Following on from the decidingly average review that v1.0 recieved in the Scenario League, I`ve been away improving Firewall for another release, and I`d like ideas and feedback from people who played the first one (there must be at least one of you out there

). So far, I`ve added these things:
-Included describe.txt to give more background to the main characters in the story.
-Finetuned the events file to fix slight problems experienced in v1, plus extra events added (new events file for every year of the scenario).
-Got rid of some units and added new ones (some more powerful units appear through events). Tweaked units stats to improve playability.
-Research now plays a bigger factor in the game (despite what was said in Darthveda`s review, Gunpowder always had to be researched). New techs lead to new units and improvements.
-Finally, a bigger plot! The main criticism of Firewall in the review was that it ran out of plot after a few turns, so it will now be in several parts.
So, like I said, if anyone has any feedback or criticisms (make them constructive), then do feel free to post them here.
P.S Do you think that using the .bat files that Nemo used for Red Front and modifying them would be classed as stealing his idea, and should I use them if it is?