January 2, 2000, 00:55
Local Time: 05:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Red Front
Posts: 556
Ooops! Double post!
But it wouldn't happen if the Apolyton Site wasn't so unbelievably slow! When the screen just sits there for 7-8 minutes you start wondering if it registered the command to Submit Reply...
[This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited January 03, 2000).]
January 2, 2000, 01:21
Local Time: 05:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: by day, Cher impersonator by night
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You, uh, double posted there, komrade.
No matter. I'm just glad to see that the unit-count thing will be fixed. That really sucked.
Here's another thought: couldn't you make the 'General' unit play a larger role instead of the one occurence near Brest Litovsk? Say a general unit representing Zhukov in Stalingrad, or something? I read another post about making indivual general units, but this might be a good substitution if you don't have sufficient unit slots. If the Zhukov-guy is killed, then there might be some text and a ruble deduction, or something like that. I think it's a good idea.
And I don't think the game will suffer to much  without the Italian infantry. But I would like to see at least some text detailing her surrender in '43, but that's just me...
Anyhow, thanks for listening to me.
[This message has been edited by Djugashvili (edited January 02, 2000).]
January 3, 2000, 01:35
Local Time: 05:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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By the way, Nemo, did you send an e-mail to me on Sunday? I think I got it, but for some strange reason, my computer deleted it before I had a chance to read it.  If you did, could you please re-send it?
And about that general idea I spoke of in my last post... If you don't want to make the general unit appear any more in the scenario than that one time, couldn't you just delete him? It would be another unit slot, and I don't see the purpose he serves if that's his only appearance. Then you could implement some of the unit ideas people've been posting into Red Front. Any thoughts?
[This message has been edited by Djugashvili (edited January 03, 2000).]
January 3, 2000, 08:29
Local Time: 05:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Red Front
Posts: 556
Many units slots are re-used throughout the scenario. The reason the Soviet General doesn't appear anywhere else after 1941 is because his slot is immediately recycled by the winter of 1941 for the Siberian troops...
I have really squeezed everything I could out of those slots...
There are a few available early and late in the game (Before units are used and after units become obsolete) I could squeeze in Allied troops and tanks in some of the Soviet slots by 1945...and early T-28 heavy tanks for the Soviets that would dissappear by 1942 but I couldn't find a spot for the Italians that need to exist from 1941 to 1943.
Did you also comment on the churches/cathedrals thing? I am working on changing the city improvements to make them more appropriate for the game. (Make the Politbureau useful and get rid of the churches)(The cathedrals will be renamed to "Orthodox churches" and are of course the replacement for the Socialist Pragmatism as designed)(Stalin did "ally" himself with the Orthodox church during the "dark days" of 1941-42 and that's what the loss of the "Socialist Pragmatism" wonder and the re-appearance of the Orthodox church is supposed to simulate)
January 3, 2000, 16:24
Local Time: 05:52
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No, I didn't comment about the cathedrals, but it's a good idea anyway.
And couldn't you at least remove the general COMPLETLEY from the game, so when people notice him, they don't ask themselves 'hey, is that the only one?'
Just stream-lining it a little.
January 3, 2000, 18:46
Local Time: 05:52
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Posts: 556
I needed a specific unit that, when killed, triggers the little historical blurb about the fortress of Brest-Litovsk...
I first had a pillbox graphic but then I realized that I hadn't used the beautiful Russian General unit that Alex had made for me... The same is the case with Paulus, the German Field Marshal, there is only one in the game.
January 7, 2000, 21:37
Local Time: 05:52
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Hey!! Version 1.3's out! I was just skimming through Alex's website and there it was! Just downloading it now... When were you going to tell us , Nemo?
BTW, by the looks of the screenshot, Alex's Russian Civil War sceanrio looks awesom!
January 7, 2000, 21:50
Local Time: 05:52
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IS it v.1.3?? It appears to be the version I got through e-mail from you with none of the changes you spoke of with the improvements being renamed, the labels, and such...
To think, I got all excited over nothing I haven't seen before.
Oh well. I guess I can wait a little longer...
January 8, 2000, 07:10
Local Time: 05:52
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Posts: 556
What's on the war gallery is a version newer than 1.2 but not the final version that I will release soon... I don't remember exactly what I E-mailed you versus what I sent Alex but I guess I will have to up the revision for the final release, as what is on Alex's site looks like the official 1.3...
Before I send out the next version I will go through all the files and change the headers to reflect the version number so it is clear what it is (I guess 1.4)
Does either of your copies have the "gold" changed to 1,000's of rubles? Do you have a picture of Stalin for the Socialist pragmatism? Do you have Su-122 tank hunters?
Do you have the "Stalin Line"? Has the city of Astrakhan been moved North of the Volga delta?
Those are a few of the latest changes.
January 8, 2000, 16:38
Local Time: 05:52
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The picture of Stalin on the SP wonder is there; the Stalin lines are there; the new tank hunters are there. But the 'gold' has not changed, and Astrakhan is still in it's same place. Those are the same changes (and un-changes) that I got in the version that you sent me through e-mail. I wonder why this is...
January 8, 2000, 17:49
Local Time: 05:52
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Red Front
Posts: 556
Must have E-mailed it to you and him at the same time... He just took his time to post it...sorry. The rubles fix is easy: Search and replace "Gold" with ",000 rubles" in the labels.txt and game.txt files... Done!
The other changes are approaching completion so the newest version should be done in a week or so. I'm leaning toward not doing 4 seasons, only 2 because it complicates the game tremendously.
January 9, 2000, 02:58
Local Time: 05:52
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I say keep it at two. Mud, IMO, is unnecisary.
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