November 5, 2003, 14:29
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Archaic and GeneralTacticus, we're starting to approach our deadline for the current turn, which is IIRC 05:52 GMT 6.11.2003. If neither of you have played the turn by around 05:00 GMT, I'll play the turn myself and post it in the main forum. I hope this is acceptable.
By the way, we need to decide who will handle the diplomatic dealings with the Hive and others now that Crimson Sunrise seems to be absent. The logical choice would IMO be Archaic as our Dean, unless he feels he's too busy. In any case, I feel we need to become more active diplomatically.
November 5, 2003, 18:56
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I'm not too busy to do the Diplo. I just wish that the Hive would keep up informing me when the turns are ready. I never got any notification about this one, and I can't always be checking the forum. Could you play the turn please?
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
November 5, 2003, 19:21
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Originally posted by Archaic
I'm not too busy to do the Diplo. I just wish that the Hive would keep up informing me when the turns are ready. I never got any notification about this one, and I can't always be checking the forum. Could you play the turn please?
OK, I've posted the turn. Some things to note:
Now that we have planted our #11th base and have no new colony pods in production, we might want to think about switching to Democracy. If we're following my plan and are looking to conduct a demo/planned/creche pop boom by the end of the decade, we should be switching to demo in a few turns.
I'm exploring west with the unity foil + scout. Judging from the way the Hive's border bends, I'd say the Hive is situated to east from where we are. If we go west, we might find another faction, although this is just speculation. In any case, there seems to be quite a lot of land to the west.
November 12, 2003, 16:27
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We've been contacted by the PEACE:
Ahoy there me Dean and Professor hearties,
I understands Ambassador Flubber contacted ye a while back or maybe it
was to your Ambassador Crimson Sunrise. But anyways we wondered what's
Ye made a reasonable observation from your crows nest that if we are to
catch up with the Hive we'd best need to co-operate, seeing we's PACT
mates and all.
We'd see that cooperation in terms of agreeing tech trades, intelligence
swapping and agreeing who builds what.
I think it would be no secret to say we's keen to build the PEG as
unfortunately we keeps burying our treasure and forgetting where we put
it. What would ye be looking to build. I can guess at a couple.
That aside we wondered if ye'd be interested in trading Ecol
Engineering. It would help us digging trenches no end.
That be some initial thoughts.
We look forward to your learned reply.
Cap'n Hercules
November 14, 2003, 06:17
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Greetings, Students of Information
I'd like to see the game, the worldmap, ect. for analysis.
I've read the reports, and look forwards to putting forth my ideas for boosting energy rates. I concern myself entirely with resource management for the benifit of the labs. Look forwards to it... all.
Agent Subversion out
November 15, 2003, 03:49
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whats the plan here?
Agent Subversion out
November 17, 2003, 09:36
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I just opened the new turn and had a look around.
Firstly, we got a message from the Hive claiming that we have broken the conditions of the treaty. The reason for this is that I unloaded the scout patrol to the square (7,29) last turn in order to scout the land a little and the meaning was to pick it up this turn. Now, I believed (and still do) that the square is outside of Hive's territory and thus they should have no say in this.
In any case, it might be a good idea to contact the Hive, and assure them that our meaning was not to trespass on their territory. The blame can be put on an inexperienced turnplayer (me), if that's necessary. In any case, I think we should finally contact them about the tech trade, if we have not done so already.
Secondly, I took a look at the information of the Cyborgs, and it seems that they have a truce with us. The truce doesn't appear in the commlink menu next to their faction leaders name, but it can be seen from our intelligence files on them. I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think this means that they have our commlink but have not contacted us yet.
November 17, 2003, 11:03
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Originally posted by Minute Mirage
Secondly, I took a look at the information of the Cyborgs, and it seems that they have a truce with us. The truce doesn't appear in the commlink menu next to their faction leaders name, but it can be seen from our intelligence files on them. I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think this means that they have our commlink but have not contacted us yet.
Correct. You still cannot contact them as you have no "number" to call until they reach you.
November 17, 2003, 11:16
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Correction to my previous post -- the save file I opened the last time was provided by Kody and it's not the official one. In the official file provided by Jamski there is no message about us breaking the conditions of the treaty. Still, it might be a good idea to get into a diplomatic contact with them.
Googlie, thanks for verifying what I suspected.
Now, either the Cyborgs haven't contacted us yet because they haven't decided what to say to us, or they have received the comm link in a trade and they have agreed not to contact us (yet). As you remember, the Hive offered us the commlinks of both the Drones and the Cyborgs, and I don't think it's inconceivable that they have traded our comm link to the Cyborgs with the condition that they can't contact us for a while (before our trade is finished). In any case, now that we know that the Cyborgs have our commlink, the value of the deal with the Hive has diminished, and I don't think we should accept it as such. Besides, I don't think we have to wait long before somebody calls the first elections.
November 17, 2003, 14:16
Local Time: 09:48
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Here are some suggestions for the next turn:
Switching to Democracy might be in order. According to my calculations, we could then switch to Planned next turn and stay there for three turns. This should be enough to get Budushii Dvor, Monitoring Station, Mir Lab, Otkrietia-Discovery and University Base into at least size 5. We have 93 credits so we can afford the switch.
Budushii Dvor:
Crawler just finished, it should be moved to a monolith to start convoying minerals. I'd switch production to Children's Creche (for the pop boom).
Monitoring Station:
Hurry Children's Creche for 4 ECs (2 ECs if we won't switch to Demo).
University Base:
We just produced a Librarian and I'd like to move it to Monitoring Station and make another one here. However, Uni Base is currently producing 24 minerals / per turn and since it has 7 mins carried over from the previous production, it would lose some minerals. Therefore, I'd suggest rehoming the crawler on the rocky mineral bonus square in (77,39) to Mir Lab and then moving it onto the other rocky mineral square in (78,38). The crawler already in (78,38) should then move into (77,39).
Mir Lab:
The just finished crawler should be put on a forest to convoy minerals, e.g. (82,38). If we rehome the one crawler from Uni Base here, the mineral production rises up 24, enough to produce the next crawler in one turn, considering that we have three minerals as carry-over from the previous crawler.
Crawler finished, put in on a forest (e.g. (81,31)) and start to build a Children's Creche.
Mendelev College:
Librarian finished, I'd move it to Otkrietia-Discovery and make another one here.
Gagarin Memorial:
If we switched to Democracy, the first citizen is now a b-drone and should be turned into a doctor.
Again, if we switched to Democracy, the first citizen is no longer a drone, and can be put to work on the monolith. While we could rush the Recreation Commons here, I wouldn't do it yet, but save money for the next turn.
I'd change the worker from the farm in (77,37) to the forest in (79,35). The base will grow next turn anyway.
The former on the Rocky & Arid energy bonus square in (78,42) needs orders. The quickest way to benefit from the energy bonus would probably be to build a solar collector here, even though the elevation is under 1000 meters.
The formers in (79,39) have already accumulated some terraforming. We should wait until they have greyed out before moving them. I'd move the one that's currently building a solar collector (2 turns to completion) to (79,37) and build a farm there.
The former in (75,33) should build a road, and the former in (75,31) should start planting a forest there.
A farm will be completed in (79,33), and I'd move the other former there to (76,34). In later turns, I'd like to build a road in this square and then gang-terraform a condensor with the four nearby formers. A condensor here would nicely increase the nutrient output of the nearby squares.
The former in (83,29) should cultivate a farm.
The two formers I didn't give any orders, are the one in (82,38) and the second former in (79,39). Any ideas for these? And anyway, it would be nice to know what our long-term terraforming plan is. Condensor/farms + boreholes? If yes, then how many condensor/farms do we want per base and how will we place the boreholes?
In the next turn, I was planning to rush the Children's Creches in Budushii Dvor and Otkrietia-Discovery, so that's why I'd like to save some money.
Any comments on these suggestions?
November 18, 2003, 18:57
Local Time: 17:48
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Turn downloaded. Will play this afternoon, likely following MM's suggestions above closely.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
November 18, 2003, 22:40
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Please delete the turn that Kody posted, and use Jamski's instead (see my ruling in the General turn-reporting thread)
November 21, 2003, 11:59
Local Time: 09:48
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Since Archaic couldn't played the turn, I played it. I followed my suggestions, and switched to Democracy. Some things to note:
The formers that didn't have any orders are looking to build a condensor in the square (79,37).
We can't rush the CC in Budushii Dvor next turn since it has under 10 minerals then, but I'd still recommend switching to Planned.
The Drones are running Demo/Planned/Wealth, which suggests that they are pop booming.
November 22, 2003, 20:20
Local Time: 18:48
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I just received the following PM from Maniac:
ACDTG: We finally meet!
Greetings most honoured Academicians,
A few seconds ago the captain of one our exploration ships reported us telepathically that they have come across a fullhuman base, called Monitoring Station, and habitated by PUT citizens. This means we, the children of science, have finally made contact!
The External Affairs Functionality believes there is much to gain by cooperation between our two people. For a start we have offered a peace treaty to your ambassador at Monitoring Station. But there is much more we can do! For instance we can offer you the commlinks of the Angels, Believers and Drones. Or we could trade you techs such as Applied Physics or Doctrine: Initiative. Would you be interested in any such deals?
We would be glad to hear from you.
Mani Alpha-3
Second Function of the Cybernetic Consciousness
Any thoughts on how to proceed from here? I'd begin by accepting their peace treaty, and I think we should also see what techs we could trade to them in exchange for their own technology or commlinks.
November 23, 2003, 06:14
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Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
November 23, 2003, 08:02
Local Time: 09:48
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Agreed on the peace treaty. Regarding the commlinks, I'm not too interested in trading for them. We will see a council fairly soon, and the AI comm links are not that valuable in any case. The one technology we do want in any case is Applied Physics, but we can get it also from the PEACE. Anyway, have we been in any diplomatic contact with the Hive or the PEACE lately?
November 24, 2003, 02:31
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None that I'm aware of.
Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos
November 26, 2003, 11:16
Local Time: 02:48
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Posts: 130
Hi AgentSubversion,
You say nothing is happening in PUT. I was wondering therefore wondering, have Archaic and GT announced I sent this diplomatic communiqué to your faction a few days back? I'm sorta disappointed we haven't heard anything back yet.
Was a PM i got today.
So, uh.
Can I summerize and respond? Is someone gonna?
Can I help do something?
Agent Subversion out
November 27, 2003, 01:52
Local Time: 18:48
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Ok, then, we should probably figure out what we should say in response to Maniac's PM (and see about playing the turn; is anyone else willing to do it, or shall I?).
Currently, the opinions expressed have been:
Me: Accept the treaty, and se about setting up trades;
Archaic: Same as me;
Minute Mirage: Same, but focus on getting techs.
So, unless someone has an objection, I'll write Maniac back saying that we accept their treaty and we'd like to know what techs they have to trade.
November 27, 2003, 02:12
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Do it
Agent Subversion out
November 27, 2003, 04:17
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Remember that email we got from the PEACe a couple of weeks ago? Herc just emailed me again asking for a reply, which we enver gave, or discussed. I've emailed him back saying we'd like to trade techs and possibly commlinks, and we'll get back to him in a couple of days. Please post your thoughts on exactly what our response should be.
November 27, 2003, 05:25
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Archaic notified me that he is going to have very limited internet access until the start of December. He has gone over his bandwidth cap at home, so he's unable to even connect here for the time being.
GeneralTacticus, will you be taking our ambassador duties for the time being? As far as I know, we have never responded to the Hive regarding their proposed tech trade, so I'd say it's time to do that, too.
As for the PEACE, I'd be interested in trading techs, namely Applied Physics. I'd also apologize for not answering them sooner and assure that we still wish to remain pact mates.
Regarding the tech trades, before we choose which techs we want, it's essential that we decide on our tech beelines. Adam and I had some discussion on this in the research thread, but I'd like for the others to say their opinion too.
As for the current turn, who's going to play it? I'll probably try to get some recommendations posted soon.
November 27, 2003, 05:33
Local Time: 02:48
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I'll... continue.. ummm.. waiting.
I DO spend about 4 - 8 hours a day online...
Agent Subversion out
November 27, 2003, 06:17
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We can always use more turn-players... would you like to be one? Would anyone object to him being one?
November 27, 2003, 07:19
Local Time: 09:48
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OK, here are my recommendations for the turn:
First off, I'd make the switch to Planned and start the pop boom. The booming bases are Budushii Dvor, Monitoring Station, University Base, Mir Lab and Otkrietia-Discovery.
Monitoring Station:
Children's Creche finished here. There are a lot of choices for the next production, but I'd pick Research Hospital. The base will grow next turn, and would enter drone riots if we don't turn one worker into a doctor. I'd take the worker in (76,42) away, and change one of the crawlers (e.g. the one in (79,43)) to convoy nutrients in order to assure the +2 nutrients.
University Base:
I'd move the crawler from (78,40) to (77,41) and resume crawling minerals there. Likewise, the worker in (77,41) should be moved to (78,40). This base will also grow next turn, but we don't have to worry about the drone riots. A good idea for the next production would be a former, which we don't have an abundance of.
Mir Lab:
Crawler just finished here, I'd move it to (80,40) (a forest just spread here in my save) and start convoying minerals. Again, I'd build a Research Hospital next.
Move worker from (79,37) to the just completed forest in (75,33). I'd also re-home the crawler in (80,34) and (try to) move it to square (79,35). The crawler in (80,36) should move to (80,34) and the worker in (79,35) should go to (80,36).
Koppernigk Observatory:
Crawler just finished here, I'd move it to (82,32) and start convoying minerals. Recycling Tanks would be a good choice for the next production.
Hurry the Children's Creche for 14 ECs. This should make the base grow next turn, but drone riots should not be a problem yet.
Mendelev College:
Hurry one mineral for 2 ECs. This ensures that we can build to librarians in a row.
First citizen is a drone, change worker into a doctor. Alternatively, we can leave the worker on the monolith and rush the Recreation Commons for 30 ECs.
Gagarin Memorial:
First citizen is no longer a drone, put it to work on square (74,32).
(76,34): Build a road.
(79,33): Accumulate terraforming by building a solar collector (for example).
(83,29): I'd move both formers to (86,30) and plant a forest there.
(79,37): Build a condenser.
(80,38): Move to (79,37) and build a condenser.
Other units:
The librarian in University Base should stay there.
The librarian in (70,41) should continue to Monitoring Station and stay there.
The librarian in Mendelev College should stay there for the time being.
The unity foil in (5,29) should explore north along the coast line.
The crawler in Budushii Dvor should try to move to a monolith.
Any comments or corrections would be most welcome.
November 27, 2003, 16:46
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I've played the turn according to my suggestions, but since I don't know who's supposed to play the turn, I won't post it in the turn tracking thread. I'll be asleep when our deadline comes, so I hope that either someone will play the turn before then, or download the zip from the turn I've played ( ), and post it in the turn tracking thread.
November 27, 2003, 17:38
Local Time: 02:48
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I say sounds good. If noone says anything I'm gonna post it in the turn at 20:30 GMT -5.
Agent Subversion out
November 28, 2003, 05:26
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Seeing as we're well past our deadline, and no one else has apparantly played the turn, I've posted the turn I've played in the turn tracking thread. We really need to get the turn playing sorted out, so that we can know beforehand who's supposed to / allowed to play the turns.
November 28, 2003, 05:28
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Well, the school year is pretty much over for me, so I shouldn't have much to get in the way of playing turns; you just have to be sure to prod me until I do, or I'll just keep putting it off.
November 29, 2003, 21:15
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Ok, I've sent Maniac a reply, now I'd like to be able to reply to Herc, and to do that I need to know: should we, or should we not, trade them Ecological Engineering?
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