jac de Molay
The pause function is definitely the clincher for an old TBS'er like myself.
Yeah - love the pause
Little hint: 
First thing I did after installing the game was to relocate my pause key on the keyboard to "<" button - this way it's much easier for me to pause the game. (Don't have to stress my left hand all over the keyborad to "pause" key)
October 8, 2003, 22:55
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As an old civ3 player, I enjoyed RoN (my first RTS) alot for over 4 months. Since then, it has become sort of "empty" to me. No sense of fulfillment after a 1-1/2 hour (6-8 hours of MY time with pauses) game. For me the pace through the ages is still too fast, even on the slowest tech settings. I may get back to it sometime.
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
October 9, 2003, 05:55
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You can always mod the game to take longer time to finish... My last game took 11 hours witout counting pause
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October 13, 2003, 08:15
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Originally posted by Jeje2
Little hint: 
First thing I did after installing the game was to relocate my pause key on the keyboard to "<" button - this way it's much easier for me to pause the game. (Don't have to stress my left hand all over the keyborad to "pause" key)
(smacks forehead) Duh! My hand is getting cramped from hovering over the "P" key. I think it's time for a remap.
October 14, 2003, 10:26
Local Time: 07:10
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u want my opinion
it honestly sucks.
The gameplay is identicle to all the age of games and the graphics are ordinary. The only thing that would have made it worthwhile, the "conquer the world" option seems to be a dumbed down version of risk except even dumber. I only boaght the game because i kept on reading about how its designer was influential in creating Alpha Centauri and Civ 2. Now it turns out all he did was make the tech trees.
Gameplay - 3/10
Graphics - 6/10
Originality - 1/10 (cause they fooled me)
Money wasted - $89 (my fault)
Thats my rant, so mneh!
October 14, 2003, 10:53
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Its no game of Thief, but it is fun.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
October 15, 2003, 12:07
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As a TBS gamer, Rise of Nations is far and away the best RTS I've played. It does lose some of its charm in the late game (after the thrill of nuking wears off), but most RTS games suffer from this.
The team has done a great job of creating a game that should cater to most strategy gamers out there. It can be played fast and crazy, or slow and deliberate.
I'm looking forward to the balance fixes in the new patch. (even though the Civs seemed pretty balanced to me to begin with)
November 12, 2003, 14:25
Local Time: 03:10
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gameplay 10
AI 10
graphics 8
stability 6
November 12, 2003, 23:28
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This thread highlights a serious problem for RON.
If you're a TBS player and a fan of CIV, you will NOT like RON. It IS an RTS game and compared to CIV it IS a click fest.
Don't let anyone kid you. If you don't like Age games, you won't like RON.
If, on the other hand, you're an RTS fan (like me), RON is too slow and CIV-like. Age of Empires, EE, and Empires float my boat.
RON is a good game and I'm glad I bought it but it doesn't hold my attention like faster RTS games. Plus there's never anyone on line with the patch 3 beta.
For you TBS guys looking for something different, I recommend Paradox games, like EU II, HOI, the just released Victoria, and the soon to be released Crusader Kings.
While they're RTS games (or time moving) they are far less hectic than most RTS games (including RON), and game mechanics are quit simple (like CIV). They are also deep and complex games, deeper than CIV by a large margin.
Plus Paradox support is top-notch.
November 13, 2003, 07:25
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Originally posted by cost
This thread highlights a serious problem for RON.
If you're a TBS player and a fan of CIV, you will NOT like RON. It IS an RTS game and compared to CIV it IS a click fest.
Don't let anyone kid you. If you don't like Age games, you won't like RON.
I couldn't disagree with you more. I'm a huge Civ/SMAC fan and I also love Rise of Nations. I also don't really like the Age games. (I played them for a short time, but quickly grew bored with them.
Your post is just your opinion, and is no way the truth of the matter.
November 13, 2003, 08:29
Local Time: 09:10
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Originally posted by cost
This thread highlights a serious problem for RON.
If you're a TBS player and a fan of CIV, you will NOT like RON. It IS an RTS game and compared to CIV it IS a click fest.
Don't let anyone kid you. If you don't like Age games, you won't like RON.
You can't know this unless you're a big fan of TBS games... and since you're not, you can't know about it...
If the game is unmodded, then yes, it's a click fest... but if it's modded it's not a click-fest (If modded right that is  )
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November 13, 2003, 10:33
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Of course it’s my opinion—goes without saying.
I like fast-paced RTS games—RON is too slow for me. That’s my taste.
My friends who like TBS games find it too fast and too hectic. TBS players who hate RTS should know this
RON has a problem: It’s too hectic for (some/many) TBS players, and too slow for (some/many) RTS players. It’s neither fish nor fowl.
RON is a good game. What finished it for me was not being able to find anyone to play. My LAN friends all quit playing long ago and there’s never anyone online—no one.
By the way, does anyone use Yahoo’s games on demand? It’s a great way to sample a lot of games. It’s like a video store. There’s never first-run, or hot games, usually older games or games that fell flat. But some good ones, like Kohan and Commandos 2.
RON is there now. No Blizzard games are there or AOM.
Uh oh…
November 14, 2003, 07:53
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Is it anything like Cossacks
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