September 22, 2003, 17:31
Local Time: 08:48
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Yes, 1 - (Dream),(Wish) - 2 , cost 110ecs
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
September 26, 2003, 03:57
Local Time: 02:48
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2137 - Cap'n Herc's mid term message
More territory explored. Drones territory seems to be west of the Hive.
Denland looks to be substantial island (or group of islands)
PMS Tiger Shark within probing distance next turn, bur which base?
Note Roze 2-1-4 vessels out there.
75 ecs offered from Borgs. Sp will have to check what is the current
state of play.
No other factions have offered anything.
I hope to play the turn by 1.00pm my time tomorrow because I will be away 24 hrs. ie14 hours from now. So hope you will all oblige with comments on some base options to be decided, although Cusp has commented on most..
Doesn't he wish that was all I had to say maties? ---the Cuspidor
September 26, 2003, 04:05
Local Time: 02:48
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Cap'n Maki's comments
> PMS Tiger Shark within probing distance next turn, but which base?
I say go one east to see if that base radius is from an inland or coastal;
if coastal probe it, if not you can change course to Word of God and probe it the turn after.
Q : What the heck is that Sea ColPod doing N of Sealurk?? 
Other than those 2 things, it's looking good to me 
Maki, I think the "3rd Generation Ark" (SeaColonyPod) going north is Herc selecting the compromise 3rd Seabase site (we hope to find NW of Denland) discussed somewhere, perhaps in this thread, but accelerated by the free build so that the Bootyboat won't be over there to help in the looking around for a couple of more turns.
September 26, 2003, 04:07
Local Time: 02:48
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the Cuspidore's 2137 Comments
-Re PMS-008 PartyBoat Tiger Shark @(78,82) - I'm pretty sure that the Believer base is at (82,82), given the pattern of base perimeter lines (and the presense of the sea boundary line as well); might as well go there - don't forget to look for probes in there first, in case you want to apply discretion instead of valor after checking out the relative morale situation (I don't think it gives you battle odds for probes, just goes ahead and starts the battle). Hopefully it will survive the infiltration to sail again - to infiltrate the PUT?
-Re PMS-004 Schooner Santiago @(47,7) - I did some math and I think the pod is closer to Sealurk than to Pamplona, but I'm neither absolutely sure of the math or whether it calculates the closer distance that way or not.
-Re PMS-004 Gunship Admiral DG Farragut @(2,36) - Maybe it would be good to go ESE to explore the gaps in our maps, see if we can spot some of the Hive's bases, the Hive/Datatech border, and beome the first ship to sail around Chiron (and at the equator no less!); how's that for Shipping News material?.
-Re Tripoli I'm all for building a Command Center and turning out some InfantryProbes, at least until HMB recovers some more from that 'accident'. Maybe a CmdCntr and a couple of IProbes, then another PartyBoat if there isn't another base better suited to build one. Please don't start an SP here. You might want to produce from (56,68) instead of (55,67), 1 extra fop; speaking of (56,68), Why the hell is Tripoli's Sea Former down in Alexandria (helping 'form' a tile with no labor to work it) when there's plenty to do in Tripoli - what did you do, leave off in the middle of terraforming (56,68), not to mention wasting movement by going away from (52,66), which needs a lot of work and (55,63); that's the 2nd damn time you've bailed on forming (56,68) - you've gotta stop being so ^&*&%in' flighty with the terraforming!!!
-Re Sealurk How about an Amphibious Scout (same price as regular scout) or a Synthmetal Garrison (cheaper to prototype on an infantry chasis than a foil), then maybe a Party Boat or Facility (EBank?).
-Re Little Terraforming Accident How about another Crawler, this one to go to (35,69) for nuts; hopefully you can get the former to farm that tile this time., when it finishes the forest at (35,67). Seems like a slow developing base for a while; if we get Biogenetics sometime, we can build a ReCycler there to boost production a little.
-Re Pamplona Since we've gotten a free extra tile of forest, and the 2 'not-great-but-usable-as-is' 2-1-1 tiles North of Pamlplona, we could probably switch to a crawler or two before building the former.
-You're heading for another transport logistics problem, sending the new bootyboat "Margarita's Banana BootyBoat" (see updated registry below), west, when 'Rita itself is going to need a boat next, in just 3 turns, Sealurk's Belly at Alexandria can get up there in time, but something needs to be there at Alexandria just one turn later. You might want to rethink your transport requirements and maybe build another one at Liar's before the crawler? (I know it's a drag, but we need the damn things, trying to save by sharing them requires more thinking ahead than we've been doing lately (or less xenoweed smoking)).
-I don't know what the deal is with the diplomacy window, perhaps we need to do something in one of them? Have we made up our minds about anything? I voted for taking the money for the Doc:Flex, but they offered close to the bottom of their range and I'm not necessarily against the other option if there are some convincing arguments - who was the 2nd vote for that; do they have anything to say?
-Updated Ship registry below:
The Cuspidor's Registry of Ships - PMS = 'P.e.a.c.e. Military Services' or 'Pirate Merchantile System'
-Registration#, Weapons/Armor, Category, Class, Name, Homeport
PMS-001 Gun-Unarmored Unity Foil Warship, Unity Gunship 'Admiral David Glasgow Farragut' of Earth
PMS-002 Unarmored Foil Transport, BootyBoat 'BootyCheck' of Margaritaville
PMS-003 Gun-Unarmored Foil Warship, Schooner 'Montezuma's Revenge' of Tripoli
PMS-004 Gun-Unarmored Foil Warship, Schooner 'Colonel Corazon Santiago' of Margaritaville
PMS-005 Gun-Unarmored Foil Warship, Schooner 'King Lear' of Liar's Lair
PMS-007 Unarmored FoilTransport, BootyBoat 'Belly of the Sealurk' of SeaLurk
PMS-008 Unarmored Foil Probe PartyBoat 'TigerShark' of Liar's Lair
PMS-009 Unarmored FoilTransport, BootyBoat 'Margarita's Banana BootyBoat' of Margaritaville
PCS-006 Unarmored Foil SeaColony, Ark '3rd Generation Ark' of Sealurk
-(Approximate) Locations, Morale and Status as of 2137
PMS-001 (2,36) - Disc - 20% Damaged - Exploring in NW (Sailed off the NE edge of the world to the NW))
PMS-002 (43,55) - Green - 100% OK - about to drop off CP at (42,52), then to NE if needed
PMS-003 (60,28) - Green - 20% Damaged - Exploring in NNE
PMS-004 (47,7) - Green - 20% Damaged - Exploring in North - to pop pod?
PMS-005 (4,20) - VeryGreen - 100% OK - Exploring in NW - just off Anvil of Man
PMS-007 (56,52) - VeryGreen - 100% OK - off Alexandria; heading for 'Rita (hopefully)
PMS-008 (78,82) - Disc - SW of The Word of God -about to probe base at (82,82)
PMS-009 (50,68) - VeryGreen - 100% OK - heading for Liar's Lair
PCS-006 (52,50) - Green - 100% OK - looking for SeaBase site around Denland
-Under Construction (PCS = PEACE/Pirate Colonization Ship)
-Archives - Davey Jones' Fleet
PCS-001 - SeaColony - 'Barbarossa's Ark' - of Unity - Founded Tripoli
PCS-002 - SeaColony - 'Anne Bonny's Ark' - of Unity - Founded Margaritaville
PCS-003 - SeaColony - 'Sir Francis Drake's Ark' - of Unity - Founded Liar's Lair
PCS-004 - SeaColony - 'Calico Jack's Ark' - of Margaritaville - Founded SeaLurk
PCS-005 - SeaColony - 'RedBeard's Ark' - of Tripoli - Founded Alexandria
PMS-006 - PartyBoat - 'Tiger' of Margaritaville; lost infiltrating Datajacks
Last edited by johndmuller; September 26, 2003 at 04:21.
September 30, 2003, 04:01
Local Time: 02:48
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2138 turn
-Consider the BootyBoat logistics before the one at (50,68) makes its preprogrammed move toward Liar's (i.e. deprogram the move and think about it); you might want to redirect it back to 'Rita and Sealurk and use the one in the NW to service Liars' needs. Or . . . , maybe you can work something out with just the one bootyboat to service both Rita and Alexandria and their too close together and out of order needs for ferry services. Anyway, see if you can figure out the best approach i.e. the least inefficient situation w/r waiting around for boats.
-Suggest a Facility (EBank/NetNode) or PartyBoat at Sealurk. In any case, put something expensive in there for the podpop up north - make sure we don't get a free extra scout.
-Suggest a Forest at (38,68).
-I'm thinking a Former in the new base down south (assuming you are founding it where the CP is currently sitting) unless you start out with a Drone as the first worker, in which case I guess a scout would be in order.
-Don't see anything worth rushing (except maybe - and that's only a maybe - a former in the new base down south (if it doesn't need a drone control scout right away)); the Command Center at Tripoli could be rushed too (but not unless you are going to rush 12 mins for 24 PoE; rushing just the 2 mins to finish would just be costing us the maintenance to end up in pretty much the same place next turn. I'm not really in favor of either rush job, and am even less inclined to do both due to declining treasure chests, but if something must be rushed, think about those two first.
-Interesting that the Borg didn't make any immediate use of the Doc:Flex after all that trouble to get it soonest - might be worth pointing that out to them.
-Good luck with the Sea Colony - if there are any Unity Pods there, remember that being right next to them should guarantee a good pop, although that is of course not the only criteria.
-Suggest that the Farragut (2,36) go E/SE more or less back home through the black areas around (1,42) + or minus and (26,40) + or -, to the extent there is water in those areas to sail through. Could get it repaired and maybe refitted when it gets home again. We might want some muscle in the home waters.
September 30, 2003, 10:24
Local Time: 08:48
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Hi maties here's end 2138. Nothing much further to report. As I reported
we infiltrated Miriam but lost the PMS Tiger Shark while doing so. (That
Tiger name must cause it). Most of our PMS craft have been ordered to
return home via as useful a route as possible.
Some the above moves and in particular the Booty boats had been made
before Cuspidore posting. But will play even closer attention to next
Some formers finished their task this turn so can be changed /moved next
turn if so wished.
Pact and Doc: Flex to UNI
Doc: Mob to Hive
Still nothing from the Drones.
Nothing rushed.
See memo from Maniac in thread, this conflicts with in game currently
researching Doc: Init hmmm.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
September 30, 2003, 10:32
Local Time: 08:48
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A further thought.
Roz is 2 turns from Merchant Exchange and has to other bases building this SP also. Roz is also currently researching SOHB.
Miriam is researching Nonlinear and will discover it in 2 turns.
Here's a thought
When Roz builds the ME, don't the other two bases revert to units or facilities unless their is another SP to switch to.
What if we traded Doc Init but secured restrictions and prohibition on human factions building MCC. But then trade Doc: Init to Roz. If Miriam and Roz are buddies Roz will get Impact in a short while. But if we still plan to conquer Roz then we will pick up the SPs built when we do beat her.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
September 30, 2003, 11:49
Local Time: 02:48
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What's the (*&*^in' rush?
... or ... remember us, we're on your team too ...
... or ... duh, didn't we just #%&$ up last turn by going too fast so going faster will be better?
Hey, I posted my comments 6 hours before the first peep from you and still you don't even bother to read them before you take the turn in record time. Not that there was much critical going on, but IF YOU RECALL, IT WAS JUST LAST TURN THAT BEING IN SUCH A &(*%in' RUSH GOT US INTO BIG TROUBLE WITH OUR 'FRIENDS', THE BORG. Perhaps we could have used some of out turn to make sure that relations with them were not going so far downhill as it seems they are. Perhaps a little time to think about what you're doing with the transports versus what you're doing with the build queues would save us some wasted turns too.
Communicating LESS with the team is hardly what is called for at the moment, MORE communication is the direction we need.
-I know that a partyboat was one of the things I mentioned as a possible build at Sealurk, but you've got a "foil" probe (which actually has a cruiser chasis) in there which will take us forever to build at that rate and will be too expensive to rush until the end is near anyway. One can hope that it is only temporary, and that you plan to switch builds again after popping the next pod up north, but SINCE YOU DIDN'T TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT IT and since it's only two more turns til we have to pay to change builds, I thought I'd mention it now, while there was still an outside chance you'd notice. Even a regular partyboat will take nearly as long a time and be expensive to rush; maybe a facility (which we could rush as spare change was available) would be better, at least until we get some more mineral production (once we work up the courage to put something on the island again, like a crawler built elsewhere or a former leading up to a homegrown crawler or two (I'm not suggesting a former at this point however).
Sorry to come on this strong, but I am pretty #!$$ed off at the highhanded turn behavior, especially coming off a major ^%$#@ up.
Last edited by johndmuller; September 30, 2003 at 11:59.
September 30, 2003, 20:21
Local Time: 08:48
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Hey, I posted my comments 6 hours before the first peep from you and still you don't even bother to read them before you take the turn in record time. Not that there was much critical going on, ....
I sent out the mid turn 2138 turn at my time 03.10am after having played what I believed were the non controversial moves.
Before playing the rest of the turn I looked for feedback and saw your comments posted at 09.01. I assumed because of the references to the Borg and their not using Doc: Flex and other comments, that you had opened the turn and your comments were based on that. I admit I was puzzled by some comments on the booty boat(near Liar's Lair) movements but having moved then already they couldn't be undone. And neither could some other turns.
And yes the expensive foil probe is temporary but It would also get us to the Cycon ( or PuT) in two/three moves (and might survive)
So the timing of your post and content convinced me that you had seen the turn. I am sorry if you thought it was high handed behaviour.
It might be helpful to say when you received the mid turn (as opposed to when I sent it) and or when you posted your 2138 turn post( before or after the mid turn 2138). Or maybe you responded to the accompanying text to the mid turn.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
September 30, 2003, 21:54
Local Time: 00:48
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Last edited by Googlie; October 14, 2003 at 11:32.
October 1, 2003, 19:42
Local Time: 02:48
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The problem, Cap'n Hercules, was that there was no mid-turn email or file sent out (at least not that I have gotten even to date); nor was there a mid turn post. The first thing I heard from you was the post you made after you finished playing and sent out the turn (and the two emails and files that went with that) at about 10:30am my time (3:30pm yours?). The fact that you didn't post a mid-turn report is evident in the thread; it is certainly possible that the email to me just disappeared in the net somewhere (although we have not had that problem in the past and you have at least once in the past forgotten to send to everyone, getting your diplomatic correspondence mixed up with the turn correspondence). From my perspective, there was no communication from you prior to the turn being completed; the only evidence that anyone else had even accessed the turn was the download count I happened to notice about the time I was posting my comments.
Believe me, I appreciate the difficulties of keeping all the files and emails and posts straight in the middle of the relentless pressure to get the turn out, but you must also appreciate that having comments ignored that were made some 6 hours before hearing from you for the first time that turn could be a tad annoying.
October 2, 2003, 07:10
Local Time: 08:48
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I checked my send list and the mid turn with file attached was sent. Did any of the other pirates receive it, or not, that would clarify things.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
October 2, 2003, 11:20
Local Time: 02:48
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Cap'n Hercules, I got a copy of your mid-term message today, but it does indeed look like it was originally sent on Sept 30th as you said (see below):
From :
Reply-To :
To :
Flubber , Flameflash , Makahlua , John Muller , "" , Matthew J , Mark123jansen
Subject :
ACDG Pirates mid turn 2138
Date :
Tue, 30 Sep 2003 03:10:10 +0100
Attachment : ACDG-midpeace, (99k)
MIME-Version: 1.0
(#2) ntlworld to hotmail (MSN)Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Thu, 2 Oct 2003 03:03:27 -0700
(#1) ntlworld to ntlworldReceived: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-229-121-137-20020806) with ESMTP id <>; Tue, 30 Sep 2003 09:32:44 +0100
X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jEHjJx36Oi8+YDSEg8qKPPD
Message-ID: <>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.8 [en] (Win95; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Oct 2003 10:03:27.0935 (UTC) FILETIME=[6CF72CF0:01C388CC]
View E-mail Message Source
Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Can Printer Friendly Version
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------820E48F1BF6AFE7751E09203"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Hi Maties, not awfully happy reading.
. . . . .
Miriam will discover Nonlinear very soon.
Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed; name="ACDG -midpeace,"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="ACDG -midpeace,"
Attachment : ACDG-midpeace, (99k) |
Note the date/time difference between handoff #1 and handoff #2; seemingly it spent that time at your ISP (ntlworld) before being successfully transferred to mine. Some kind of bad business between them apparently, definitely no fault of yours on the email side.
OTOH, if you had posted that message . . .
October 3, 2003, 04:18
Local Time: 02:48
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Cap'n Herc, one would have thought that after last turn's back and forth over tardy emails that you would have posted your mid turn comments this time, eh matie?
This time I got them; and I also got two copies of the mid-turn file, one with only a fragment of the mid-turn message. This post is in response to that message and the mid-turn save file.
Re the PUT and EthCalc Why don't you make sure that everything is OK with them (and that they merely forgot to give us the EthCalc last turn; new to PBEM, too hasty TurnComplete, not used to getting techs pre-accepted, whatever their reason was, I am having trouble believing that not only are the Borg acting crazy, but the PUT too. Anyway, instead of rushing out this turn, take the time and make sure that Ambas'dor Flubber actually has a complete understanding with them before passing on the turn. We seem to have an urgent need to go Demo (and we better build RecComms where these DroneRiots are popping up because they will probably still be the places when our grace period from Demo is over and we hit the b-drones again).
Re the Borg and their research craziness: I would recommend the same thing with them - take the time to see if we can get straight answers out of them as to what the hell they are doing and why - and what they hope we will do and why should we do anything more for them than put them out of their misery.
Re the SeaColony Pod: Where are you going? I thought that the idea was to find a place off the coast of Yardarm (is it now called?) Island; Instead of sticking nearby where the turn advantage we are wasting would be held to a minimum, we seem to be headed way up to the NE with no discussion of what destination we are headed for; why would that be??? Didn't we pick this compromise destination because it was close??? If the Fossil Field is where you are headed, isn't that too deep to terraform or is there something I'm missing? (It might be OK to trawl the odd min or two from the FFR tiles as they are, once trawlers get cheaper after fusion.)
There is, by the way, a perfectly reasonable spot at (55,43), with plenty of land tiles to produce from and an Energy special next door that we could have been already settled in right now (albeit with potential additional drone problems thanks to the PUT's failure to give us EthCalc). That site is not so far away that it has to go it completely all alone without any help from our existing supply of bootyboats and seaformers, not to mention the possible need for military assistance. We could still put a land base at (55,49) at some future point (and be able to pop that pod at (53,49) with a guarantee of good results (you are going to spare that pod when you go on a rover rampage over there?). Anyway, you can still go back to (55,43) next turn and plant the base on the last move - hopefully we will have the EthCalc by then and can switch to Demo after founding the base and not have too many b-drones.
Re Atlantis: If we are building the Scout, then we don't need to convert the worker into a doctor (and do you have anything against a more descriptive name, considering it is an amphibious unit, but can be easily mixed up with a regular scout?).
Re the Santiago: Did you check out the combat odds on attacking the IoD/SpLnchr before turning tail? If so, what were they? AFAIK they go toward land; that one may get us yet, but hopefully will get distracted on the way. If we are not strong enough to attack even the green IoD's, maybe we should rethink what we are doing out there. Since we have a pact with the PUT, perhaps any damaged boats we have near them should 'put' in and get fully repaired.
ReSeaLurk A former is cool, so long as you are planning to have the BootyCheck in that vicinity, and not touring the world with the rover in tow. I presume we will then need some crawlers to consume whatever the former is going to prepare (a mine, maybe?), but it would be nice, nevertheless, to have a few facilities to take advantage of all the nice energy we are going to be getting out of our special geothermal seatiles.
Rethe B-Drone Problem: FYI, 30% Psych allocation gets rid of the drone at Liar's; and 40% gets rid of the one at HMB too. The one at Atlantis, as I said above, is taken care of by the scout, so we don't have to worry about that base till it gets to size 2. I don't know that I am recommending the psych route, but if you want to check it out to see how much is costs in lost econ and labs, go ahead; maybe it will be worth it, at least until we can get the EthCalc, the Demo from which I think will buy us a little more time [b]to put RecComms into the vulnerable bases[/u].
Re Tripoli: the Infantry probe is very good (although I see you are once again trying to confuse us, this time with identical names for the 2 kinds).
Re HMB: Whatever drone control measure you take, we might want to think about rushing the crawler so that we can start building a RecComm ASAP; same with Liar's; we should probably rush 1 or both of them either this turn or next as they will be virtually stagnant if we have to turn a worker into a doctor. To the extent that we are able to actually get EthCalc from the PUT right away, we can possibly go a little slower, but I don't know how far that will take us and we still have another new base on tap.
Re NonLinear: There is always the possibility we can trade Miriam (or Roze) for it (I know that isn't very piratelike, but I thought it worth mentioning, as it is a possibility perhaps). If we do steal it, I would be tempted to attempt to blame the Borg if we are offered that option (I don't rememeber if you get that on a techsteal mission or not).
Re Pamplona's Former: I would recommend a forest at (47,57), followed by solar's at the other two river tiles, then farms. We may have to build a RecComm there soon too, although at our current growth rate, that will definitely be a while.
Re Tripoli's SeaFormer: Recommend it go back to (56,68) and finish that tile (plant kelp on the nut special we have only the tidal harness on), then to work on the Min Special at (52,66).
October 3, 2003, 06:27
Local Time: 08:48
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Recommendations noted and Maniac and Drogue have been emailed re Doc: Init v HEC as in their email to us. Archaic has been emailed re Ethical Calculus.
Because we got the sea colony early I thought it should explore a little further north for a min or nut special. It will return to 55,43 next turn
Re Amphibious scout to be called cabin boy
Re Infantry probe to be called party pooper what do you think?
Denland renamed Yardarm Island as Denland was original based on the concept of land 'north' of our territory and Denland was a sort of Scandinavian amalgam ( Denmark/Finland). But when you look at it, it is not really that far north afterall.
Re Liar's Lair crawler? My original idea was that it would be transported to HMB island to build up crawler pool for SP but I now wonder should it simply be transported to Treasure islet.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
October 3, 2003, 10:01
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Last edited by Googlie; October 14, 2003 at 11:33.
October 3, 2003, 13:04
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But can we do that and sic Miriam on Roze instead?
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!
October 3, 2003, 13:54
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Last edited by Googlie; October 14, 2003 at 11:34.
October 3, 2003, 19:27
Local Time: 02:48
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Cap'n Herc:
--Cabin Boy and PartyPooper are OK with me; in fact, I kind of like PartyPooper - Is there still a Cruiser Probe unit called "Foil Probe"? (Do you have an improved name for that one?)
--Re the Crawler at Liars: Given the dicey nature of our b-drone situation, I would go for putting it on Treasure Islet on or adjacent to the MinSpecialForest tile (there is one of those on the Islet, isn't there?) where we could either get its nuts or the mins from the adjacent regular Forest tile as desired/necessary.
--My original suggestion referred to techsteal-probing Miriam (or Roze) and framing the Borg, which you supsequently agreed was legal
--As to techsteal or other 'aggressive' probing of a human-controlled faction and trying to blame another human faction, I don't believe I've ever done that and don't really know what the game does and/or what the PBEM rules are. I would think that it would be legal to (attempt to) do it in a PBEM, I just don't know for sure what would happen next; if the game brought up a decision box asking (me, the wrong person) what to do about the probe attempt, I would assume that the PBEM rules about selecting Vendetta (or cancel Pact) would apply; I would also assume that if a box didn't come up that would mean that the probe got away with it and no action was necessary. Am I on track with all/some/none of that?
--As for trying to blame the AI for a probe against a human, I don't imagine it would be desireable very often, if at all, although cascading autovendettas might conceivably come into play in a serendipitous fashion.
October 3, 2003, 20:02
Local Time: 08:48
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End turn 2139 extra comments
Rushed crawlers at HMB and Liar's Lair, rushed former at Casablanca. If the former pops the pod next to Casablanca will it still deliver goodies?
Couldn't remember new name for Amphib Scout so called it Buoy Scout. What do you think better than cabin boy.
Intelligence update
The PUT have these techs: Ethical Calculus, SOHB, and Gene Splicing ( hmmm?) and are 6 years from Ecol Eng. However they are well underdeveloped and against our (my) assessment, do not have comm links with the Hive or much any one else. Techs we have to trade to them are: Progen Psych, Applied Physics and Doc:Init.
The Drones lack Doc: Mob but it can't be long before they receive it from the Hive, I would imagine.
Re Crazy notion
I am sorely tempted to pop the pod at 54, 38 with our sea colony to test Googlie's Cloning at sea theory.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
October 3, 2003, 20:14
Local Time: 08:48
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Cuspidore, if you copy the Registry of ships to a new thread, I think it is a thread we could Top. I was going to attempt it but it looks silly me starting a thread with your content.
Also awaiting our Combined Diplomacy thread to Top
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
October 4, 2003, 02:56
Local Time: 02:48
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
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Cap'n Hercules,
I believe that the 'good pop' rule would apply even with a former doing the popping, although if we didn't want to terraform or pass through that tile on the way to somewhere else, we would be wasting 2 or more former turns doing that.
Think I like Bouy Scout a little better.
Re Googlie's cloning thing - Assuming that you are talking about his discussion on how our ships got cloned so much in his test games that he cut back on our initial navy - I recently CMN's a game and noticed during testing that the randomness of some things seemed a bit lacking: in one test I got a lot of earthquakes form pops (really raised hell by letting my AI tough guy Yang get off his isolated continent); in another test sequence, there were a lot of Native Life pops; I think there was one with a lot of cash pops; never got one with a run of clonings, in fact I think there was only one cloning in several hundred years of turns for 6 players. I think we just happened to get a clone heavy test when the Googster was playtesting.
I posted the Registry as requested; I'll try to update it every five or ten years, or whenever I get a chance. Feel free to update the locations if they seem to be getting confusing; sooner or later I suppose we will get them mixed up, but so far I think we have been keeping them straight.
October 7, 2003, 20:22
Local Time: 08:48
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Location: On a Board Walk
Posts: 11,565
Hi Maties,
Apolyton still not better for me don't know about you pirate maties.
Some report it is fast without the graphics but for me it is very, very
Anyhow mid turn report 2140.
Received Ethical Calculus from PUT
Popped the pod on one tile isle at 49,51 and got Nut special. Transport
with speeder now just of Yardarm Island.
PMS Farragut at 10,38 about to set out on journey East, found that she
was next to a PUT unity transport, direction indeterminate but would
guess is heading generally north. Still 4 Mps left but thought you would
be interested in seeing it before it disappears from our radar.
That means the Drones and the PUT now have their own partial sea maps
Now a confession. In the Comm link with the Hive, they pre accepted
PACT. Having read all the comments in the poll thread and elsewhere,
although the poll wasn't finished, my view was that the proposal for
accepting tthe pact would pass and I accepted. I half thought I could
press 'end pact' when I went back after this to complete the turn but of
course that wouldn't work. It would be a cheat and would show up on
their Comm link as a Pact deal complete and then ended. I think I was
thinking of the previous incident where if I didn't accept the pre
accepted offer, the offer of Pact would disappear. Hopefully no harm
The Hive as we guessed have a Pact with the Drones. Now if the PUT unity
foil meets the Drones unity foil, that will be a lost sale of comm links
for us. Thankfully we still have the Cycon comm (for a short while) to
control calling Council. The Unity transport can only move 2 Mps a turn
so that gives us a few more turns yet.
Re the Hive society and bases. Well see for yourself. Kody had posted in
the CGN general forum on a builders approach using HGP and PTS to grow
and control drones and that is the approach he ( and the Hive) used with
considerable effect. Of course it helps to have Ind Auto early.
PMs Santiago moved 4 moves southerly from that IOD. The PMS Revenge
uncovered a Nut Special at in its journey south.( more below)
PMS King Lear at 92,34 has one turn left and has revealed evidence of a
PUT base in the neighbourhood. Shall we call in, go into the fungus or
explore 90,34 or 91,35.
Transport at Liars lair transported supply crawler to Treasure Islet
Sealurk, I rushed supply crawler (to avoid it being the goodie completion from the pod pop) to be transferred by booty boat (near
Yardarm Island), to dead scout isle, almost the turn after.
Some next next steps proposals.
First build sea colony pod. In the absense of special resources, the
plan was to build at 55,43 this turn. Still can do. However with the
discovery of the Nut specials at 54, 33? ( I am guessing), next to the
Revenge and the single tile Nut island, should that plan change. It
would take another turn to get down to near the island (to be called Kew
garden), but the base would be closer to HQ. A base at 55,35 benefits
from the nut special and maybe a good outcome from the pod later but is
a good bit distant from HQ.
Against that, once we build the sea base, we can change to Eth Calc. If
we do so in the same turn will we lose the free minerals.
Current build programme is a mixture of supply crawlers and partypoopers
(but I presume we would prefer these built at a base with command
centre) and can be changed.
Finally, Miriam has as we know Non Linear, I am going to try and trade
tech for tech ( don't have enough ecs (this turn). We have Cent Ecol,
Ind Econ, Ind Auto, Doc: init and now Ethical Calc. Is there any of
these we shouldn't trade, if she makes offer or if we get the
opportunity to offer her a choice( NO but I can offer...) is Doc Init or
Eth Calc acceptable to trade.
Why I ask is that, Drogue is asking about finalising our deal (they are
within 2 turns of Doc: init.). It would be nice to have the option to
say, eh No we have that ( non Linear) could we have HEC please. Or even that pre accept Doc Init to them so we still have another Tech or ecs. Remember we
discussed that .
Anyhow comments, say 15 hours from now.
Cap'n Hercules
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
October 8, 2003, 04:18
Local Time: 02:48
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Capitol Hill, Colony of DC
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Quite a report, Cap'n Herc. These comments are (mostly) after reading and looking at your partial move and the above report.
Regarding accepting the pact with the Hive, for future reference, you can just exit the trade window without doing anything (I think it says "end transmission") and then come back to it later on during the turn (after you talk to the crew); since I was in favor of the pact, it only bothers me on principle, but other maties might want you to walk the plank and the rest of us would probably just have a toke of xenoweed and enjoy the show.
As to the long wandering Sea Colony Pod:
I'd be willing to take a chance on founding a base right on top of that nut special at (54,32). It looks like that landmass or archipelago or whatever it is (north of our main area and west and north of this spot) may very well be currently unclaimed and up for grabs. It seems to include or be adjacent to a few minor landmarks like the Sargasso Sea and the Fossil Field Ridge for openers (and maybe one of the major ones somewhere on the undiscovered area in the middle). Best of all though, if we are able to colonize this area, we will have a territory going pole to pole right down the middle of the map covering at least a quarter of the total area.
The above was written having read your comments, but having only looked at the original beginning-of-turn save, before I looked at the official mid-turn save; UNFORTUNATELY, Cap'n Herc, you MOVED THE &^&^% SEA COLONY POD 1 tile back toward our home area, MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO FOUND THAT BASE ON THIS TURN; and it was seeming to be such a nice exciting plan; Oh why, why, why, why, why!!!!!?
Given that movement and the inability to found the base on the nut special this turn, I am not so anxious to found that base up there at this time (since I think that right on the nut special is the proper place to put it and since I also think that we need to found it this turn while we can still get the 10 free minerals and that we should indeed do Demo this turn right after founding the base so that we can undo that horrible 40% psyche and get back to normal), and should instead go to the spot I was pushing last turn, at (55,43), just SE of the Energy Special and found the base there this turn. I'm pretty sure that if we found the base first and then switch to Demo, we get (and keep) the 10 free mins in the new base. It seems that we will get a single drone, in Alexandria, with 0% psych, which I think we can live with, or rather deal with by turning it into a doctor (until we get a RecComm together there). Hopefully you will be sending the bootyboat down there forthwith in order to offload the crawler and use it to help ameliorate some of the production loss.
Well found the base at (55,43) or not, as you choose, but all things considered, I think that is better than waiting the extra turn for Demo or doing without the 10 free mins while on the way to the nut special tile.
Regarding the PUT transport at (10,36); It looks to me that it is heading south, not north, where it may run into Roze, Miriam or possibly the Borg, but not for at least 4 more turns at best - and that assuming they go right toward the DJ's without any digressions or fungus detours/slowdowns. BTW, where is the Drone foil you referred to, worrying that they might meet?
Rita: It might be advisable to build another crawler and put it at (59,63) for nuts; in fact, it might be a good idea to offload the crawler directly to there instead of taking it in the boat to drop off at the forest at (59,61). That way, the boat will have that extra 1 mp which happens to make the difference between getting Alexandria's crawler delivered to (56,72) in the minimum possible time and waiting an extra turn to be able to do it. The crawler could produce the 2 nuts at (59,63) for a few turns anyway, before going to (59,61) for the mins (or produce whichever resource is more needed at any given turn).
Your idea of visiting the PUT for repairs with the Lear is nice, but I don't see the evidence of a PUT base you are referring to, just their boundary line; there could be a base of theirs up the coast to the north or northwest, but there may not be one either. I see evidence of bases at (80,38) and (82,34), both inland, in addition to Monitoring Station, the one we can see at (78,44); there could still be one up there, but no guarantees, unless you've been piecing together their maps from looking in all their base windows.
I'll leave the deal with Drogue to you and Flubber; whatever you want to do is OK with me.
Why did you bother rushing the Former (not Crawler) at Sealurk when the boat can't get there next turn. What else did you rush; I ended up with a lot more credits in the version of the turn I played through?
Former on Bird Island: I think that given the low nut production at Rita, we should farm (59,63) for possible crawling, next, before going on to forest the rest of the island.
Similarly, the Former on Morgan's Boot at (35,67): to move down to (35,69) and farm that for crawling into Accident.
I'd think about a RecComm at Atlantis instead of the PartyPooper.
I'd rush the units at Tripoli (12 credits worth) and Alexandria (all 2 P's of E), as they are in the cheap zone.
October 8, 2003, 21:47
Local Time: 08:48
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: On a Board Walk
Posts: 11,565
End 2140 report
Hi maties,
Just completing the report on end of turn action.
As mentioned new base, Calico Island, founded at 55,43 and right beside Nut special on Yardarm Island. Nice surprise.
Then changed SE setting to Democracy and Ec to 50% and Labs 50%. Only B drone (new is as Cuspidore predicted) at Alexandria and doctor visited.
Most other suggestions implemented.
Doc: Flex pre-accepted to Hive and
Doc: Init pre-accepted to Cycon pending negotiations regarding HEC or Non linear and restrictions. Unfortunately in the process I seem to have accepted their miserable 10ecs, though I didn't mean to.
Miriam wouldn't trade Non-linear, even for Doc: Init. However I did determine she would trade it for 125 ecs. I didn't have that amount. Hope when we do she will be willing to talk. (or trade).
Roze hadn't received Non Linear yet from Miriam.
End of term intelligence report
Pop 49, commerce 17, Income 28 per year, 0 maintenance, research breakthrough every 5 years. Doc Flex in 1
Pop 20, Commerce 12, income 35 less 7 maintenance, research breakthrough every 6 years. Ecol eng in 4
Pop 25, commerce 5, income 21 less 3 maintenance, research breakthrough every 11 years. Doc Init in 2
Pop 59 commerce 7, income 32 less 3 maintenance, research breakthrough every 6?, next in 5 ? SOHB. She lost her coastal vessel.
Pop 41 commerce x , income xx less x maintenance, research breakthrough every x years. Next Cent ecol in X years
Not much known by us. They have a Unity foil
Pop 41, commerce 21, income 37 less 8 maintenance , reasearch breakthrough every 9 years, next Adapt Econ in MY2144?
We have 11 bases and in two turns will have circumnavigated the planet sea wise, around the equator.
Some other things to note
The PUT do not have Doc Loyallty. We might be able to trade it to them for SOHB
The Hive do not have Soc Pysch. Do we want Biogen? Or will we simply build pressure domes.
Also took the opportunity to leave my mark on the landscape with some seas named etc.
"Four things come not back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."
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