View Poll Results: What do you recon of Enterprise!
I love it! It's an awesome continuation of the Trek saga!
12 |
35.29% |
It's OK, boldly going to places everybody's been.
11 |
32.35% |
It's an insult to Trek and all it stands for!
8 |
23.53% |
Why oh why do we allow you people in here? Can't the mods ban you nerds?
0 |
0% |
AAARGH!! I hate all Trek! I hate all nerds! DIE DIE DIE!!!!
2 |
5.88% |
Banana Trek what? What the hell are you on about?!
1 |
2.94% |
August 22, 2003, 07:54
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Star Trek Enterprise Season 3
I must say this show caught me by surprise. I love it and had no idea it could be this good! I was sceptical at the beginning, every show needs to work out bugs, but this is awesome!
Even though they bring things in that don't fit quite right (like ferengi, romulans and the borg) it's tweaked just enough that it makes sence.
The season 2 final was cool and I can't wait to see how season 3 continues. what are you ideas on these new guys in the expanse? Part of the tempral cold war? Is archer being taken for a fool? Are the Klingons gonna raise hell?
The Season 3 premier starts sept 10! Be there or be square!
(For those of us poor unfortunate slobs living in europe where it takes 100 years for stuff to get here, download the whole damned thing from Kazaa!)
August 22, 2003, 09:24
Local Time: 09:42
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I like it too  had a similar thread a while ago, I always expected the worst after Voyager, but was positively surprised.
I´ll marry T´Pol
August 22, 2003, 09:29
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i hate it. it's better than voyager, but voyager sucked so hard after barbie came on board, it's not hard.
August 22, 2003, 09:30
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It's a good show, but I don't like how it occurs before the original Star Trek. I mean, this Enterprise looks more advanced than Kirk's Enterprise.
August 22, 2003, 09:32
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Originally posted by Sava
It's a good show, but I don't like how it occurs before the original Star Trek. I mean, this Enterprise looks more advanced than Kirk's Enterprise.
But OTOH it would suck when they try to make a pre-60/70ies production design for a show made in 2000+
August 22, 2003, 10:35
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I like the actors... and it is far better than Voyager (but that's not all that hard). I will continue to watch it. However, the writing has been really inconsistent. There have been some great episodes, and some that aren't even worth the tape I record them on. It will be interesting to see how the third season goes... However, it might not allow them the variety of stories that made the first two seasons interesting.
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August 22, 2003, 10:49
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On it's own merits it's probably not too bad. But the problem is that it is an insult to the Star Trek universe. They show races that shouldn't be there, and the ship has capabilities that it shouldn't have.
As a Star Trek show it should have focused on meeting a smaller number of races and starting to forge the Federation. Their Andorian shows were quite good in this respect.
This next season looks like it will be going in the opposite direction.
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August 22, 2003, 10:54
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I hadn't realized there was a season one or two.
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August 22, 2003, 11:24
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I like it. The actors are all good. Sure, some of the story lines are derivative and uninspired (do we HAVE to have the Borg again?) but it isn't too bad, compared to a lot of the drivel on tv.
And don't even get me started on Jolene Blaylock. Don't...even!

I do wish it was a bit more primitive and followed the continuity closer...but oh well...at least there's no Neelix or fat assed Kess on board, nor the painful overarticulation of the Sisco family.
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August 22, 2003, 11:25
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And no Wesley either
The dog is a step up from Wesley, Neelix and Kess
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August 22, 2003, 11:34
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i saw a few episodes of this show (only thing on on wednesday nights) and the best episode i saw was the one with the Borg... i had seen a few episodes of the one with the bald guy and Voyager but they were always boring and more talk than anything else but that Borg episode showed that Star Trek can still be suspenseful. good episode. some of the other episodes i saw were equally suspenseful but i don't remember what happened in them as clearly. the re-run (?) this past week though with the species with three genders was trash though... nothing eventful happened in that talking episode.
but still this show looks like its a step back towards the popular, action-packed science fiction of the original series... i think everything after the original became geared towards nerds who couldn't get enough of the character, alien, and star trek universe in-sights of the heavy-talking shows.
August 22, 2003, 20:09
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It's an abomination. I'm sticking with the original crew of the Enterprise. Voyager was a decent series, TNG wasn't bad. DS9 was unbearable at some points, good at others, but the Enterprise series needs to be flushed.
August 22, 2003, 20:09
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August 22, 2003, 20:09
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EDIT: Triple post.
August 22, 2003, 20:10
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Triple post? Haven't seen that in a while.
EDIT: lol
[Obama] is either a troll or has no ****ing clue how government works - GePap
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August 22, 2003, 20:14
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Originally posted by Q Cubed
i hate it. it's better than voyager, but voyager sucked so hard after barbie came on board, it's not hard.
Good, don't watch it.
August 22, 2003, 20:16
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hate the time crap. luv t'pol. something about an insanely hot woman who is logical. I guess cuz its not a natural occurance.
like the other episodes tho, and I like the extra "ghetto"ness of it. where they find and develop new technology and make more mistakes etc...
August 22, 2003, 20:19
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Originally posted by Verto
EDIT: Triple post.
Don't watch it.
August 22, 2003, 20:20
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The thread is kinda asking "what do you think of this show"  you can't exactly tell people off for dissing it
[Obama] is either a troll or has no ****ing clue how government works - GePap
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August 22, 2003, 20:22
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Originally posted by Ming
And no Wesley either 
The dog is a step up from Wesley, Neelix and Kess
Be careful before I tell you not to watch it.
August 22, 2003, 20:23
Local Time: 03:42
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What's with the red font?
[Obama] is either a troll or has no ****ing clue how government works - GePap
Later amendments to the Constitution don't supersede earlier amendments - GePap
August 22, 2003, 20:31
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The new series can't compare to the original, TNG or DS9. Voyager was decent... I wonder if they could have put jeri ryan in any tighter clothes  I can safely say I was glad to see it end.
But overall I like the new series, its worth watching.... some episodes I wouldn't want to watch again, but most were good enough to enjoy once. Although for sci-fi shows now I find myself watching more stargate sg1, the acting isn't as good but the scripts are usually a lot better.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to season 3!
August 22, 2003, 21:27
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On the Borg episode, when they sent the signal, could it be what caused the 2° Borg attack on Earth?
Like this:
- The Borg Cube attacks Earth, they fail and send the sphere into the past, gets destroyed by Enterprise - E and it crashes.
- The Borg crash site is discovered, they regenerate and send the signal that will trigger the 2° Borg attack...
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August 22, 2003, 21:36
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Haven't watched a single episode. Does anyone know if they will be releasing the series on DVD like the other series?
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August 22, 2003, 21:55
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Originally posted by skywalker
What's with the red font?
I will try to answer that.
I watch one show or series on TV. It is call Star Trek. Have all episode been "Gone with the Wind," NO. Have I wished that all episode were that good, YES?
So I take each week hoping for the best, but knowing that this one episode may not be that great, but it will be OK.
I learned a long time ago that the TV has many channels, and if I do not like a show, I can change the channel anytime I want. I also never go on the Internet and tell other that this show or that show "sucks." If I don't like a show, I will not watch it at all. It is a waste of my time.
I have been lucky to watch every episode of the entire Star Trek series starting with the TOS on the first night it was broadcaster and not haft to go back to watch old episode before I was bored.
A kid who will be born in the next 10 or so years may be told by his Father or Grandfather to watch Star Wars 3 that is coming out next May when he is a young teenager and how great it was, and the kid in his/her young teens will watch it and say it's suck because his/her time will be so far ahead our time he will not be able to enjoy it like some of us will.
The same with Star Trek, most people here had to watch it as a reruns. TNG has now been off the air for ten years, DS9 for six or seven years, and Voyager for three years.
It hard to watch and old film about space and enjoy it because the tech had change so much in the last thirty years, you cannot believed it unless you were around to watch old show and now the new shows.
My TV schedule
Star Trek Enterprise Wed night
McLaughlin Group Friday and Sunday 30 min.
Crossfire's each day 30 min.
MSNBC some maybe 30 min or so each day
Some History Channel Depends on the story.
Some Tech Channel Depends on the story
Once in a while a Movie Depends on the movie.
You know there is not a single movie starting this week that I want to pay money to see.
The red means do it, now.
August 22, 2003, 22:00
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
Local Time: 07:42
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Star Trek, ever since TNG, has been on a downward spiral. Im' sorry to say that it's finally hit rock bottom.
We musn't let the suffering continue. They should simply give it a swift and painless death. God knows it won't me missed
August 22, 2003, 22:02
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I also like Enterprise because it introduces all the star trek things that are completely foreign to non-fans... when i saw some of the other star treks, i would get lost with all the alien species and not understand any of the technology or what was going on but this newest star trek show introduces and explains everything. thats a big plus.
i really got a feeling the people who made this show had the average joe who aint a sci-fi fan in mind... just like the original series, its more action-packed and less complicated sci-fi.
and t'pol is the woman right? what is so appealing about her? she got some crazy looking hair and she don't even look that great
August 22, 2003, 22:05
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August 22, 2003, 22:08
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but i do got a question that was probably explained in the first episodes which i didnt see... exactly what is the federation? i assume its an alliance between human nations and the spock-like aliens... but what are the ships like the Enterprise? are they the military? but in one episode, some one mentioned something about how the federation was somehow different from the military... what was with that? is the Enterprise a warship?
August 22, 2003, 22:24
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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