September 12, 2003, 00:20
Local Time: 23:55
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Just two notes, one for US and one for Soviet Union:
With the F-19 fighter wing, there is only one, and you can lose a lot for a long period of time
for Soviets you can put all you aircraft on Iceland that are in Europe, there is not enough room on the island for all those fighters.
Also the next update will be on Staturday.
September 12, 2003, 01:35
Local Time: 17:55
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ahhh the US is still wining due to Jack's infallianble belief that it cannot lose. Thanks for the PM Jack, but remember when you go ahead and say something try not to change your mind in the next sentence or even the same Pm.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
September 12, 2003, 03:46
Local Time: 18:55
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Orders for China:
- Carry on as before, but make sure that the transport network is capable of supporting a swift strike against any nearby opponent.
- In addition, have Chinese state and private businesses quietly begin expanding into markets left open by the demands of the war, and start selectively buying more advanced military technology for the army.
September 12, 2003, 16:09
Local Time: 02:55
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Jack: I didn't say I was transferring every single one, just enough to make up for those lost and then some. Or if I did say that, I didn't mean it, and this is what I meant. Sometimes when I'm in a hurry to say something I say the wrong thing.
Sheep: In the book, the US did win. In the current game, the US isn't losing (unfortunately), but neither are the Soviets (fortunately).
September 12, 2003, 16:32
Local Time: 23:55
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Originally posted by Specialist290
Jack: I didn't say I was transferring every single one, just enough to make up for those lost and then some. Or if I did say that, I didn't mean it, and this is what I meant. Sometimes when I'm in a hurry to say something I say the wrong thing.
Sheep: In the book, the US did win. In the current game, the US isn't losing (unfortunately), but neither are the Soviets (fortunately).
Ok thanks for the clearing it up for me. Also if anyone wants they can PM their orders to me.
September 12, 2003, 17:33
Local Time: 08:55
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I'm sorry for my absence, but I have been in hospital bacause of a knee-operation (don't ask what I had because I don't know how to tell you in English, but it was a pretty serious thing) after I was injured due to a car crashing into my Vespa (and my knee).
Could anyone give me a short summary of what's going on right now... and if India is still alive?
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
September 12, 2003, 21:34
Local Time: 18:55
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India has remained entirely untouched... as for the rest, there seems to have been a basic stalemate in Europe, with some of West Germany being captured, but otherwise things staying the same. There also seems to be some confusion in the Middle East about the Soviets trying to take control via the KGB and failing, and the reaction of the local governments to that.
September 12, 2003, 22:14
Local Time: 00:55
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To Middle East:
We plea for you to join us in the war against NATO and their allies. When the Soviet Nations invaded you it was not to take away your government but to free your countries of the American slime. Let me remind you how much you hate Israel and that Israel is allied with NATO. How ever the choice is yours.
September 13, 2003, 08:59
Local Time: 17:55
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Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
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I'll take control over India
Our firsat act is to sign a comprehensive alliance with the USSR. Start the consruction of a better air force and navy and send the Indian First Army to help the Soviet advances in Europe.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
September 13, 2003, 09:09
Local Time: 08:55
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To: China
From: India
We are glad that China decided to remain neutral in this war, we wish to open up trade with your country, and we propose you a Non Aggression Pact.
To: US
From: India
India may be able to supply you with cheap weapons and armament, if you need something please ask us, we will deliver everything you may need to the US using our Neutrality and our Merchant Fleet, and if you need anything else that we may provide you just tell us.(/secret)
To: Soviet Union
From: India
We are glad you accepted our neutrality, therefore we wish to open up trade with you and your allies, we may be able to sell you our cheap weapons and armament, and we may also be able to provide you with some of our oil from our Gujarat and Punjab fields(/secret)
A recent law was passed in India allowing foreign industries and companies to establish mills and factories in the Indian territory. On this regard India will garantee that the country will not enter the war by any side, and therefore those industries will be safe from bombings.
Off course India will ask those companies to pay a percentage of the profits to the Indian government as taxes, just like any other Indian company.
(considering the Indian huge manpower and the very low wages, and the fact that all the other industrialized nations are at war, I expect a great success from this move)
India- light green
Ruler: Giovanni Wine
Government: Democracy
Army: 1,000,000
Army Tech: aging tech Middle Modern Age
Navy: Medium, 150 ships, 2 carriers
Navy Tech: aging tech Middle Modern Age
Air Force:Medium
Air Force Tech: high-tech Middle Modern Age
Alliances: NONE
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
September 13, 2003, 09:11
Local Time: 08:55
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Location: of Italian Red Wine
Posts: 1,296
Originally posted by Sheep
I'll take control over India 
Our firsat act is to sign a comprehensive alliance with the USSR. Start the consruction of a better air force and navy and send the Indian First Army to help the Soviet advances in Europe.
India was mine long time before the start of this NES. I've been to hospital (as I've explained before) so I couldn't do anything with it... but now that I'm back here I'm going to control it (ans I will surely won't do what you did  )
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
September 13, 2003, 09:38
Local Time: 02:55
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Location: A deserted island somewhere...
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To India: *Secret* Much appreciated.
To Sheep: I appreciate the gesture, but the only problem is that you don't control India at this time. Japan's open, though.
September 13, 2003, 13:20
Local Time: 23:55
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I am sorry but Sheep cant take any nations in this NES untill I know he will not ruin this NES.
September 13, 2003, 13:52
Local Time: 00:55
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Posts: 6,468
Jack don't you think that's a bit of nonense? Let him play but if he messes it up kick him out. Simple as that.
September 13, 2003, 17:19
Local Time: 23:55
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Originally posted by Nuclear Master
Jack don't you think that's a bit of nonense? Let him play but if he messes it up kick him out. Simple as that.
I dont even think he wants to play, just fooling around. He already messed up and why would I let him do it again?
September 13, 2003, 20:30
Local Time: 01:55
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Posts: 771
From USA
To India:
We appreciate your offer and will keep it in mind. Thank you.
September 13, 2003, 20:36
Local Time: 01:55
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Posts: 771
Sheep, why in the world would India all of a sudden sign an alliance with the USSR and send its countrymen to fight in Europe for no reason whatsoever? Back your stuff up with some logic and reason, dude, or else we'll just have chaos.
September 13, 2003, 21:19
Local Time: 18:55
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From: China
To: India
Agreed. We should take advantage of this war to advance to our rightful positions as world leaders while the others are busy killing one another.
September 13, 2003, 22:52
Local Time: 23:55
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Sorry but I have been busy today, so the next update be latter tonight or the next day.
September 14, 2003, 14:43
Local Time: 23:55
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Update Week 4
The War in Europe turned to the Soviets favor once more. The first thing that went wrong with the United States planed attack was the fact that Soviet Fighters once again filled the skies. Most of the planes holding the paratroopers were turned back, and the rest shoot down. The 173rd Airborne Brigade has been wiped out along with a battalion of the 82nd Airborne Division.
The ground assualt of the United States was stoped by a massive Soviet counter attack. The Soviets did suffer for this attack, but they still were able to advance a few miles past Hannover.
Also several NATO airbases have been attacked. Most can be repaired with in a day, but 50 aircraft on the gournd were destoryed. Some of the bombers did not escape NATO airspace though and only 10 bombers were able to make it back to their bases. Also large amounts of jet fuel went up in fire balls and needs to be replaced. This is hurt NATO air opperations for the next few days.
Denmark has also fallen to the Soviets and now is under their complete controll.
The Special operation teams were able to destroy several SAM sites in East Germany. A team trying to destory a bridge on the Elbe was caught in the middle of their act and taken prisioner. The Soviet Army is now out on the look out for any other Special opperation teams in East Germany.
THe plan of sending a decoy convoy and sending anther through Med Sea has worked. The Soviets sunk about 20 of empty ships, and do not yet know that the ships they sunk were indeed a decoy. The Thrid Infantry Division along with 1st Cavalry Division are almost to Europe now. The transfer of the 10th Mountain Division to France is well under way.
US special op teams have found all of the Soviets SAM sites, but decided to wait to destory them as this would give away their location to Soviet troops on the ground. They have also reported that their are now 60 MIGs on Iceland. They have located most of the Soviet troops on the Island, but many are spread out on patroll to keep a close eye on the locals.
Soviet Union
THe 3 of the 5 special op teams have made it into Soviet Union. The 2 that did not make it were seen by Soviet troops and fled back to their bases to avoid capture.
From: Middle East
To: Warsaw and Soviet Union
Why in the world would we join your side when you have attacked us! (Secret) We will deal with Isreal in after we have dealt with you!!
From: Middle East
To: United States
Thank you for the aid.
September 14, 2003, 17:28
Local Time: 01:55
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 771
USA Orders:
-Begin transferring units of the 3rd Infantry Division and the 1st Cavalry Division to reinforce the frontlines.
-Send the bulk of the 3rd Infantry Division to repel Soviet forces near Hannover, hopefully retaking the city.
-Use the 101st Air Assualt Division(rappelling from helos) liberally across the front, jumping in and out of Soviet held territory.
-Once the 10th Mountain Division is organized and ready, send them to take the northwest, west, and southwest mountains of Czechoslovakia.
-Carry out with Operation Viking Strike (liberation of Iceland, involving the 75th Ranger regiment, plans were drawn up in previous post).
September 15, 2003, 06:39
Local Time: 17:55
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Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
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I'll take Japan. Once Jacmk says its alright.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
September 15, 2003, 21:42
Local Time: 02:55
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To Middle Eastern States: If you attack us, you will be using weapons we supplied. Since the designs of your tanks and planes are Russian-made, we will know the ins and outs of each one, meaning we will know exactly how to knock each and every tank and plane out, meaning you will take amazingly high losses. (Secret: We are willing to reconcile. What do you want?)
To Israel: *Secret* The Arabs told us ourselves that after us, it will be you! While we are not urging you to do anything, I would advise you to attack them. You think we are liars, but it will happen. You will regret not listening to us.
September 15, 2003, 21:46
Local Time: 02:55
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-Continue the press in Europe.
September 15, 2003, 21:57
Local Time: 00:55
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Commit naval and air forces from the UK and North Sea to aid the U.S. in their assault on Iceland.
With forces not aiding in the defense of northern Germany, strike out from the southern East Germany/West Germany border, heading north to Erfurt and Zwickau in the direction of Halle and Leipzig.
Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
September 16, 2003, 18:43
Local Time: 23:55
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Week 5 update will be posted Wenesday.
September 19, 2003, 20:01
Local Time: 01:55
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Posts: 771
slaaaackiiiinngg......come on there buddy...
September 20, 2003, 12:05
Local Time: 23:55
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Originally posted by Easthaven I
slaaaackiiiinngg......come on there buddy...
No I am not, I have been busy. I have been on a job interview and had to take a test for that job. That is why I could not post the update yet. I will do so today. I have not had the time to go on line and tell you guys.
September 21, 2003, 02:25
Local Time: 17:55
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Location: The Hand of Sheep, the Hand of Death
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I am playing as Japan.
The Japanese Government send emisaries to China warning not to interfere in Japanese affairs. At the same time the launch a full scale attack on Pearl Habor and an invasion oif the Aluetians and Philipines.
Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.
September 22, 2003, 00:19
Local Time: 23:55
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Sorry about the late update but it will be up on Monday. Sorry again.
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