November 13, 1999, 10:52
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Well, here I am, in the final stages of "Pharaon: The golden age of the 18th dynasty", and I don't know what to do to make it more interesting.
Events? I have absolutely no idea what I could include. I "borrowed" ideas from Kull's "Ancient Empires" and Harlan's "Mongols", as well as my own "Artaxerxes" scenarios. But I want something new. I already have "Tributes" , but I want something for the events! So,
Any ideas??????????
November 13, 1999, 11:26
Local Time: 06:50
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How about the construction of the Amuntemple in Karnka, Luxor and Medinet Habu or the fight between the priests and Scheschonk( the bible calls him Sisak)?
It would help if you could tell me the time peroid the scenario plays in. Afterall the 18th dynasty was quit long! More info!
Hendrik the Great
November 13, 1999, 15:17
Local Time: 22:50
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Stefan: Here's a few from the 18th Dynasty (@1570-1320 BC) and a couple others which may be of interest.
18th Dynasty events:
1) Akhenaten Revolution: Suffice it to say that changing the state religion almost overnight from polytheism to virtual monotheism was bound to cause plenty of unhappiness. You could generate several revolt type events on this basis, maybe even obsolete a wonder.
2) The Hittite Prince: (I hate to preview events from my upcoming scenario, so I'll be vague) A fascinating historical event was the attempt by Tutankhamen's widow to marry the son of the Hittite Emperor. I'll leave it at that.
3) The Counter-Revolution: Pharoah Horemheb led a vigorous movement intended to stamp out all vestiges of Akhenaten's religion. He was pretty successful, too.
Outside the Period Events:
1) "Let my People Go!" - Without kicking off a debate on the subject  , it's possible that 19th Dynasty Pharoah Rameses II experienced some unusual events associated with the departure of the Hebrews. Moses, 12 Plagues, Red Sea parting, etc. Plenty of Events to choose from!
2) Nile-Red Sea Canal - In addition to sponsoring the circumnavigation of Africa, Pharoah Necho II (@600 BC) also began the construction of a canal between the Nile River and the Red Sea. It was finished 100 years later by Darius of Persia, and links an eastern branch of the Nile (in the Delta) with the Great Bitter Lake, and then runs from the lake to the Red Sea. Pretty impressive, actually.
November 13, 1999, 15:20
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The scenario starts with the rise of Thutmosis III, 1481 BC and ends with the death of Amenophis IV (Akhenaton), 1358 BC. I have following civilizations:
-Kassites (Babylon)
-Greeks (Minoans, Mykenaians)
-Nubians (Cushite)
I also have a lot of Barbarian cities around, and some Barbarian Hittite invasions.
Oh, Kull, you've answered when I'm writing this, so I'll get back to you. Thanks
November 13, 1999, 21:37
Local Time: 01:50
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One of my favourity events in such scenarios is getting slaves after killing enemy settlers.:-)
St. Leo
November 13, 1999, 22:58
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I agree, St. Leo! Definitely a feature of the new AE scenario.
November 14, 1999, 06:57
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That isn't realy the time I know much about...
But how about including sonething involving the seapeople that were harrassing the egyptians? (Battle at Meggido)
Hendrik the Great
November 14, 1999, 07:51
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"That isn't realy the time I know much about...
But how about including sonething involving the seapeople that were
harrassing the egyptians? (Battle at Meggido)"
Well, to be honest, that's about 158 years after this scenario ends.
"18th Dynasty events:
1) Akhenaten Revolution: Suffice it to say that changing the state
religion almost overnight from polytheism to virtual monotheism was
bound to cause plenty of unhappiness. You could generate several
revolt type events on this basis, maybe even obsolete a wonder."
I already have something like that planned. I'll give the Egyptians a tech called Monotheism (Communism in disguise; lowers the effect of temples). Government switching is allowed, but basically the Egyptians can only switch between Despotism and Monarchy, and later on Monotheism. The other tribes are all Fundamentalistic. This allows them to build horsemen (something the Egyptians never will be able to), and slows them down in science.
"2) The Hittite Prince: (I hate to preview events from my upcoming
scenario, so I'll be vague) A fascinating historical event was the
attempt by Tutankhamen's widow to marry the son of the Hittite
Emperor. I'll leave it at that. "
Tutankhamen is already out of the scope of this scen
"Nile-Red Sea Canal - In addition to sponsoring the
circumnavigation of Africa, Pharoah Necho II (@600 BC) also began
the construction of a canal between the Nile River and the Red Sea. It
was finished 100 years later by Darius of Persia, and links an eastern
branch of the Nile (in the Delta) with the Great Bitter Lake, and then
runs from the lake to the Red Sea. Pretty impressive, actually."
Wait for my update/remake of Darius the Great! It's nearly done, it's gonna be playtestet really, really soon, I just got to make some finishing touches.
"One of my favourity events in such scenarios is getting slaves after
killing enemy settlers.:-)"
Will it satisfy you if you get money when you destroy gold trader's camps? A bit improved from "Artaxerxes".
I'm not really sure wether to do this, although I also like that idea. It'll propably imbalance economy and so. I also want to prevent the enemy from building too many cities (even when they're not expansionistic, when they don't know what to do with their settlers, they fond new cities, at least that's my experience).
Oh yeah, there are no caravans in this scenario. They are replaced by tributes. In some parts, trade is completely replaced by tributes, sometimes although not (when it comes to roads or trade wonders).
November 14, 1999, 11:59
Local Time: 22:50
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Stefan: "I already have something like that planned. I'll give the Egyptians a tech called Monotheism (Communism in disguise; lowers the effect of temples). Government switching is allowed, but basically the Egyptians can only switch between Despotism and Monarchy, and later on Monotheism."
Wow! That is a GREAT idea!! I am really impressed. An excellent way to handle this particular historical form of monotheism. I take my hat off to you, sir!
As for the Settler-Slave event, you could set it up so only the Egyptians can gain the benefit. (Assuming they are the main protagonist)
November 14, 1999, 14:12
Local Time: 06:50
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"Wow! That is a GREAT idea!! I am really impressed. An excellent way
to handle this particular historical form of monotheism. I take my hat
off to you, sir!"
Thank you. But this only works perfectly if the Egyptians are the human player. My main intention in this scenario is to make all civs playable (maybe with exeption of the Greeks)
"As for the Settler-Slave event, you could set it up so only the
Egyptians can gain the benefit. (Assuming they are the main
I will most propably do that, but not only for the Egyptians, also for the Mitanni, as they're the best civ to play as after the Egyptians.
There are still many things to improve, especially for the Egyptians. I don't have all the text files yet and so, but if anybody wants, I can send you the files I have got to date for a glimpse, if you agree on helping me playtest.
"1) "Let my People Go!" - Without kicking off a debate on the subject
, it's possible that 19th Dynasty Pharoah Rameses II experienced
some unusual events associated with the departure of the Hebrews.
Moses, 12 Plagues, Red Sea parting, etc. Plenty of Events to choose
BTW, couldn't that be a good idea for a sepperate scenario? I was already thinking about this a long, long, long while ago and i dropped it, but I don't know why
November 14, 1999, 19:28
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Re: "Let my People Go!"
It could be quite a good scenario. There's a huge number of Events to choose from, for one thing. Start with the flight from Egypt, wandering in the Sinai, conquest of Canaan. Hmmmm. You'd have to "script" the first part of it, but once the Hebrews reach Jericho it could return to a typical civ "conquer-the-hell-out-of-'em" scenario.
To make it work, you'd also need a huge map containing only Egypt and Israel. Are there any localized, high quality maps in any of the Arab-Israeli War scenarios? That would save some time.
November 15, 1999, 10:40
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I have made one myself. With a little further work, it could become good.
November 15, 1999, 11:20
Local Time: 05:50
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It is maked already!
But anyway.... The events!
if you looking for the "what maybe happens" i suggest: "Sinuhe, Egyptian" Writer Waltari, Mika.
Of course, it is finish... the Writer!
so if you make with events?
November 17, 1999, 12:22
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Now this is great!
Here I was asking for your suggestions because I didn't get the events to a proper size.
Now, I have included a couple of Barbarian invasions, and what happened- poof! Not enough events space!
I made an events of 20 KB! Should I make multiple events?
November 17, 1999, 14:19
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I should cut down on Aramaean invasions 
It imbalances the game too much for the Canaanites(not that it wasn't historically accurate though).
Good ideas on the Crocs and Hippos, btw!
I have a terrain called Gold mines that have huge trade and shield values. I might place Gold mine units...?
I also have Gold Miner's camps (taken from "Artaxerxes"). Oh, and I used that slave idea thing.
Ottok, could you be a bit more precise?
Just a quick note: Thanks everyone for your suggestions! It really is much more fun to work on the scenario!
November 17, 1999, 20:15
Local Time: 01:50
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I have made a decent 40*250 map that includes area from Northern Ethiopia to Southern Anatolia with a decent chunk of Upper Mesopotamia thrown in. It comes with a customized terrain file that has Dunes and Fertile Hills. Do you want it?:-)
St. Leo
November 18, 1999, 01:25
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I wouldn't advise using multiple events unless really needed. It ìs not very convenient for the player.
But what about Gold mines in Nubia? You could make merchant units that you can disband in Egypt being created every so much time in Nubia. And if the enemy captures it, give them a lot of $$$.
You could also add crocodiles and hippos attacking your units once in a while.
I might get some more ideas later.
I'll send you an email later by the way.
November 19, 1999, 16:56
Local Time: 05:50
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Location: tampere,FINLAND
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So, Stefan? newer mind my older replies. Are you think make Citypref.txt?
idea to next: are you read Wilbur Smith´s River´s God?
Whatever you make i am try suggest.
November 30, 1999, 00:18
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So Stefan, hows the scenario going.... Nearly completed?
December 1, 1999, 20:18
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Posts: 8
I would say some ideas, my friend Stefan, although my mind is occupied on the Revolution at hand...
Here is one idea, although...grow to like it? I think you shall.
How about when a city is captured, make a pop-up saying that citizens were freed from the local units acquired. My friend, that is brilliant, although sadly I am not the one to credit. Excellent work on Spartacus, Alex the Magnificent, excellent.
-James Otis, protester of the writs of assistance.
Down with the Townshend Acts!
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