[Disclaimer: I'm in a bad mood now, so whatever I say is liable to be nasty]
Playtesting Comments:
The Good:
-Your icon and terrain graphics, as well as about half the units, looked nice
-Lots of stuff was changed
-I was impressed with the sheer amount of infrastructure
The Bad:
-Your events file had a big error. The whole thing simply doesn't work
-There are cities in S. America that should NOT be there! Cremona? Rhodes? What were you thinking
-The Chinese and Russians declared war on the first turn. That doesn't sound right
-The flags...you can do more for India than a white dot, can't you?
The Ugly:
-Your sub graphics and about half your ships looked like they came from Joe's Big Pack O' Mutant Eels. Not a pretty site.
-Surely you can do more than just keep the original battle graphics
-SDI Defenses in major cities!? The WHOLE FUN of the original was throwing nukes around like confetti!
-The Chinese nuking Europe on the first turn. I doubt they could, and I doubt that was supposed to happen.
-The turns are too long, but I doubt you can do much about that.
This really needs some polishing up before CSC.