December 26, 1999, 16:44
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My New Civ2 Website & More Details on TERAMORE
Teramore: The Shattered World (TSW) has its official website up and running on my NEW CIV2 WEBSITE! YEAH!
THERE IT IS! I hope everyone likes my site! No hard feelings to anyone. But seriously, I'm going to do this scenario, ok? Thanks.
And the Teramore website (off of Crown Civ):
If there are any problems, please tell me either in these forums or you can E-Mail me. Thanks for everyone's support so far!
December 26, 1999, 19:20
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Impressive, Nick, even though I don't much care for fantasy scenarios.
December 26, 1999, 21:23
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Djugashvili, thanks for your support! Nor did I until I came up with this idea. I do, however LOVE RPG GAMES!
I'm also trying hard to get Napoleon reconstructed, but no furthur details on that will be released now.
And, if Mike can convince me, a scenario about Hungary could be nice.
Check for updates as early as tonight on the site. Thanks again, Djugashvili!
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 26, 1999, 21:39
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I STILL don't understand how you can turn a turn-based strategy game into real-time, but okay.
December 26, 1999, 22:17
Nice! If you need someone to playtest Teramore, I'd be honored.
December 26, 1999, 22:35
A very nice page Nick! Just a few questions...
1. Will this have one path that you must follow, or will it allow you you choose between maybe two or three for better replayability?
2. FW? MGE? TOT?
3. Is this an existing game, or did you think of this yourself?
I'm looking forward to it!
December 26, 1999, 22:53
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Djugashvili, that is top secret information.
Giant Squid, OF COURSE! I'd be glad to have you playtest!
Fast Eddie, there will be around FIVE different ways to beat Teramore, all containing unique events files, etc. I will look more into this.
The scenario is for the Multiplayer Gold Edition on Civilization II.
I thought of this idea by myself. I hope you like it!
Thanks for your support, guys!
By the way, check out my site now, one major update: A new scenario announced.
"The Dream of Kolokotronis." It is a Greek Revolution scenario, but won't be ready until as late as JUNE, 2000, maybe even August. Eeek! It is worth the wait though. I have read up on the subject.
By the way, I didn't reveal any of the Lizardilia units for Teramore, but they are very nice. Sorry, you probably won't see them until the scenario is out, unless I'm felling nice on New Years Day. The Lizardilia kingdom is hard to defeat, but once you capture their first two cities, they will become friends with you and give you some mercenaries.
Teramore DID start you out on an island, originally, but now I'm starting it out on the Northern Lands where you will have to defeat the Ice Yeti! Eeek! He is tough!
Thanks again, guys!
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 26, 1999, 22:57
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Oh yeah, and I'm probably going to redesign the site already because I got a good idea.  And Teramore will have its own, own, own  website with a cool backgroud, etc. if I can get it to work.
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 26, 1999, 23:02
Say, whatever happened to the old site on XOOM? Did you take it down when you moved to CivNation? I really like that one...
December 26, 1999, 23:40
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That's what I'm going to probably design it after. I'll try to find the URL now.
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 27, 1999, 00:03
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I see you changed your sig Nick.
December 27, 1999, 00:22
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Guys, just ignore him and let's get on the topic again please.
Ok, so far I have Giant Squid playtesting. You too, Fast Eddie?
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 27, 1999, 01:33
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Nick, please tell me the link to the wizardry V site that you took all those images from. I know its the same one Jeszenka used for Shannara but I lost the link. Thanks.
Use just once, then destroy. Invasion of our piracy. Afterbith of a nation, starve without your skeletal key. I love you for what I have not. I do not want what I have got. Blanket acne'd with cigarette burns. Speak at once stop taking turns. What is wrong with me? What is what I need?
December 27, 1999, 01:44
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Pheonix (or is it Mr.Temba for while Charlemagne is getting fixed?) I think it was a site called the RPG Galleria or something like that, but I'm not totally sure. I'll hunt the link down for you if you want though, just don't take the ones I already took.
Giant Squid has already been informed that I did that, so no surprise. I thought everyone would know they were from Wizardry. Strange.....
Well, I'm keeping them! I was the one who formatted them into Civ2 units, and so there they will be in my scenario. Yes, I have formatted every single image from that site, so sorry for anyone who wanted them. Hehe. I know Temba used some in Charlemagne, but the ones he used I changed colors, etc for my scenario and made them different sizes. And I have my units for Teramore copyright. Good thing too, eh?
I'll try to find the link, Pheonix.
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 27, 1999, 02:26
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All images are, indeed, Copyright (of course) even though taken from WizV, they are still originally formatted by myself.
I hope you like them, but more are coming. I will let you all see the units before the scenario comes out. Units are about 15-25% of my scenario, so I don't mind really. If I were to give the events away, no THAT would be giving the bulk of the scenario away, spoiling Teramore for everyone. Enjoy!
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 27, 1999, 14:08
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Working hard huh?
I would like to playtest it, it's for MPG right?
December 27, 1999, 14:09
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Did you draw all these units YOURSELF? No offense, but they're pretty damn good.
December 27, 1999, 14:10
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Oh, wait, you didn't.
December 27, 1999, 15:51
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Nick: A word to the wise. Lose all that stuff about "copyrighting" the units. In a civil court, you're "rights" wouldn't hold water since you aren't the original artist. By all means take credit for making them civ-compatible, put your intials on them, even request that you be properly credited by others who use them. But copyright is very specific legal jargon, and clearly not appropriate in this case.
December 27, 1999, 15:55
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Well, it is a little presumptuous to copyright something you didn't draw...I hadn't noticed that.
I changed all the pictures too, colors, added stuff, like I gave the Scout unit from Charlemagne an extra leg (you still have him hopping around on one leg :P)
I can't see that the images are actually changed at all....
Use just once, then destroy. Invasion of our piracy. Afterbith of a nation, starve without your skeletal key. I love you for what I have not. I do not want what I have got. Blanket acne'd with cigarette burns. Speak at once stop taking turns. What is wrong with me? What is what I need?
December 27, 1999, 16:49
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gee Nick, I thought you said that civII was an old and stupid game and that you wouldn't waste anymore time on it...guess I'm wrong.
December 27, 1999, 17:32
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WTF? WHO SAID I COPYRIGHTED THEM? The site I took them for made me put that Copyright on there for the graphics! Sheesh! It isn't my Copyright!
I like them how they are, Mr.Temba, so I shall keep them how they are. I don't really care, they look perfect and go perfect with my scenario.
And by the way, I DID mention the source of them. Please read more carefuly on my site. I have done nothing wrong. Temba, I did edit them, maybe you should look closer at half the units there.
PLEASE, WOULD YOU PEOPLE STOP FLAMING ME FOR JUST A LITTLE BIT! If you want to argue, have a decent argument and understand what you are talking about! You guys got it all wrong! GEEZ!
Mao, NO, you may not playtest it. Blame them, no one is playtesting Teramore any more except John Petroski and Giant Squid. PLAYTESTING CLOSED!
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 27, 1999, 17:47
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Here's an idea, MarkL: If your going to post off-topic items in here, E-Mail them to me. Sounds like a plan to me.
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 27, 1999, 18:01
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Ah, but I didn't know that I couldn't Copyright them into my own units. I apologize for that. If Mao still wants to playtest, by all means, you can. I now have put Copyright Wizardry V.
Kull, I recently read a document about copyright on the internet, and any one can copyright their own original content. Now I see that my units are not original, so they aren't copyright, but my site is copyright, however.
Guys, I'm asking you nicely, can we get with the topic?
So, in general, do you think the scenario looks very interesting and fun?
Pheonix, do you think it looks fun? I just want some feedback from some one. I noticed the Wiz5 units, and I saw they fit perfectly with my award-winning short stories in the state of Maine and Connecticut.
That's how I got the idea. I combined all my short stories and named a place called Teramore. All the Wiz5 graphics fit PERFECTLY into my stories. I just need three more units that Wiz5 doesn't have and I need some more spells. Any suggestions?
Sorry about the entire Copyright thing, everyone!
Any more playtesters?
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 27, 1999, 21:28
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December 27, 1999, 21:38
Hmmmm, I wonder if that playtesting offer is still being held out to me....
December 27, 1999, 22:12
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I don't care, Fast Eddie. No offense, Carlos, but no ****.
Nick Crown (Greek.)
December 27, 1999, 22:59
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Thank you carlos! Thats all I wanted!
Nick, makes no difference to me. If you ever get to that stage ask me again.
Use just once, then destroy. Invasion of our piracy. Afterbith of a nation, starve without your skeletal key. I love you for what I have not. I do not want what I have got. Blanket acne'd with cigarette burns. Speak at once stop taking turns. What is wrong with me? What is what I need?
December 27, 1999, 23:58
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December 28, 1999, 00:03
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SERENITY NOW! (With new signature!)
Nick Crown (Greek.)
NOTE: The people in the Apolyton forums are all extremely annoying, especially Mr.Te...*ahem!*
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