January 9, 2000, 15:06
Anyone want to playtest a ToT scenario?
For some screenshots, check out this thread http://apolyton.net/forums/Forum29/H...tml?date=08:37 .
Its a WW2 scenario for ToT. The maps include Europe, and the Atlantic Ocean. This version is only playable as the Germans, but I will eventually make an Allied version. The game starts off in April 1940, where Germany invades Norway. I've already done extensive playtesting myself, and have gotten up to Jan 1942. This means all the major bugs have been fixed already. I don't expect anyone to play past 1942 because of the amount of time it would take (although that would be great). The scenario is rather large, including the sound, avis, and extra icon files, but I'll load those to a webpage for optional downloading. The readme won't totally be completed for the playtesting version, because I have not played to the end myself yet. Some files, like describe.txt, won't be included either because they are not finished yet and they not very important.
Does anyone need more information? If you are interested in playtesting, either reply to this thread or email me at archangel39@priest.com
January 9, 2000, 23:23
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Hmm, might be interesting. I've been doing a lot of playtesting lately for Hendrik the Great, but I've gotten past the hump of that. And my scenario is coming right along, so...
I'll playtest for you. I need to get accustomed with ToT scenarios anyways...
January 10, 2000, 03:33
Lately? Don't you mean the past two or three days?
January 10, 2000, 03:38
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uh, well...yeah. But it's lately enough!
January 12, 2000, 22:34
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Well, Archangel, I guess while I'm here I'll tell you that:
I got the scenario through e-mail, and I loaded it up, but I couldn't play it because I got an error saying it was in an 'obsolete format'. Why is this?
And yes, I would like the sounds, thank you.
January 12, 2000, 23:53
Have you downloaded the latest ToT patch from apolyton?
I'll send the sounds in a day or two, when I get a reply from the other playtesters.
January 14, 2000, 23:12
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Which ToT patch is the latest? There's several of them...
January 15, 2000, 04:28
The one with the biggest number.
January 15, 2000, 19:24
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Archangel, I just bought ToT, and I'll playtest it for you.
January 21, 2000, 20:09
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I started your WW2 scenario. I play on deity level, no cheats or reloads.
APRIL 1940 - Battle for Norway
Germany captured Kobenhawn, Bergen, Stavanger, Narvik, Trondheim and Oslo without any troubles.
Suggestions: It's more interesting and accurate if there would be more Allied ships and counter-descents on the North sea (for example landings north and south of Trondheim). Actually British planned retake all Norway not only Narvik and North Sweden (the most important iron-ore resource for Germany).
Strange things with Denmark - only city there is Koberhavn! Is my version corrupted?
It's good idea to rename World map to Europe and Map1 to North Atlantic (Game.txt).
There is also typo in Readme.doc: IL-2 instead of JS-2 (in unit description chapter).
More reports later as the war goes on.
January 21, 2000, 20:50
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Can I playtest it too?
my e-mail is mop92832@mail.telepac.pt.
January 22, 2000, 07:58
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Send it here!
January 22, 2000, 18:11
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MAY 1940 Battle for France
Allies captured Narvik,
Germany started successful attack on the western front and captured Liege, Brussel, Lille, Calais, Antwerpen, Dunkerque, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Arnhem, Reims, Amiens, Paris, Metz, Strasbourg, Le Havre, Nancy, Orleans, Tours, Nantes, St. Nazaire, Poitiers, Le Mans, Rennes, Dijon, Rouen, Caen, Cherbourg and St. Lo.
Suggestions: There is typo in rules.txt - Light Pazner. Also you cant use goto command because urban areas take 0 move points and units always leave from railroad because of them. Its very disturbing.
The Battle for France is very well designed but again too simple for Germans. I didnt meet any enemys tank and plane there. In reality France had more tanks than Germany.
Naval battle near Narvik was win by Germany but lets see how things continue...
January 22, 2000, 22:02
Thanks Marco! You're the only person to give me feedback so far. Yes there is only 1 town in Denmark. I ran out of cities space! I was looking for the place to name the maps europe and atlantic but couldn't find it. Do you know of the general area in the game.txt that will allow me to do this? I never used the goto command. Do you think it would be better if i changed the urban movecost? I didn't give the allies any tanks in France because they'd end up attacking Germany after Norway is invaded. But don't worry, allied opposition may be light now but just you wait. In Africa, did you remember to conquer Tunisia?
dizepam and stefu,
thanks for wanting to playtest. I'm going to upload the scenario to a website tomorrow and I'll give you the links.
January 23, 2000, 17:50
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JUNE 1940 Battle for France II
Germany captured La Rochelle, Angouleme, Bordeaux and Brest. Also I started attack toward Thessaloniki with great armor forces supported by few planes. Naval battle in North Sea is going worse because Allies have superior reinforcements. I decided not to attack British isles but use my divisions for attacking Greece and later Egypt and Middle-East. Against Allied air raids Ill station many fighters to North France.
It seems that events triggered texts appear too early: I got message about operation Sealion at the beginning of June.
Golden Age of Philosophy begins in London (!) you must change the text.
Strange that I can move every ship to Atlantic ocean except pocket battleship. Why?
You can change the map names under @TRANSPORTOPTIONS in Game.txt file.
I use goto command very often when I play WW2 scenarios because the need to move armies over long distances (from France to Russian border etc.).
Maybe place Allied tanks to Brest they use the first turn for reaching the front.
I attacked Tunisia with two tanks and lost both! So I wait reinforcements from Europe...
January 24, 2000, 15:58
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JULY 1940 The Fall of Thessaloniki
Germany captured Bayonne (the last French mainland city) and after two months siege Thessaloniki. Now I expect the fall of Greece during next few months.
Allied battleship was sunk by Italian infantry when it tried coastal bombardment in The Mediterranean!
Naval battle in North Sea is lost but I try recapture Narvik with ground and air forces.
Suggestions: Maybe make battleship more powerful and let only Allies build it (Germany can get some via events). Also battleship could carry 1-2 units so Allied coastal bombardments are much more dangerous: they can occupy emptied cities.
January 25, 2000, 17:43
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AUGUST 1940 Battle for Greece
Germanys army group South captured Valos and start moving toward Athens. Italys battle fleet blockaded Athens from the sea. Allied made heavy air raids over North France and their battle fleet bombard relentlessly Norway. All my air and ground forces in North Norway are destroyed...
I completed Propaganda Campaigns front of Russians.
Events triggered texts appear one month earlier than they must: August 8th, 1940... text appear at July, September 13th, 1940... text at August.
January 26, 2000, 14:03
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SEPTEMBER 1940 Battle for Greece II
Army group South captured Athinai and Petrai and started preparations moving to North Africa.
Better if Allied pillbox in Northen Greece (loc. 72,104) belongs to Athinai, so it doesnt survive when entire Greece is captured.
January 27, 2000, 17:44
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OCTOBER 1940 Norwegian Rebellion
Norwegian partisans liberated Oslo! There are also heavy ground battles between Narvik and Trondheim.
I discovered strange ToT bug: I moved accidently transport ship (full with reinforcements from Italy to Africa) to open sea to same square where was also my battleship. When it sank because of far from the coast, battleship was also sunk!
January 28, 2000, 19:06
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NOVEMBER 1940 Battle for Cyrenaica
Allies started strong offensive from Egypt and captured Tobruk. Seems that all Cyrenaica will be lost. German army group South sit in Greece and make preparations to invade Crete and later land on the African coast between Tobruk and El Alamein. In North I recaptured Oslo.
I compared stats of Soviet and German tanks. Seems that Soviet heavy tanks KV-1 and KV-2 are strongly underestimated:
Main gun front armor speed
Attack defence hit points firepower move points
76,2mm 130mm 35km/h
13 10 4 4 4
152mm 110mm 26km/h
14 6 4 4 4
76,2mm 45mm 55km/h
20 13 3 4 4
Pzkpfw. IV ausf. H
75mm 50mm 38km/h
15 11 3 4 5
KV tanks must be at least as strong as T-34 (T-34 was medium but KV heavy tank; both were elite tanks in Soviet armor forces in 1941) and certainly better than Pz IV.
KV-1 could be something like 21 14 4 4 4 and KV-2 23 11 3 4 3.
January 29, 2000, 20:16
Hi Marco,
are you sure about the event dates being off? It was fine during my game. I may have tweaked some things in the events...
The soviet kw-2 tanks was a very poor tank. The KW-1 was good. I made the stats for playability more than historical accuracy, but if you think historical accuracy would be better then I guess I'll change. Wait till you fight Russia before you decide if i should increase Soviet statistics.
January 30, 2000, 08:09
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Hey, ARchangel, for some reason file didn't work.
January 30, 2000, 08:53
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You need all the upgrades.
January 30, 2000, 14:22
Yes Stefu, Nick is right. You need to download the patch found somewhere here on apolyton. Nick, you said you'd playtest, what do you think of the scenario so far?
January 30, 2000, 18:45
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Well, the units, when they walk, stay as the default unit, so I need some help fixing that...
January 30, 2000, 21:02
Nick, you need to remove all the sprite files from the "original" directory.
January 31, 2000, 01:22
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The KV-2 was a very poor tank. It had a low velocity cannon (really a howitzer). The ball bearings in the turret couldn't take the weight and the turret took a very long time to operate. It could not aim while moving either. By 1942, all KV-2s had been converted to KV-1s.
February 1, 2000, 14:31
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DECEMBER 1940 Battle for Cyrenaica II
Only some unimportant battles in Cyrenaica and Norway.
I like the winter graphics and also that ToT allows simulate some kind of climate zones so there arent much snow in North Africa.
There are warnings about winter and summer only at 19, 24 and 48 turn in Events-file. You need to make them because it is so easy to forget switching the files.
February 2, 2000, 15:50
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JANUARY 1941 Battle of Crete
Allies renew their offensive in Libya and captured Benghazi. German army group South made successful landing on Crete and captured Iraklion. On North Sea I managed sank many Allied ships with sea and air attacks.
February 6, 2000, 17:00
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I wanna playtest too!
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