in short: The Romans got their rear-ends kicked into oblivion. We stole Democracy and Gunpowder from the Americans(which are now a thread thx to Leo's). The Americans have become a monarchy.
Some sidenotes to future presidents:
Be very carefull with the Xin-cities don't forget to unxin them at the right moment(maybe some ppl will not appreciate this but I confess: I try to save at the end of every turn to undo the effect if I forget one(or more cities) Impeach me if you want, but there is no other way not to forget them(we would have lost all our Xin abilities by now if I hadn't done so), the effect on the AI is normally zero, they kill the units they are about to kill)

also for the Cityplanners) think long befor you ask to remove a unit, we need a temple and 3 units to keep an average size3 city from going into disorder.(so If you see an obsolete unit ask yourself what would happen if it wasn't there, it might be of no use defending,but it might keep a city from going into disorder.
after all this confessing and notes for the we go
History 960-->
-------------- ---- -
960AD rush Library in Devastation and leave it 1 more turn to grow to Size 6 then start Xinning
980AD: Germans did act of espionage at Ore( don’t know yet if we are at war since the pop-up screen just closed for no reason??... we are still at peace)… I knew there was a reason why I kept the Warrior in Enron. I disbanded it (as ordered by our SMC to build the Knight faster) 1 drawback between xinturns we now NEED an elvis to keep the ppl happy, instead of a taxmen or scientist…The Phalanx at Newton and Warrior at Pax are luckily still in place (would have been the same prob)
The American Crusader near Havoc went away, and the one near Rack got his buttocks of our wheat plain. Rack is now building a settler to go irrigate the north pond so Rack and Ruin will get more food ( thx Cavebear)
New Apocalyps started a temple(the only way to get past the black face(2 pikes don’t do the trick)
Found wandering Nomads willing to Join

Rushed Temple at Kahun(only way we can start using the city)
Got Cease Fire with Romans(and discovered Neapolis and Pompei)
1000AD: Zulus start King Richards, Americans sneackattack us, archer kills our trapped chariot, crusader near Ruin gives a horse-steack-buffet at Ruin

, Devastation becomes Size 6 and is a nice Xinncity giving us 27 beakers(thanks to library), Discover Roman city of Viroconium.50G from hut, our legion killed the treacherous archers who so cowardly murdered their friends in the chariots.
1020AD: espionage by Zulu’s...euhm I don’t get any mention of techtheft(I’m used to play 2.42, there you get a message informing of techtheft, is this also the case in MGE?)
1040AD: Greek catapult comes to Dominion and tries to extort the major...he laughs and send out the chariots to burn the catapult. Bombay(American Build King Richards) Discovered Washington. Our Diplomat near Bombay steals the Knowledge of “Democracy”
1060AD: an American chariot becomes steak when it runs into the pikes of Ore.
An other chariot kills one of our Crusaders near Kahun

And yes the Romans broke the cease-fire killing a crusader.=> retribution: killed Legion and warrior,emptied Pompei(=> they will rush a warrior wich will kill the present crusader...sigh),killed an American crusader near Antium(he ignored the sign saying “Don’t step on the Grass!!!”)Killed the chariot near Kahun(I fear for the Crusader, Rushed a pikemen in Kahun.
1080AD: It feels like this computer wants to get me killed, it shuts the pop-up-messages of at will.
Ok : Americans got Gunpowder(I will steal it asap, because now we are in deep ****: they have Leo’s=> an army of guns), Barb uprise near New Apocalyps(2 elephants and 150G on little feet). The Romans build a warrior and it died trying to kill the Cruc whieeeeeee
We conquer Pompei(it just grew to size 2) 29Gsize1 unhappy city no improvements. Take out Legion and warrior which were send in for protection, and told their diplomat he could bugg of with the cease-fire

I want to take on Ravenna, but a german Elephant is blocking my way…argh... they refuse to move it out.
The Dominion Diplo just steps next to a Greek Crusader, bye bye
1100AD: The diplo of dominion(the sitting duck) got killed, Killed American Crusader stepping on the grass near Cumae, Destroy Ravenna plundering 13G, and killed the Roman settler begging for his life

, one our legions stumbles into Halicarnassus(Greek)(and will probably get killed next turn, tried to talk to them…no way)
1120AD: The legion near Halicarnassus got killed, we have a native unrest near desolation(2 ele+150G on little feet). Bought Viroconium from the Romans for a mere 59G, I got 15G back +Size1 city with a phalanx) Stole Gunpowder from the Americans, all barracks got soled and we got 400G) Bought some nice city-walls for Kahun, and renamed the city of Kahun to Styx(being on a river that will get a lot of Americans killed

) While on my Xinn-round I find a naughty Greek Knight near Imperialis... so I send out the Crusader to give it the proper spanking.
1140AD: started researching Metallurgy(~60% done), Romans killed an other warrior on one our units, get embassy with Romans: they have 2 cities left: Neapolis(soon to be ours) and Lugundum), Conquered Neapolis(42Gsize1 city)Killed Greek crusader near Dominion(the glacier is something we should nurture(and not try to cross with our units,anything crossing it gets killed), I send an emissary to the Americans, they ask me to give them 500G, let there be war. But there is good news: Their govt collapsed and became a monarchy(bribingtime!!!)
1160AD: It’s official: Americans are a Monarchy, The new archer of New Apocalyps barely survived killing the Greek catapult placed next to the city, got a NONE Musketman near Bombay, Discover Lugundum, Romans ask to negotiate, I agree but they won’t pay so I let the knight kill all of them. THE ROMAN CIVILIZATION HAS BEEN ANNIHILATED
Antium finished our first home grown musketman
1180AD: killed Greek Knight near Imperialis,Killed elephant near Desolation(I’ll leave the rest of the turn unfinished, the above were things I had to do, no possibility of forgetting)
screens will come later (it's now 2h30 am), saves have been send(so a minister could post them if he wants/has time) reports are expected so I can play 29th August, RL will make it hard to post untill that date, but that night I have all the time needed to play and post, when the poll ends your reports should be send, it's an easy timer
