Originally posted by SlowwHand
I guess what I'm asking is, which is it?
Whichever suits your argument at that particular moment in time, is the only possible answer.
A sly moron, isn't an option.
Bush is both moronic and accomplished. Not all intelligence and ability is the same.
Bush is an ideologue and religious zealot. Here's where the moron factor comes into play. Because God speaks to him directly (or whatever) Bush does not think his ideology can be wrong. Tax cuts not working? Let's have more tax cuts! Apparenly Bush doesn't realize that he and his drunken daughters live on the same planet as the rest of us and that environmental damage will harm them just as much. Mock our allies, then we have no one to turn to. The man just keeps plugging away with the same plans no matter how many times they fail. This is the moron side. Add to this his lack of any serious education or deep thinking side.
Bush, however, is fairly wily and clever. Much like a trapped rat. He knows how to surround himself with the right people, how to spin events, and how to inspire people. He knows how to take advantage of a situation, and turn a losing position into a popular one. These are different skills than knowing how to bring a vision into being.
Think of it this way, an engineer brings a vision into being and a PR person sells people on that vision. Bush is a good PR man, but a poor engineer.
When people call the man a moron, they critique his weaknesses. When people call him clever, they lament his strengths. This fact does not make moron/clever inconsistent at all. The talk is about different facets of the same gem if you will.
Pretty rinky-dink, if you ask me.