SECTION 1 : Hive Policy
1.) Are you happy with the current constitution?
I have not read it but I have a blind trust for the Chairman being the good Hive citizen I am always
2.) Are you happy with the current allocation of positions?
I think it's ok, given that there's no competition for any position really
3.) Do you feel that you personally are able to influence decision making in the Hive?
to some degree, maybe, if I try real hard, most of the time, no
4.) Do you personally WANT to influence decision making in the Hive?
sometimes I do when my head is turning
5.) Do you think that the current system of making gaming descisions is :
a) fair?
I think so
b) public?
Not sure about that. From what I read I suppose many disscussions happened outside of this forum and unfortunetaly I have not been present in every MSN chats
c) reliable?
I trust it is (again rather blindly)
d) responsible?
don't know, I think so
e) effective?
I believe so
f) successful?
depends on how do you measure it. If you measure it with how good we are doing in the game, looks like it is rather successful. I didn't think that our one and only goal is winning the game, I thought we were aiming to have some fun too. But maybe I was wrong.
6.) Do you have any more comments on the Hive Government?
I'm afraid most positions are going to be powerless and thus useless
SECTION TWO : Hive Forum
7.) Are you happy with the Hive forum?
I love it, but am not entirely happy with it
8.) If not, why not.
In the good old days I saw people take interest in the game, discussion happened, I learnt a lot from them. Unfortunetaly looks like the interests are dying, or at least dying in this forum.
9.) Do you think we need more/less polls?
I don't think this is the problem
10.) Do you think we need more/less roleplaying?
Yes I think we do need more roleplaying
11.) Do you think we need more/less spam?
With everything else gone, this is the only thing that makes me attached to the forum. If that is gone also, I'm not sure what will make me check the forum everyday.
12.) Do you think we need more/less discussions
I think we need more discussions
13.) Do you think we need more/less dissent?
If it is dictationship then there will be dissent, if it is democratic, I don't see many things that can be classified as dissent
14.) Are you afraid to give your opinion, incase you look stupid?
I have never been afraid to give my opinion, I don't care if I look wise or stupid, but that's just me
15.) Do you care about this forum?
You know I do, otherwise I wouldn't be doing this right now
SECTION THREE : Hive gameplay
16.) Would you like to have a fixed turnchat time so that everyone can attend?
It could be nice, but I realize that it could be impossible to find a common time slot that most people will be available. I think the second best is to make sure there are SOME people available, and these some people can be different ones for different turns
17.) Would you like to play a turn?
That'll be nice but it's ok if I don't get to play
18.) Do you have a "feel" for the progress of the game, or do you feel left out?
I used to get the "feel" by reading the threads and participating in disscussions and now I have to try harder to get the "feel"
19.) Do you agree with the current policy of Kody playing the turn and posting updates, or do you feel like an idle spectator with this method?
Kody is a good Comrade who works very hard for the game, although it may be nice for others to take part in it too. If all major decisions are discussed and made ahead of time, and there is turn chat for the actual play, I don't see why it has to be one person who actually do the turn. If we win the game but I haven't really participated, I will say congrats but will not be overjoyed. If we lose the game because some mistakes happened due to different people playing despite all the precausions, I will still feel it is a rewarding experience and feel happy.
20.) How do you think the Hive is doing, compared to your experience?
In game, I suppose we are doing good. Although it is from what I heard, not actually what I feel. Since I can't feel it much any more.
As for the health of the team, I wouldn't be so optimistic. Some people feel that there are too much spam so the real discussions are sacrificed. I feel otherwise. It's a question of chicken and eggs. My experience is that I used to benefit from the democratic discussions, and when it slacked off I tried hard to contribute and keep it alive, even if when it meant that I had to fight. But I finally had to give up for one can only do so much. When people get to be distrusted, their right and responsibility gets to be limited, the game discussion dies. People can only use more spams to compensate and keep the forum from dying. That is just my personal view.
Dear Chairman, please don't blame people for not participating actively. If they don't even see a screen shot for the current turn when the turn is passed to us, if the turn is played within couple hours of receiving and no update of what other teams have done in the new turn is given, if most decisions are disscussed privately without most people even aware of them or truly understand them, I don't see how they can actively participate. Maybe Hive is meant to be played as dictatorship (dictators consult people too, that doesn't make it democratic), we just had the false impression that this is going to be "democratic". I guess I will try to be a good quiet blindly trusting citizen. But with my nature I may not be able to hold long without becoming a dissendent (maybe I have already become one.

) I foresee the next step I would be resigning from whatever powerless and useless government positions I still have, and if the dictatorship deepens I may have to resign from the team all together. It's not that I will lose much. I would not learn much anyway if things are kept like this. I could have more game fun playing with my own PBEMs. The only thing I will miss is actually the spams, but my life will not be a completely darkness without them, and I'll be able to cope with it.
Sorry for the long post. My head is turning again.