August 14, 2003, 19:31
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Your Opinions? -Survey
i've been asigned a difficult project that asks a whole lot of difficult questions, and to make matters worse, i've got get some opinion from around, so i thought the net would be a great resource, and i remembered that this forum had a lot of political and whatmore intellect and opinion, so i thought to drop one or two questions from each section of my assignment here; (socio-politics, university)
thanks for your time if you reply or not.
anyhow, they're varied questions and the topic i guess is overall, the society of America and perhaps the world in general, some deal with current affairs, some seem to have been picked out of the blue. so anyhow, here they are, i'll rewrite them to get to the point
(from section .a)
1. national id card, as is being suggested right now in Canada; with biometric identification and the possibility track your almost every activity - is this a step for security or an invasion of privacy and undermining of liberty and step towards police state? or, does security override liberty when, to put it in a twisting manner, that security that undermines our liberty is for the security of our liberty?
2. privacy in public places; is it a liberty, or should security undermine it?
(from .b)
3. decline in self-employment and growth of major corporations; economic monopolies or results of free enterprise?
4. globalization; can you pinpoint from oppositionists POV what they have against it? why do people protest it? self-interest, ignorance, or...?
6. the poor; is it a fault of their own, or does 'society' in some way keep them down there? is it possible that, in good numbers, the poor can become educated or employed as easily as anyone else? what makes them poor, can you pinpoint?
7. what about the african-american populace? the majority of them live in slums and ghettos and are lower-class poor due to their history in this country, first as slaves and then second-class citizens with little access to education or employment. but how about today? does 'society' still keep them living in slums and ghettos like second-class citizens, with the results of their past shadowing their children, or is it self-imposed how they live? do you think they could and should be living at least to middle-class standards already but aren't because... what? can you explain? or is it possible and probable that good numbers of blacks could be able to find decent education and employment if they tried, so that he majority of them could live middle-class?
should the few in business, entertainment and sports serve as examples that most of them could do so or are the most of them truly helpless?
8. taxes; do you believe all or most of them and how they are today are reasonable, or do they in some way 'tie' the masses to 'debt' with the government?
9. do you believe in welfare, that your taxes should go to help the unemployed, or do you think the unemployed can easily employ themselves if they wanted to?
(from f.)
10. do you think that our society is as good as it can get? is our democratic system as democratic as we could make it, or do you believe it could be better? how?
11. or do you think our democracy is more of a fallacy? elaborate?
12. anti-americanism; being the worlds greatest nation an only superpowerm why do you think that around the world, people tend to 'hate' our country? ignorance, hate itself, envy, or are there liable reasons and cause? what may these be?
13. Conspiracy theories; why do people make the most of these up? can you find reasonable cause for such 'theories' that especially suggest corrupt government and corporations? can you examine from their point of view why such ideas are pondered? do you see any air of fact or truth in any? is it simply a way of blaming other 'mysterious' things for their own faults?
13 b. there is an ignorant suggestion that the governemnt was behind 9/11. besides citing hate for america, hate, ignorance, or whatever, what you perceive why anyone would suggest such a thing? what reasons can you think of?
Why, for instance, do you think a few americans themselves might hate their country?
what do they have against it?
14. why do a few people like to believe that an elite few 'control' the media?
15. a favorite for c theorists is the rothschilds and rockefellers, and a control of international banks. what do you think of this?
16. what is your opinion on a one-world democracy? do you believe soverignity should be abolished and a true 'international community' formed?
there's a whole lot else, i've got my work laid out for me; but it'll keep me thinking for a few weeks, or more... i'd appreciate any answers, especially long and elaborate ones, and i wont mind reading over long posts with your opinion or facts, or if you dont want to clutter the board, but want to reply, you could always email me (
i know there's a lot of material there, but you dont have to answer them all, especially if you've got a good reply for any one. i look forward to any input and thank you for your consideration.
August 14, 2003, 19:36
Local Time: 07:24
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My beliefs are as follows:
1. That you are a DL.
2. that the dance should be done as quickly as possible.
Seriously, I'll print the thing off and pass it round my friends, see if any of the lazy arses can be bothered.
"Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman
August 14, 2003, 20:17
Local Time: 09:24
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These questions suck like hell. Way too biased and unbalanced. Did you make them? If so, either you should attend your methodology classes a little more (I assume a sociopolitics student has them), or you are as Clear Skies suggest a DL trying to troll. Personally I consider the second option more likely.
have a nice day
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August 14, 2003, 20:18
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My opinion is that opinion surveys SUCK!!
STFU and then GTFO!
August 14, 2003, 23:52
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Maybe he wants your opinion on his original login. I vote AH.
August 14, 2003, 23:59
Local Time: 03:24
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What the hell kind of college offers survey questions that biased? Tell me, does your professor frequently mutter while stroking a firearm?
"May I be forgiven for the ills that I have done/Friends I have forsaken and strangers I have shunned/Sins I have committed, for which others had to pay/And I haven't met the whiskey that can wash those stains away."
-Brady's Leap, "Wash."
August 15, 2003, 00:04
Local Time: 01:24
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I might answer a few of your questions should I get bored enough. Right now I'm not.
meet the new boss, same as the old boss
August 15, 2003, 12:18
Local Time: 07:24
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Yes, I have decided to take this DLs thread seriously.
1. About Canada's ID card and police state possibility: good, lock and track all them criminals and American expatriots.
2. Privacy in Public Places: look up the definitions of the words "privacy" and "public"... seriously, stupid question.
3. decline in self-employment and growth of major corporations; economic monopolies or results of free enterprise?
That's not even a sentence, so how can it be a question! Your punctuation sucks too.
4. globalization; can you pinpoint from oppositionists POV what they have against it? why do people protest it? self-interest, ignorance, or...?
Money... please wirte in complete sentences.
5. Seeing as we don't bother to ask question #5 I will answer BANANA
6. the poor; is it a fault of their own, or does 'society' in some way keep them down there? is it possible that, in good numbers, the poor can become educated or employed as easily as anyone else? what makes them poor, can you pinpoint?
no. "good numbers"? what the heck does that mean?! Do you mean; Would it be just as easy to educate and employ a large number of poor people as it would to educate and employ a large number of rich people? No, it would no be as easy. Why? Because they don't have crap. Thus, in order to educate them in their current surroundings a lot would have to change, and that would not be easy.
7. what about the african-american populace?
The problem with Black people is that they have to much pride in their being black and not enough pride in their families, education, employment, neighborhood, or well-being, and will listen blindly to any eat idiot who will offer them anything for free...
8. taxes; do you believe all or most of them and how they are today are reasonable, or do they in some way 'tie' the masses to 'debt' with the government?
Whether I "believe" in them is a rather mute point, as I have to pay them anyway. Do I like how they exist? No, I hate taxes, but they are a necessity, and I will never like taxes.
9. do you believe in welfare, that your taxes should go to help the unemployed, or do you think the unemployed can easily employ themselves if they wanted to?
O.k., once again belief is not the question... perhaps should you should reword them as "In your opinion" questions... Welfare is a waste... Unemployment is a must, unfortunately. I hope you weren't confusing the two.
10. do you think that our society is as good as it can get? is our democratic system as democratic as we could make it, or do you believe it could be better? how?
No. I don't know how.
11. or do you think our democracy is more of a fallacy? elaborate?
compared too?
12. anti-americanism; being the worlds greatest nation an only superpowerm why do you think that around the world, people tend to 'hate' our country? ignorance, hate itself, envy, or are there liable reasons and cause? what may these be?
Can't say overall as the situation is different in different countries... Yet, America has a short attention span, I will leave it at that... as I am American
13. Conspiracy theories; why do people make the most of these up? can you find reasonable cause for such 'theories' that especially suggest corrupt government and corporations? can you examine from their point of view why such ideas are pondered? do you see any air of fact or truth in any? is it simply a way of blaming other 'mysterious' things for their own faults?
Because they are wacko!@
13b. see 13
14. why do a few people like to believe that an elite few 'control' the media?
Because it is the truth.
15. a favorite for c theorists is the rothschilds and rockefellers, and a control of international banks. what do you think of this?
No idea what you are talking about
16. what is your opinion on a one-world democracy? do you believe soverignity should be abolished and a true 'international community' formed?
That would be a dumb idea. People are different, requiring different things, leaders, ideals, etc... One government would have a lot harder time keeping the people happy. A one-world community is a good idea, just not a one-world democracy.
August 15, 2003, 13:13
Local Time: 09:24
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AltF18 is not a DL. He had several interesting ideas about the future of Civ, and both of us had interesting (and lengthy) discussions on the matter in May-June.
AltF18: I'm French, so my opinions cannot count when it comes to "American society" or somesuch.
A word about the method of your questions : they aren't qualitative or quantitative enough. You direct the answerers way too much for a qualititive questionnaire, and not enough for a quantitative questionnaire. If you're doing this for your studies, you should reconsider the questions. Since your sample seems to be small (less than a few hundred people), you should go for the qualititive path, and simplify your questions.
B esides, they indeed aren't neutral enough. You should make sure the answerers don't get influenced by the questions.
Originally posted by altF18
(from section .a)
1. national id card, as is being suggested right now in Canada; with biometric identification and the possibility track your almost every activity - is this a step for security or an invasion of privacy and undermining of liberty and step towards police state? or, does security override liberty when, to put it in a twisting manner, that security that undermines our liberty is for the security of our liberty?
It is a matter of definition. Of course security should undermine some liberties (for example, the liberty to kill should be badly undermined  ). But generally speaking, keeping track of whatever activity done by citizens is a slippery slope that should be avoided at all costs. Citizens should have a right to privacy until proven guilty of a serious enough offense, so that that right to privacy can be lifted.
Regular citizens should see their data protected by the law, and not stored by the State.
2. privacy in public places; is it a liberty, or should security undermine it?
Privacy in public places should not be undermined by security concerns, unless there is a good reason for an individual to see his right to privacy being lifted.
3. decline in self-employment and growth of major corporations; economic monopolies or results of free enterprise?
Economic monopolies, that are the results of free enterprise. Only a regulated economy, and strongly enforced anti-trust laws can avoid the emergence of major sharky monopolies.
4. globalization; can you pinpoint from oppositionists POV what they have against it? why do people protest it? self-interest, ignorance, or...?
People protest globalization because globalization only serves the interests of megacorporations for now. The bulk of the opposition to globalization is not against the idea of globalization, but rather against the way it is done now.
Other people oppose globalization because it hurts their immediate interests. As such, their behaviour is similar to the megacorporation's, as their ideological choice is dictated by their wallet (read, egoism).
6. the poor; is it a fault of their own, or does 'society' in some way keep them down there? is it possible that, in good numbers, the poor can become educated or employed as easily as anyone else? what makes them poor, can you pinpoint?
Many, many factors explain why people are poor, but social origin is the first factor by far. Other factors, like life accidents, or lone mothership participate greatly to individual poverty. Laziness only explains a tiny portion of individual poverty.
Of course, the huge majority of the poor wouldn't be so if they profited from better education, better opportunities, better family and peer environment, fewer discriminations etc.
7. what about the african-american populace? the majority of them live in slums and ghettos and are lower-class poor due to their history in this country, first as slaves and then second-class citizens with little access to education or employment. but how about today? does 'society' still keep them living in slums and ghettos like second-class citizens, with the results of their past shadowing their children, or is it self-imposed how they live? do you think they could and should be living at least to middle-class standards already but aren't because... what? can you explain? or is it possible and probable that good numbers of blacks could be able to find decent education and employment if they tried, so that he majority of them could live middle-class?
Being from a poor social class lowers dramatically your chance of becoming middle- or upper-class (it does not reduce your chances to zero though). Another factor may be a specific counter-culture that exists in the black community, where values of work and integration in the bigger society aren't regarded as highly as in the rest of society.
should the few in business, entertainment and sports serve as examples that most of them could do so or are the most of them truly helpless?
Most of them aren't truly helpless. But most of them sure need help to be able to reach the existing opportunities to raise their social status.
8. taxes; do you believe all or most of them and how they are today are reasonable, or do they in some way 'tie' the masses to 'debt' with the government?
Taxes in the US are unsufficient. They should go up, and not down, to pay the huge military bill the American public seems to support so much.
9. do you believe in welfare, that your taxes should go to help the unemployed, or do you think the unemployed can easily employ themselves if they wanted to?
I believe in welfare, for it can relieve many people from a temporary stress that came from a life-accident (i.e, if for some reason, someone sees his whole professional and family life ruined, welfare will give him time to stand up again, rather than become a bum).
However, welfare should serve the integration of its benefiters in the regular economy.
10. do you think that our society is as good as it can get? is our democratic system as democratic as we could make it, or do you believe it could be better? how?
I don't think a society that lets its poor lay down on the gutter, that prefers not to hear about its many societal problems, that allows communitarism running galore is "as good as it can get".
11. or do you think our democracy is more of a fallacy? elaborate?
Your democracy makes sure only two parties can hope to get to power, and ignores the 50% of Americans that doesn't vote. Your democracy works quite well to avoid its rulers of becoming murderous tyrants, but it works badly when it's about letting the people decide the policies.
12. anti-americanism; being the worlds greatest nation an only superpowerm why do you think that around the world, people tend to 'hate' our country? ignorance, hate itself, envy, or are there liable reasons and cause? what may these be?
Anti-Americanism mostly comes from the arrogance of the US foreign policy, and envy makes the mix more bitter (but is not the main cause). Anti-Americanism from the Arab world is however different, as the US is seen as the country that humiliated the Arab nation, and that it must suffer from revenge (just like its alledged proxy Israel).
13. Conspiracy theories; why do people make the most of these up? can you find reasonable cause for such 'theories' that especially suggest corrupt government and corporations? can you examine from their point of view why such ideas are pondered? do you see any air of fact or truth in any? is it simply a way of blaming other 'mysterious' things for their own faults?
Conspiracy theories is a very ordinary way for human beings to simplify complex political problems. It happens when many actors are playing, and when several of these actors take actions whose consequences are bad for the conspiracy-theorist. The theorist merely blends the people he feels he has to blame for his problems.
13 b. there is an ignorant suggestion that the governemnt was behind 9/11. besides citing hate for america, hate, ignorance, or whatever, what you perceive why anyone would suggest such a thing? what reasons can you think of?
The outcome of Sept. 11 was extremely good for the Bush administration. From a controversial and clumsy government, it became the pillar of freedom and justice in the eyes of the Americans. Bush also became the military leader of a country in disarray. He got so much support that he won midterm basically without a fight. It also allowed Bush to push for his policies without any opposition. Conspiracy theorists can believe Bush intended this outcome, and did Sept. 11 on purpose.
Why, for instance, do you think a few americans themselves might hate their country?
what do they have against it?
More seriously, many things are rotten in the American society and the American politics. I have never met any American who hated his country, but I've met many who wished for a deep change, because they hated the current state of affairs, which is deemed as a sad defacement of what made America great.
14. why do a few people like to believe that an elite few 'control' the media?
Because the mainstream media (= the well distributed media) is in the hands of a few influencial corporations ? Media is free in the US, but it doesn't get any help for being distributed. This means only the rih or lucky news outlet can have a wide audience.
15. a favorite for c theorists is the rothschilds and rockefellers, and a control of international banks. what do you think of this?
I thought this favourite ended like 50 years ago ?
16. what is your opinion on a one-world democracy? do you believe soverignity should be abolished and a true 'international community' formed?
Yes, but only when the world will be mature enough for it. I mean, maybe in the next couple centuries...
"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
August 15, 2003, 14:30
Local Time: 09:24
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 11,112
Re: Your Opinions? -Survey
Since I love surveys, here's my answers...
...and keep in mind: I'm no American...
Originally posted by altF18
1. national id card, as is being suggested right now in Canada; with biometric identification and the possibility track your almost every activity - is this a step for security or an invasion of privacy and undermining of liberty and step towards police state? or, does security override liberty when, to put it in a twisting manner, that security that undermines our liberty is for the security of our liberty?
I don't see any problems here... unless you've got something to hide..!
I care about what the government know about me, as long as I feel safe
Originally posted by altF18
2. privacy in public places; is it a liberty, or should security undermine it?
Goto Question 1
Originally posted by altF18
3. decline in self-employment and growth of major corporations; economic monopolies or results of free enterprise?
Not sure what you're asking here...
Originally posted by altF18
4. globalization; can you pinpoint from oppositionists POV what they have against it? why do people protest it? self-interest, ignorance, or...?
Not sure what you're asking here...
Originally posted by altF18
6. the poor; is it a fault of their own, or does 'society' in some way keep them down there? is it possible that, in good numbers, the poor can become educated or employed as easily as anyone else? what makes them poor, can you pinpoint?
It's not nessesary the poor's fault they got "down there", but in most cases it's their own fault they stay "down there", because (from what I know) all they do is to beg for money, they spent on beer... you can't "get up" if you spends 24/7 on drinking...
Originally posted by altF18
7. what about the african-american populace? the majority of them live in slums and ghettos and are lower-class poor due to their history in this country, first as slaves and then second-class citizens with little access to education or employment. but how about today? does 'society' still keep them living in slums and ghettos like second-class citizens, with the results of their past shadowing their children, or is it self-imposed how they live? do you think they could and should be living at least to middle-class standards already but aren't because... what? can you explain? or is it possible and probable that good numbers of blacks could be able to find decent education and employment if they tried, so that he majority of them could live middle-class?
should the few in business, entertainment and sports serve as examples that most of them could do so or are the most of them truly helpless?
From what I know, it seems like most of the African-American population spends most of their time complaining how the government keeps them in the slums, but only few of them actually tries to do something, but those who actually tries hard to get out of the slums, they also manage to get out...
...keep in mind: This is what I've heard only... I'm no American, and have never been in America, nor do I know anyone who has lived in the slums...
Originally posted by altF18
8. taxes; do you believe all or most of them and how they are today are reasonable, or do they in some way 'tie' the masses to 'debt' with the government?
Since I'm no American, I can't answer this question...
Originally posted by altF18
9. do you believe in welfare, that your taxes should go to help the unemployed, or do you think the unemployed can easily employ themselves if they wanted to?
At present time: NO!
Sure, if someone has lost their job, and can't find anything for a few months, it's ok, but it seems like most unemployed people spends all their money drinking beer... and they don't seem to care, and if they don't try to get a job, then why should they have any money?
Or at least that's how it seems like here... the few unemployed people in this city doesn't seem to try anything to get a job...
Originally posted by altF18
10. do you think that our society is as good as it can get? is our democratic system as democratic as we could make it, or do you believe it could be better? how?
No, it's not as good as it can get, but it'll take a few 100 years before it gets much better...
Originally posted by altF18
11. or do you think our democracy is more of a fallacy? elaborate?
Got no clue what you're talking about here...
Originally posted by altF18
14. why do a few people like to believe that an elite few 'control' the media?
Don't have an opinion on this...
Originally posted by altF18
15. a favorite for c theorists is the rothschilds and rockefellers, and a control of international banks. what do you think of this?
Got no clue what you're talking about here...
Originally posted by altF18
16. what is your opinion on a one-world democracy? do you believe soverignity should be abolished and a true 'international community' formed?
At this time it's impossible to have a one-world democracy, but in the far future I believe it might be possible...
This space is empty... or is it?
August 15, 2003, 15:17
Local Time: 08:24
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 4,962
Re: Your Opinions? -Survey
Originally posted by altF18
(from section .a)
1. national id card, as is being suggested right now in Canada; with biometric identification and the possibility track your almost every activity - is this a step for security or an invasion of privacy and undermining of liberty and step towards police state? or, does security override liberty when, to put it in a twisting manner, that security that undermines our liberty is for the security of our liberty?
Security takes precedence  The government needs to know what everyone is doing at any moment.
2. privacy in public places; is it a liberty, or should security undermine it?
Security  If people want privacy, stay at home.
3. decline in self-employment and growth of major corporations; economic monopolies or results of free enterprise?
Free enterprise  Monopolies
4. globalization; can you pinpoint from oppositionists POV what they have against it? why do people protest it? self-interest, ignorance, or...?
Ignorance. People are stupid. Damn them. Leave the politics to the people who know what's good for you. If globalisation is good, do it.
6. the poor; is it a fault of their own, or does 'society' in some way keep them down there? is it possible that, in good numbers, the poor can become educated or employed as easily as anyone else? what makes them poor, can you pinpoint?
Poor people suck. If they can't be assed to do the hard work necessary to pull them up by the bootstraps and earn some mullah, more fool them. They deserve poverty. Capitalism
7. what about the african-american populace? the majority of them live in slums and ghettos and are lower-class poor due to their history in this country, first as slaves and then second-class citizens with little access to education or employment. but how about today? does 'society' still keep them living in slums and ghettos like second-class citizens, with the results of their past shadowing their children, or is it self-imposed how they live? do you think they could and should be living at least to middle-class standards already but aren't because... what? can you explain? or is it possible and probable that good numbers of blacks could be able to find decent education and employment if they tried, so that he majority of them could live middle-class?
should the few in business, entertainment and sports serve as examples that most of them could do so or are the most of them truly helpless?
Don't care. **** 'em. See Q6.
8. taxes; do you believe all or most of them and how they are today are reasonable, or do they in some way 'tie' the masses to 'debt' with the government?
Taxes are far too high. I don't want 40-50% of my income sucked off to feed the lazy and elderly.
9. do you believe in welfare, that your taxes should go to help the unemployed, or do you think the unemployed can easily employ themselves if they wanted to?
a) No, and b) yes. Get a job, lazy wasters. My money is my own.
10. do you think that our society is as good as it can get? is our democratic system as democratic as we could make it, or do you believe it could be better? how?
Democracy sucks, people are stupid and elect the wrong frigging people. Damnit. Make it better by only allowing clever rich white males to vote.
11. or do you think our democracy is more of a fallacy? elaborate?
12. anti-americanism; being the worlds greatest nation an only superpowerm why do you think that around the world, people tend to 'hate' our country? ignorance, hate itself, envy, or are there liable reasons and cause? what may these be?
Envy. Damn forriners blaming us for every little piece of **** thy can't sort out themselves because they wish they were us, living inthe greatest frigging country in the world! USA! USA!
13. Conspiracy theories; why do people make the most of these up? can you find reasonable cause for such 'theories' that especially suggest corrupt government and corporations? can you examine from their point of view why such ideas are pondered? do you see any air of fact or truth in any? is it simply a way of blaming other 'mysterious' things for their own faults?
Envy, boredom, ignorance. ****ers. They're thinking "oooh, I wish I was that rich/powerful, they can't possibly have done that legally, they must be corrupt." Or maybe they WORK HARD and DONT B!TCH ABOUT THINGS and just GET ON WITH EARNING MONEY. Freeloaders, make me sick.
13 b. there is an ignorant suggestion that the governemnt was behind 9/11. besides citing hate for america, hate, ignorance, or whatever, what you perceive why anyone would suggest such a thing? what reasons can you think of?
Why, for instance, do you think a few americans themselves might hate their country?
what do they have against it?
They're clearly ****wits who need to go live in Iraq or Afghanistan and see what life is like outside the greatest country in the WORLD. Bush is handling the whole situation better than anyone else could've done.  Imagine Gore in power.  HAh. They're just being stupid again, blaming the goverment for things that only SCUM OF THE EARTH ARAB TERRORITS would do.  Ignorant pieces of ****
14. why do a few people like to believe that an elite few 'control' the media?
They think that just because the medai presents a few ideas they dont like, it must be controlled by some big bad monster secret society. Bullshit. Jealousy again.
15. a favorite for c theorists is the rothschilds and rockefellers, and a control of international banks. what do you think of this?
16. what is your opinion on a one-world democracy? do you believe soverignity should be abolished and a true 'international community' formed?
No! NEVER SURRENDER OUR NATIONAL HERITAGE AND SOVREIGNTY, and especially not to a bunch of eurotrash and muslim fundi scum who'll bring our nation to its knees in beaurocracy, not to mention that once again, it'll all be powered by American money and guns and if it all goes wrong, it'll still be our fault. Hell no. USA for the USA, and everyone else can **** off.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
August 15, 2003, 18:01
Local Time: 03:24
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Having tea with the Third Man...
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Er, Wombat, are you joking/exaggerating for comic effect? I can't tell.
"May I be forgiven for the ills that I have done/Friends I have forsaken and strangers I have shunned/Sins I have committed, for which others had to pay/And I haven't met the whiskey that can wash those stains away."
-Brady's Leap, "Wash."
August 15, 2003, 18:40
Local Time: 09:24
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Wombat isn't American, and I've never noticed him saying such things in other threads. I say he's acting like a troglodyte for the comical effect
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"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
August 15, 2003, 18:51
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Originally posted by Elok
Er, Wombat, are you joking/exaggerating for comic effect?
No, seriously. 'sall true.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
"I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
August 17, 2003, 00:06
Local Time: 07:24
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 53
sigh, sadly most of you are right. i did rewrite the questions for this board, but honestly, i didn't change their tone or manner to be more biased - they already were written like that, only with bigger words and that style to it that tries to hide it, you know, vaguely suggestive. to be honest though, i did emphasize on what the questions were asking. this is a very very neo-con school, don't ask. i just hope you look through the obvious biases (like with the poor, globalization and so forth) and answer with all honesty and truth. its better when you could come up with something that contradicts the tone of the particular question, in a decisive and well-thought out reply. that makes a real answer, whether it supports the bias or not. and i thank everyone for their replies -all well written and helpful. thanks
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