December 13, 1999, 16:01
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Red Front: Problems?
I am opening this new thread to get problem reports from Red Front players. Please address only problems here and be as specific as possible so I can find and fix the problems.
Any play impressions and general game feedback can still be posted on the other Red Front topic threads.
So far I have reports of:
- Downloaded zipfile for Sounds 3 cannot be opened.
- Impossible to extract terrain files from
- Pontoon bridge near Stalingrad does not dissappear in the winter of 1942 when events announce it has broken up.
Has anyone else experienced any of the above?
December 15, 1999, 01:07
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December 15, 1999, 08:02
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Regarding bribing:
The best I've come up with in version 1.3 is that I have changed the game.txt to read:
"Anti-communist subversion among Red Army officers: your (unitX) has defected to the Germans"
This is not totally unrealistic as the ROA headed by General Vlasov recruited over 50,000 Russian POW to fight with the Germans against the Communists. These troops "defected" back again to the Soviet side toward the end of the war but Vlasov was nevertheless executed.
December 15, 1999, 11:21
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Why not just remove Writing from the AI?
December 15, 1999, 12:53
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But the AI doesn't have Writing... I don't know what else to do to prevent the bribing... He has no spy or diplomat units, and not Writing nor Espionage technology. The diplomat slot is occupied by the He-111 bomber and the spy slot by floating mines.
I think it's pure AI cheating as the bribes usually get some of the units that are near impossible to kill (Partisans on mountain-tops, fortified battery, AA battery in fortified squares).
December 15, 1999, 23:51
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Good point...I had my fortress in front of Narva bribed...
December 16, 1999, 06:50
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Whoops, should have known you would of already thought of that
December 17, 1999, 17:44
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Here are the problems so far:
- Extra2.wav in was unextractable
- There is a refugee near tobolsk building a factory (118,50) at the start of the game.
As I thoroughly playtest this (for a review no-doubt) scenario, I'll post my notices here. I'm also keeping a thorough log of what I am doing and what territory has been traded.
December 17, 1999, 18:57
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The extra2.wav is the sound of Allied bombers that attack German industry in 1944-45. Just used in the events. I don't know why it isn't extractable because it does extract from my zipfile on the harddisk.
Ooops, I missed that little guy near Tobolsk. I will add a few Labor brigades from the start of the game so it becomes possible to build minefields fast once "Labor Front" becomes available... I have moved up that event 1 month. Still it is near impossible to protect Leningrad with minefields (I lose my Labor Brigades to the ground troops that take Narva by September)
Darthveda: I look very much forward to your review!
December 19, 1999, 17:59
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- Crapify Romanian infantry for the first two phases of the game. Odessa fell on the second turn (which I don't believe was done until Spring of 42) (?)
More coming soon!
December 19, 1999, 18:44
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I think you are thinking of Sevastopol... Odessa fell on the 16th of October, 1941 after the Germans started assisting the Romanians who weren't doing too well on the southern front. By December Sevastopol was cut off and the Germans had seized Kerch and a small bridgehead across the marshes into the Caucasus (But they could not hold it through the winter).
December 20, 1999, 02:16
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Woops, it fell on the 16th of October... why'd I think it fell later?
Here's the list of things I'd like (and love to help you with):
- Is there anyway to simulate the Stalin Line? It was practically worthless from a defensive standpoint, but it would be another morale-breaker for the Soviets if all those Red Army units should fall to the blade again.
- What would be really great is a new events file every 3 months (Fall, Winter, Spring Mud)... I'd be happy to help author it if you need...
- Your scenario I think would be complete with this because the mud was as bothersome to the Germans than the winter. The winter saw at least some movement from German tankers, whereas with the mud, they had to stick mostly to the roads. Mud would be bad for mechanized units on both sides (1/2 road movement and very slow tanks)
- I'd like to see the soviet tankers get a winter paint job every winter (I could do this really easily using PSP if you'd like...) same for German tanks. It would also be interesting if the PzIIIs and Pz38t's (see below) froze over. (No movement--hue them blue maybe).
- While we're at it, how about for summmer-winter 1941/2 that the Sdkfz (AA) is represented as the Pz 38(t) (One of the predominant tank forces in the panzers [25%])
- In the last three sets of units (sum 1944+), replace the Panzer III with the Hetzer 38(t)... seeing as this tank (pz3) was out of war production by 1943
- If you haven't already done it, change the stats and looks of the PzIV to represent its stages of design (The Pzkw IVH had armor skirts I believe. The J was similar but with reduced time to build because removal of automatic turret operator.)
- Upgrade Me109 to Me109G in Winter '42
- In the summer of '44, upgrade the Ju-87 Stuka to the Me-262, this will free up another slot. (Considering Ju-87 production ceased in '44).
- In the fall of '43, upgrade the KV-1 to KV-85 (And allow those to be built).
- In the Summer of '45, upgrade the KV-85 to JS-III.
- Improve the caliber of the Soviet AT Gun throughout the war. Make them cannon fodder infantry in the first months, so the player has to use them in conjunction or retreat them. Here's my suggestion: 14.5mm AT Rifle Infantry -- Simonov AT Rifle PTRS-41 [Sum '41], 45mm AT ZIK-37 [Win '41], 57mm ZIS-2 [Sum '42], 76.2mm P39 [Win '42], 85mm AA/AT ZP39 [Sum '43]
- With the JSU-152 slot, start it off as the KV-2. This is a pretty worthless tank. Keep the player from being able to build them and convert them to KV-1s in the Winter of '41. This will give the player a respectable defensive tank for the Winter, but a slow cannon fodder in the summer (Give it a top speed of 3 or so). In the Spring/Summer of '43, allow the player to build Su-85s out of this unit. Then in the Summer of '44, upgrade them to SU-152s.
- Slow down the T-26. It is way too fast compared to the T-34. Give it a movement of 3 or 4. This will allow more to be destroyed in the summer of '41.
- For the summer of '43 and '44, give the Panther a tiger/camo color scheme. I'll give you a pic if you need an example.
- Upgrade the AA Sdkfz to Flakpanzer IV in the Winter of '43.
- Instead of a Battleship, replace that unit with the U.S. Sherman Tank (Available through London shipment every other 2 turns starting Summer '42). The Battleship is overkill and is not really necessary in a sea swarming with Cruisers, Destroyers, and U-Boats. Upgrade the M4A1 to A3 in the summer of '44.
- Starting in the summer of '43, rename the armored infantry Russia gets through the U.K. to U.S. M3 Halftrack
- Redraw the roadways in the winter as tire ruts. Do the same for the mud.
- With all these changes, you might as well add a fall1-9,spring1-9,winter1-9 units.gif, I really don't think people will mind the extra download time.

I have a lot of free time in the next two weeks, so if you need help editing new events.txt files or .gif files, just mail me at
BTW: I'll be working on those spring and fall terrain files.
[This message has been edited by DarthVeda (edited December 20, 1999).]
December 20, 1999, 20:34
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Let me be the first to say I wouldn't mind the extra downloading
December 21, 1999, 23:47
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Oh and I agree about the battleship. Didn't the Germans only make like 3 in the entire war? and they all went against Britain? I know there's the Bismarck that went against shipping, but I mean, we really don't have a chance in hell at beating those battleships.
December 22, 1999, 01:04
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The Germans have only 4 battleships and can't build anymore (I figured the Gneisenau, the Scharnhorst, the Tirpitz and the Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen) These were based in Norway during the Murmansk convoy era... They actually attacked convoys (Gnei. and Sch. at least did). Those two were sunk in a battle with British battleships and planes, in late 1944, I think. Tirpitz was destroyed by RAF heavy bombers in a Norwegian fjord. The Prinz Eugen, I don't know much about except that it ended it's days as a nuclear test target in the Bikini atoll after WWII...
I have them to prevent the Soviets from getting total control of the seas... The Germans don't build surface ships (Stupid AI)and I only give them U-boats by events. Without battleships the Soviets could too easily venture out of the UK sea-zone and take on the few German cruisers and destroyers and then sweep the Murmansk route for U-boats. The battleships make sure the Soviets always have to "elude" the Germans which was what the Convoys did.
I am not against giving the british 4-5 battleships in 1944 to finish off the Kriegsmarine's control of the sea of Norway...
"After successful raids on Tarent have effectively eliminated the Italian fleet, the Royal Navy diverts part of it's Mediterranean fleet to convoy protection on the Murmansk route."
December 22, 1999, 01:36
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I haven't tried it yet, but I wanted to see what level I was.
December 22, 1999, 05:54
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Did I miss something?
December 22, 1999, 11:08
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Sorry "Warlord" Nemo. I just wanted to know my rank.
-"Prince" Techumseh
December 22, 1999, 11:52
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How many posts are required to reach "prince"? 200? King seems to be above 1,000. How do you post 1,000 messages?? I already spend way too much time on this and I have a measly 180 posts...Maybe I need to start sending posts one paragraph at the time?
December 22, 1999, 17:31
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Ahhhh....but King Mao has risen!  I forgot how I actually got over 1000 though. And Nemo, you registered wayyyy before me.
December 24, 1999, 18:51
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I dont think anyone has seriously addressed this yet. I sent you an e-mail not to long ago about this, but I'm not sure you got it. Its about the map. No, there's nothing really wrong with it, but I know it can be slightly better. Just look into the placement of several cities, such as Astrakhan and Riga, and make the Aral sea alot smaller, and , already 20% better.
I shall no longer bother you with insanely small details.
"When You Kill One, It Is A Tragedy. When You Kill 10 Million, It Is A Statistic"
-Comrade Stalin
December 24, 1999, 20:16
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I had one problem...two actually.
The first was with the Karl mortars...they are nearly undefeatablyt with ground forces! And in my game they appeared two times (because I liberated the city, and lost it again).
The second was the brdge event...when that event occured I still had control of Rostwo, but those extra German troops made sure that I couldn't bring in new reinforcements...
The second problem could be fixed by letting the event occur after Rostow was taken...or am I supposed to loose Rostow that way? I kinda felt cheated by the AI.
December 25, 1999, 01:07
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The Germans are going to sack the Caucases. They took Rostov historically, and you'll have to deal with it this simulated way. If you still have Rostov wehn they cross the Don, consider the fact you are holding them back for a turn or so extra.
About city placement: Is it really affecting gameplay so much that it is completely historically inaccurate?
December 25, 1999, 10:10
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Mark L:
The bridge event was made to threaten Stalingrad, should you have fortified the East bank of the Don. Another event brings additional reinforcements to the Southern suburbs of Rostov if Rostov falls...Maybe the bridge (Which is designed to insure a threat to Stalingrad) Should appear North of the city? In my latest test game I succeeded in holding Rostov through the summer of 1942 despite the bridge. I almost lost Stalingrad though and those damn Nazis pillaged 2 of my factories while attacking Stalingrad.
I had to bring in massive reinforcements from Uralsk which is the main build-up production area in the South (About 12-15 Laborers/Brigades churned out 6 industry squares by 1942!) and bring reinforcements to Rostov via Maikop.
The Karls are supposed to be near-unbeatable but since they fire but once per turn the way to beat them is to bring in more reinforcements than they kill... There should be one by Leningrad once Narva is taken and 2 by Sevastopol once Perekop is taken.
They can be killed if they wander in on a minefield (Defense divided by 2) and they are more vulnerable in winter than summer.
Also an attack with 4-5 good units (T-34, Katyushas) can take them out. Finally if they are still around by 1944 they are disbanded when the Soviets enter German territory.
Map: I did not get the E-mail with map suggestions... Could you resend it? There are a few misplaced cities mainly because of dicrepancies between the different types of maps I used ("Flat" wartime maps and Atlas maps with curved latitude/longitude lines) The Aral sea has significantly shrunk since WWII (True) so if you use a modern map it would be smaller but I will revisit the entire issue now that I got a tip on how to delete cities easily!
December 25, 1999, 10:10
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Here's a major problem
This is in 1943, not 1941...and the Germans still have way to many troops
December 25, 1999, 12:23
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Excellent, Captain Nemo. I'll see if I can re-write or -send the e-mail which has a few more small details in it. I can see you are devoted to this scenario, and with good cause.
"When You Kill One, It Is A Tragedy. When You Kill 10 Million, It Is A Statistic"
-Comrade Stalin
December 25, 1999, 12:28
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By The Way, Captain Nemo, Whats Your E-Mail Address?
December 25, 1999, 15:48
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It's in my profile: (the last character is a "zero" NOT the letter "O")
December 25, 1999, 16:10
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