December 9, 1999, 06:17
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*** The Apolytoner of the Season Contest - Revisited ***
Greetings all,
as you may or may not remember, about a month ago we started the Apolytoner of the Season contest, which was split into two parts:
The first part was a nomination round: you were supposed to nominate a candidate for one or more of the following forum sections: civ2, civ3, ctp, ac, scenarioleague, s&d, and off topic.
The second part was supposed to be the final voting round, to be held in the Apolyton forum where each of the chosen candidates for the forum sections would have a chance to become the “Apolytoner of the Season”…
Some people were wondering why this second round did not start. Well, mainly because I’ve been busy doing other things  , but also because the administrators are not satisfied with the reactions received for the first round, at least not for every forum section…
Therefore, there are a couple of changes in the second part of the contest. For those of you who don’t know or don’t remember what it was about :
The Apolytoner of the Season contest was initiated by Lancer. The intention is that for one or more of the previously mentioned forum sections, people will nominate a candidate who they think has done the most for that particular forum section. Once this first round ends, nominations will be counted, and winning candidates will be picked. All winning candidates will receive a temporary title, which will last for 3 months, as well as a permanent notification in the Apolyton age faq, which is scheduled to be upgraded soon
However, that is not all. A second round will start in the Apolyton forum, where the candidates of the seven sections/forums will “compete” for the “Apolytoner of the Season” award. Only one will receive the overall title.
One important thing to keep in mind, is that this contest is not intended as a popularity contest. It's supposed to be a way to show our appreciation to a poster who has contributed a lot to the forum by his posting attitude...
Now, we would like to make a vote on each section of the forums, based on the initial nominations. You will find them at the end of this message. No new nominations can be made.
Here are the NEW additional rules for this 2nd round:
-Because the final candidates of each of the forums will all be given a title of their own, we’re setting a minimum amount of votes: There have to be at least 20 votes in total for a forum section, or that section will, unfortunately, no longer be allowed to participate in this contest (i.e. the winner will not receive a title and will not compete in the Apolyton forum for the overall title)
Here are the results, copied from the previous election thread:
1st name = Voter , 2nd name = person that has been nominated by the voter
1. NickC: Captain Nemo
2. MarkG: Blackclove
3. Cam: Blackclove
The above people have already nominated someone and don’t need to do this again. Their vote will still be counted. If your name is not on the left hand side in above list, you can still vote! SL still needs 14 more votes to participate in the contest
You must choose out of the people mentioned below. New nominations are no longer accepted.
Captain Nemo
This contest is now only for Scenario league. The winner will participate in the final contest, which is for the whole of Apolyton, but, apart from the result of that contest, will receive a title for SL, if 20 votes are reached…
I hope this time it will go better than last. If you like, you can also vote in the other threads on this subject…
Thank you, now START VOTING!
[This message has been edited by Narck (edited December 11, 1999).]
December 9, 1999, 08:03
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My vote is for Blackclove
December 9, 1999, 11:38
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December 9, 1999, 19:22
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What the hell?! Why is this crap back again?! Get the hell outta here narck and take this thread with you. And drop my name from the list!
Canada sucks
France is worse.
December 10, 1999, 01:17
Nemo certainly contributed the most to the forum this month, so I'll vote for him.
December 10, 1999, 02:11
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I'm with you Micheal!
U.S. out of North America!
December 10, 1999, 02:54
Narck, do we have a rule on changing votes? If yes I would like to vote MJ(j/k)
Seriously, this is why we put a 20 vote minimum. If the SL community does not want to show it's appreciation to one of it's members for his/her(her? do we have any gils here?  ) contribution, it can just ignore the vote. As simple as that.
[This message has been edited by MarkG (edited December 10, 1999).]
December 10, 1999, 04:52
So true, MarkG.
It was agreed that this voting thing was to be moved to OTF. Even Mr. Narck apologized for spamming our forum with this nonsense. Now Narck himself breaks the rules. It appears thus logical that the citizens of this forum express their discontentment.
Having said this, I am too with MJ and Tec.
Well the Quebec girls really knock me out
they leave the US behind
And Toronto girls make me sing and shout
that Victoria's always on my mind
December 10, 1999, 06:05
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Your name stays right where it is, after all, ppl did vote for you, and you voted yourself as well, in the previous thread that is now locked
" It was agreed that this voting thing was to be moved to OTF"
Yes, but the situation is different now (read: this vote is now for SL only), and thus it is back in here.
" Even Mr. Narck apologized for spamming our forum with this nonsense."
Mr. Narck never did that  Link the page where you think I apologized for "spamming" "your" forum with 1 thread that you don't have to click on if you don't like it btw
" It appears thus logical that the citizens of this forum express their discontentment."
Well, IMO it appears that some ppl on this forum cannot appreciate another person's work, which is well meant, and are keen on starting a flame war any chance they get.
To All:
You were upset about the previous vote, because ppl from other forums came in and voted (for example S&D)... If you read my first post you will have noticed I explicitly said that this vote is now for SL ONLY. That should make a difference.
If you guys still don't like it, maybe it's better not to make such a big deal out of it and let it sink to the bottom of the page. After all, if there are less than 20 votes, you will not be allowed to participate, and no title will be handed out.
Easy solution, right?
And to the troublemakers:
Maybe the other members of this board would like this contest. So just give them a chance to vote, and if they don't, be happy, for you will never be bothered again with this contest (if the 20 votes aren't reached)...
Thanks, everyone, for not starting another flame war in this thread
[This message has been edited by Narck (edited December 10, 1999).]
December 10, 1999, 09:38
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I vote for Blackclove. It had to be a major effort to judge all those year 3000 contest entries!
December 10, 1999, 14:14
Geez, Narck, mon ami, you should come to this forum often. Tanks so much for the laugh! I needed it this morning!
First an apology from my part. Yes, it wasn't you who apologized. It was Lancer, the one who created this contest and the one whose steps you're following so tightly now. Whether it is the creator or the assistant to the creator the one who apologizes, does not make much a difference, or does it?
Yes, but the situation is different now
No, it's not. Keep reading please.
Well, IMO it appears that some ppl on this forum cannot appreciate another person's work, which is well meant
Hey, this thought reminds me of this one: "all for the people without the people". Do not make explain it, please.
and are keen to start a flame war any chance they get.
Narck, there has never been a flame war in this forum. Any of the regulars can confirm my words. People do not come here to flame anyone. Remember, this is not OTF.
You were upset about the previous vote, because ppl from other forums came in and voted (for example S&D)...
Well, I do not know what or who S&D is, but I have just read over that thread and to me the only "alien" log-ins in there were yours and Lancer's.
If you read my first post you will have noticed I explicitly said that this vote is now for SL ONLY. That should make a difference
None. None at all. If you read the first thread you would have noticed that many of the SLF regulars (not ppl from other forums) opposed the initiative. That's why it got sent off to OTF.
And to the troublemakers
Again, again (Lah Lah dixit): Narck, there are no troublemakers in this forum; this is not OTF.
PS. Who knows, may be one day comes that you, like me, refer to this forum as "your" forum. The only thing you have to do is to play Civ2. Wasn't this the primary reason for you to come to this website...? Oh wait... nevermind... you're an OTF poster...
December 10, 1999, 16:33
Folks, let's let Narck do his thing this time since it's already here. However, in the future perhaps we could carry on this voting over in the Apolyton section or, better yet, allow HAC to absorb it and sponsor it at their site. After all, the mission of HAC is to help reward members of the community for their outstanding contributions (you'll have to ask Reismark about it, though).
Given that the thread is here right now, I suggest that we just leave it here and let it sink in peace if you're not interested in voting. If we have a flamewar over it, it will create much more junk than just ignoring it.
Narck, in the future if you want to post these member of the season things, could you please send it to me and I'll put some info on the front page? Will that satisfy you? In addition, I strongly urge you to keep this contest in either the Apolyton section or better yet to enlist the aid of HAC. Posting pointers to the other section is, of course, OK.
December 10, 1999, 17:03
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" It was Lancer, the one who created this contest and the one whose steps you're following so tightly now. Whether it is the creator or the assistant to the creator the one who apologizes, does not make much a difference, or does it?"
That's indeed possible, Lancer is a very nice guy, so I can imagine him doing something like that, even when he shouldn't have. Furthermore, Lancer is the one who initially got the idea to have a contest like this. But that's it for Lancer's involvement in the ongoing activities. Currently, I am the host of this contest, not Lancer's assistant. Actually, Lancer's been gone for over a month now, so yes, it does make a difference.
" Narck, there has never been a flame war in this forum."
Albeit it on a small scale, I perceived the "debate" in the previous contest thread over here as a flame war.
" I do not know what or who S&D is"
Stories & Diplomacy Forum
" to me the only "alien" log-ins in there were yours and Lancer's."
A quote from MarkG copied from that thread: "posts with s&d nominations deleted", which explains why the only "alien" posts left were by Lancer and myself.
" If you read the first thread you would have noticed that many of the SLF regulars (not ppl from other forums) opposed the initiative."
Well, many? MJ, mrtemba, and techumseh. Three ppl. Not many at all. There are more ppl who do like it, then there are that dislike it. And I really don't understand why the ones that don't like the idea cannot simply ignore this thread.
" The only thing you have to do is to play Civ2. Wasn't this the primary reason for you to come to this website...? Oh wait... nevermind... you're an OTF poster..."
I've played civ1, civ2, ctp, ac and ToT, and am currently waiting anxiously for the release of civ3. But I'm not interested in scenarios
[This message has been edited by Narck (edited December 10, 1999).]
December 10, 1999, 17:13
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Originally posted by blackclove on 12-10-1999 03:33 PMHowever, in the future perhaps we could carry on this voting over in the Apolyton section or, better yet, allow HAC to absorb it and sponsor it at their site. After all, the mission of HAC is to help reward members of the community for their outstanding contributions (you'll have to ask Reismark about it, though).
Initially, I was going to post this in the HAC forum, but Markos thought it was better to post it in here. And here it is.
Narck, in the future if you want to post these member of the season things, could you please send it to me and I'll put some info on the front page? Will that satisfy you?
I am merely hosting this thing. It's only in its first "test" round, so a lot of things can probably still be made better. The only reason I included SL, was because it was decided by others, that SL should be part of it... I don't mind alternative ways to do the contest. But if no more votes will be forthcoming, SL will no longer be participating in the future...
A shame, but oh well.
Anyway, to those who did vote and who do seem to appreciate this contest: thanks!
December 10, 1999, 17:15
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I'm glad that even in SL there are at least more ppl who do appreciate the contest, than there are who don't.
December 10, 1999, 19:25
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Whatever. And narck you lying SOB, I never voted for myself. Go look yourself.
Canada sucks
France is worse.
December 10, 1999, 22:57
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Please remove my vote. I don't support this crap at all.
I'm the Phoenix, MR. T was the old initials....
December 10, 1999, 22:58
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If my vote counts, the Captain has my vote.
December 11, 1999, 10:16
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Originally posted by Michael Jeszenka on 12-10-1999 06:25 PM
Whatever. And narck you lying SOB, I never voted for myself. Go look yourself.
First of all, benedetti: here's'the proof that there is at least one person in this forum who seems to like flame wars. MJ just insulted me, completely without reason too, because on the old vote thread MJ said: "Oh well. I guess I nominate/vote/whatever blackclove."
Maybe you should look first before calling someone a lying SOB, MJ.
But you know what, I'll just take both you and Phoenix off the contest, as it is obvious that you didn't mean those votes.
Actually, Í'll also take Jim Winchell's vote for you off...
And I hope that that way we can avoid another flame war.
Be happy, it doesn't look like SL is going to make the 20 required votes anyway.
December 11, 1999, 10:50
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There hasn't been a flame war on this forum? Really? Remember NickC? And the useless trivia, that got a people a bit mad.
December 11, 1999, 15:50
Narck (and Mao),
I also deplore MJ's unnecessary comment. However... (he, he, I always have a "however") let me qualify my previous sentence a little bit: "there has never been a flame war AMONG THE REGULARS OF this forum". Unfortunately, Narck, you're not one of us (try just one scenario please, perhaps you'll like it and wanna join us  ) therefore MJ's animosity towards you falls off my comment.
Regarding NikC, he is a good guy but a wee bit impulsive. All of the regulars here know this and do not feel offended by his sometimes hot-blooded posts. I am pretty sure that Cpt. Nemo did not take any offense from Nick's remarks in that trivia thread.
Just to finish, Narck, forgive me, but in my eyes the fact that this forum ignores your contest only proves that the people here is more mature than on the other forums.
December 11, 1999, 16:01
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Narck, what the hell are you talking about? You said I voted myself when I voted blackclove. What's your problem? Hey, heres a novel idea. Why don't you play a scenario, and post about it?! WOW! After this is the scenarioleague.
If this is a problem, please leave, now.
Canada sucks
France is worse.
December 11, 1999, 16:37
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forgive me please  My comment wasn't meant that way. What I meant to say was that you voted as well (yes, for blackclove, not for yourself  ). I see how the word "yourself" that I put in there lead you to believe that I meant you voted for yourself  Well, sorry, that's not what I meant at all, I guess I should have stated more clearly what I meant. But hey, it's cleared up now. Right?
Then, unfortunately, I'm not playing civ2 anymore. When civ3 is out I might drop by sometime  So if you guys are still busy in here then, I'll come and check it out
Don't worry, I will leave  After all, it seems the SL community is still not interested in this idea
oh, and benedetti:
"Just to finish, Narck, forgive me, but in my eyes the fact that this forum ignores your contest only proves that the people here is more mature than on the other forums"
-->Maybe  But in my eyes, the people here are just a lot more boring  no offense
Hey it's ok, if you guys don't like it, the contest will not return
December 11, 1999, 17:47
1) this is an Apolyton contest. not Narck's
2) skiping Nick C...
Mark L, Mr. Temba, MJ, Fast Eddie are not(or were) regulars of this forum?
3) you say that the people of this forum, in contradiction with the people of ALL the other forums, are pretty damn serious and mature. they are so mature, that they dont want to show their appreciation to a distinguished member of their community. they are so mature that are ready to start a flame war against a thread, instead of ignoring it, left to slip down the thread list humilated 
they are finally so mature, that at the same time they reject a vote to award a person, they contribute to other awards and contests for scenarios AND people. why? cause you say it reminds you of "all for the people without the people", which makes me think "if it's not our idea, we dont support it"
well, benedetti, you have confused me cause you're not describing the people of this forum that I have seen and know...
I have no problem if you dont like the idea of the contest and ignore it. But to insult so many people like that...
Markos, Apolyton Civilization Site
December 11, 1999, 19:11
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I'm sure there have been a few minor flame wars here, (or should I say, "flame skirmshes"). Nothing as big as some the likes that OTF has seen, but still some. I have a question though, who is it hurting if you allow people to vote? Is it really spamming if it's only one thread? If you don't like it, you don't have to see it. Just let people vote award the titles. If you don't want to vote, you don't have to.
December 11, 1999, 20:08
Yes, you are absolutely right: kids tend to see grown-ups as boring people
On the other hand, I have never seen a post in SL stating "I'm bored". I (and you too) have seen many posts in OTF stating things like "hey I'm bored let's talk about anything"  No offense from my part either
Point 1) I knew that... I guess
Point 2) Please elaborate. I do not follow.
Point 3)
"you say that the people of this forum, in contradiction with the people of ALL the other forums, are pretty damn serious and mature"
Excuse me but these are your words, not mine. I said this forum is more mature. This does not mean that all other forums are not mature. There is a difference.
"they are so mature, that they dont want to show their appreciation to a distinguished member of their community"
I wonder what appreciation and maturity have in common for you to make such a statement.
Again, the point here is not to show appreciation. The point is that the contest thing is silly. Appreciation can be shown in many ways, and the most sincere ones have nothing to do with organizing a popularity contest. Everyone one here appreciates what people like Blacklove or Cam have done for the Apolyton scenario community. We do not believe that a contest is needed to recognize their dedication. We already know!!!
On the other hand, in OTF.... yeah, things should be really difficult to appreciate over there. I agree, a contest for OTF is needed!
"they are so mature that are ready to start a flame war against a thread,"
Well, I am starting to realize that I have no idea what a flame war is
"instead of ignoring it, left to slip down the thread list humilated"
You are absolutely correct here MarkG, but this way is much more fun. Re-read what I wrote at the beginning of my second post here, please. This is totally surrealistic and I like it! Reminds me of old times at the Addicted forum.
On the other hand, why do you guys keep replying to my posts instead of letting the whole thing go? You could just *bump" the thread without further comment.
"cause you say it reminds you of "all for the people without the people", which makes me think "if it's not our idea, we dont support it"
You may be right here too, but I never saw anyone supporting an idea he/she didn't agree with. Examples: I have not seen Narck voting in any of the SLeague Design Contests. I have not seen anybody from SLeague asking OTF posters to vote in the SLeague Contest to show "appreciation to an author who has given so much to the community".
The point, MarkG, is that we do not support this initiative because we do not like it, no because it's not ours.
"I have no problem if you dont like the idea of the contest and ignore it." But to insult so many people like that...
I have insulted no one, MarkG. To state for example that Bill Gates is smarter than N, does not imply in any way that I am calling N a fool.
PS. You put way too many smiles, Narck
[This message has been edited by benedetti (edited December 11, 1999).]
December 11, 1999, 20:38
let's not start playing with words benedetti...
when you say that the people of this forum are more mature that of the other forums because they dont like silly contests like that, what does everyone else make??
btw, please define matureness, cause when you say that it's more fun to start screaming "it's off-topic, it's off-topic, take this crap away from me" instead of ignoring something....
and we're asking SL posters to vote on an SL contest. yes,it's not organized by the people who run the SL site. is this the problem? the point is that it is a vote for SL people. not OT ones...
finally, if there is no need for such a vote, I suggest that the 2000 Hodadian Awards are cancelled. We all know which are the good scenarios and the good creators
December 11, 1999, 21:14
I am not playing with words MarkG. You cannot accuse me of something I did not say or implied.
"btw, please define matureness, cause when you say that it's more fun to start screaming "it's off-topic, it's off-topic, take this crap away from me" instead of ignoring something...
This is a good point. I acknowledge that you caught me in the act... of proving to everyone that, unlike Narck's opinion, mature people also have a lot of fun  OK, OK, this is getting too surrealistic
"and we're asking SL posters to vote on an SL contest. yes,it's not organized by the people who run the SL site. is this the problem?"
No. The problem is that the idea is silly. We are walking in circles here,MarkG
"Finally, if there is no need for such a vote, I suggest that the 2000 Hodadian Awards
are cancelled."
Aren't you mixing apples with oranges?  Believe it or not, voices were raised against the 1999 Awards. Personally, I would not complain if the Awards were cancelled.
December 12, 1999, 01:27
Gentlemen, please take this to email.
December 12, 1999, 01:38
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OK, I think I have a way to settle this. Let everyone who wants to vote, vote. If there aren't say, 20 votes (I believe that's what Narck said) let's just drop it. But it seems that a fair number of people are indifference or do care and vote. Benedetti, I realize you represent many people on this matter, but not everyone. Let's see if we get enough votes, if not, then nothing will happen.
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