MSN - Industry & Military
Jamski says:
Oh, also what do you think of my plan :
Jamski says:
Its bascially 5 posts on how to turn the Hive into a millitary-industrial monster
John says:
John says:
so far so good
Jamski says:
*has been really busy*
John says:
have you seen archaic's fast transcend save files
John says:
in CGN
Jamski says:
yes, that's basically this
John says:
John says:
well it looks pretty similar
Jamski says:
That's the best game of SMAc I've seen
John says:
Jamski says:
John says:
Jamski says:
but I'm twisting it for building an army, not racing for trancendance
John says:
heh more production
Jamski says:
brcause you DON'T win a trancend race in PBEM with the Hive
John says:
Jamski says:
YOu do win a massive war with hordes though
John says:
hrmm this plan is really well thought out
Jamski says:
The long term aim is to get as many 4-1-2's and 6-1-2's as possible
Jamski says:
of course it is, it took me all evening
Jamski says:
I like the way we hardly stop to build any facilties with my plan
John says:
well we're hoping for the VW
Jamski says:
its rush the tanks, build 6 cheap units (ok mabye a node) then attack stuff
John says:
if we get it we might build network nodes and children's crech
Jamski says:
John says:
depends on how early our war starts
Jamski says:
we dont actually NEED any drone control though
John says:
actually bearacucy drones
Jamski says:
ploilce units and specilasits
John says:
Jamski says:
each base has 4 specialsit remember
John says:
yeah hrmm
John says:
you know with getting the HGP
Jamski says:
John says:
should we delay one or two turns and build recycling tanks
Jamski says:
John says:
because at turn 2135
Jamski says:
I said this before, no HGP = no pop boom
John says:
we will be able to build recycling tanks in 1-2 turns in all our bases
Jamski says:
John says:
okay so rush the HGP
Jamski says:
John says:
should we delay to build recycling tanks before we build the VW?
Jamski says:
and then the VW?
Jamski says:
depends how close we think the uni are
John says:
after VW our industry gets halved
Jamski says:
perhaps we should shelf it, as a luxury?!
John says:
because we just lost 16 crawlers
Jamski says:
we can always take the VW off someone later
John says:
16 crawlers = 32 minerals
Jamski says:
OK John, lets stuff the VW
Jamski says:
its better to get the rec tanks and get the bases out, yes
John says:
Can I just keep my ear to the ground
Jamski says:
if its clean
John says:
and build the VW when I estimate the uni is getting closer
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
but lets de-prioritise it to a certain extent
John says:
so maybe rebuild our crawlers a little
Jamski says:
I 'm thinking its more important to get expanding
John says:
or build recylcing tanks if no spare forests nearby
John says:
I intend to switch two bases back to colony pod production.
John says:
at this stage
Jamski says:
build pods after the HGP
John says:
straight after the HGP
Jamski says:
only two?
Jamski says:
we have 18 bases to build
John says:
well we still need to prep the base sites
John says:
roading the way out
Jamski says:
John says:
also with our crawler industry
Jamski says:
but maybe 4 bases on pods pretty soon?
John says:
building a colony pod takes 2 turns
John says:
maybe less
Jamski says:
hmm, but we want to atke crawlers off minerals and onto food soon
John says:
after we get the SPs and get the bases out
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
we need Eco Engineering too, for boreholes and condesnsors
John says:
although I see a conflict
Jamski says:
John says:
with your plan it's strong builder
Jamski says:
nope, its mass assult
John says:
however I think the chairman want's early hybrid
John says:
it's mass assualt
John says:
but it's later game assualt
Jamski says:
I want strong bases, with low costs and no facilities that just get unit punping
John says:
chairman and rokossovky want an assualt within the next 40 years I think.
Jamski says:
nah, wait till we have 40 rovers
Jamski says:
and then WIN the war in one go
John says:
have you read the MSN conversation
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
all three
John says:
well you sell your ideas to the commitee
John says:
I'm just the mircomangement guy
Jamski says:
a small early attack won't knock an opponent out, but a later stronger one will.
HongHu has been added to the conversation.
Voltaire has been added to the conversation.
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
we're here to discuss a change of plan
Jamski says:
a BIG one
John says:
I need to contiune reading your builder plan
John says:
and understand all the details
John says:
I'll be listening here though
Jamski says:
sure, and I want masses of comments
Jamski says:
they're away
Voltaire says:
What change of plans?
Jamski says:
big change of plans
Jamski says:
We have a goal
John says:
Jamski thinks that the university war is too early
Jamski says:
I have seen the future of the Hive, and it is very intresting
Jamski says:
I have written a 2,000 word thread on the subject
Jamski says:
with pictures
John says:
2000 words
John says:
Jamski says:
John says:
I just looked at the scrollbar
Jamski says:
maybe more
Jamski says:
actually probably 3000
Jamski says:
I didn't count I just guessed
HongHu says:
uyhhpooiuuyiuiyuiy yuui5uiijfxjkfkoghlklhggkgfbckjkgdt
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
Jamski says:
Hey sweetie
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
HongHu says:
John says:
looks like her baby
Jamski says:
Get tiger off the keyboard
HongHu says:
m, m ,mhj;hl,nbhn.;'m
John says:
John says:
how cute
HongHu has left the conversation.
Jamski says:
how sickening
Jamski says:
anyway, its time for my beauty sleep
John says:
Jamski says:
back in 6 hours
John says:
Jamski says:
Voltaire says:
I will read the plan in detail, and I would like to hear Comrade Kody's thoughts on it.
Voltaire says:
As well as how its implementation may affect the planned invasion.
Jamski says:
cool, he's reading it ATM
Voltaire says:
Though from the looks of it, the plan seems long term.
John says:
depends on which takes priority
John says:
that plan is very long term
John says:
compared to other plans we have previously made
John says:
it's good though
John says:
I think it should be implemented whatever we do
Jamski has left the conversation.
John says:
how soon we implement the parts is what we need to decide
Voltaire says:
IMO we can start implamenting it right away, though in small steps and work out way up towards full implementation of the plan.
Voltaire says:
The reason for this would be that we will be facing other chalanges as well in the future, war perhaps.
John says:
Voltaire says:
And we need to be ready to switch our policies at a moments notice.
John says:
how important is the VW to us?
Voltaire says:
I truly do not know, on the one hand it will help the drone problem given that we will be building Network Nodes anyway so it we had the VW it would be an added bonus.
John says:
Voltaire says:
Also if we get it before the Uni, it serves to hinder them.
Voltaire says:
On the other hand it's not a necessity...
John says:
Voltaire says:
What SP do you think we should go for?
Voltaire says:
John says:
HGP then VW
John says:
definiately HGP
John says:
we need it for pop booming
John says:
also it's cheaper
Voltaire says:
What others are avaliable early game?
John says:
the question is how much do we sacrifice for SPs after getting the HGP
John says:
the drones are getting the ME
John says:
which is good
John says:
because then they'll improve their science
HongHu has been added to the conversation.
Voltaire says:
How much do we sacrifice for SP's after the HGP...
John says:
cashing in crawlers
HongHu says:
hi chairman
John says:
we cash in crawlers and it reduces our industry
HongHu says:
sorry about just now
Voltaire says:
We should go for the VW, but keep our loses at a low if no one else is building it.
HongHu says:
Tiger was having fun
Voltaire says:
If someone else is, then we need to cash in the crawlers.
Voltaire says:
Hello Comrade HongHu
John says:
okay then
John says:
when I think we can take the industry hit
John says:
I'll build the VW
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
We should also discuss what SP we will want in the future.
John says:
At the moment HGP -> VW -> PTS -> CN
John says:
did I miss any
John says:
drones are getting merchant exchange
Voltaire says:
No, I agree, but i was getting at more the far future.
Voltaire says:
Since we will need to secure certain key SP for ourselves.
John says:
we hope we can get the MC
John says:
maritine control
Voltaire says:
Yes, I was about to mention that.
John says:
but we're so far from flexibility
John says:
and the lack of WP means we really need to pursue those terraforming techs
Voltaire says:
We need to speed that up, get the Drones to research it...
Voltaire says:
It will be crucial in the invasion plans.
Voltaire says:
How soon can we have flexibility if we had to research it ourselves?
John says:
with drone help?
John says:
or just alone?
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
and then with
John says:
a conservative guess would be 20 turns
John says:
maybe 25 turns worst case
John says:
possibly I can shave a few turns off that
John says:
our tech rate is 1 tech every 10 turns
Voltaire says:
What about military tech?
Voltaire says:
The marshal suggested that we get that first in order to advance our forces before invading
John says:
to also get the impact, that may be 25-30 turns
Voltaire says:
That seems fine
John says:
I think we don't want to fully research these things ourselves.
Voltaire says:
impact first since we may want to use the time it takes to get flexibility to build up our forces
John says:
maybe we should go strong probe war
Voltaire says:
no, i agree
John says:
and do tech stealing?
Voltaire says:
we need the help of the drones
Voltaire says:
hmm, not a bad idea
John says:
I think we get flexibility first
Voltaire says:
then tech steal
Voltaire says:
John says:
we really need infiltration of the factions we're attacking
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
We will hold talks on this more in the upcoming days, preferably if we decide to go ahead with the invasion plans we need to come to a decision as to what path we pursue
John says:
Voltaire says:
I must be off at the moment, and if you can please archive this chat Comrade Kody
Voltaire says:
John says:
okay then
Voltaire says:
One final note
Voltaire says:
Is this sort of comunication that you wanted in order to facilitate long term planning?
Voltaire says:
As well as what Jamski posted
John says:
John says:
Jamski's post is especially useful
John says:
it got specific in the right places too
Voltaire says:
Alright, I will get others to post in the style of Jamski their policy proposals
Voltaire says:
It will help things flow smoothly
Voltaire says:
good day comrade Kody
Voltaire has left the conversation.