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Game developer Stainless Steel Studios is hiring!
Scenario Designers
Experienced scenario designers needed to create campaigns for our RTS title, Empire Earth. Campaigns will have a strong historical context and will probably contain 10 or more scenarios each. They will be created using our in-house scenario editor. A college degree is not required, but you must demonstrate the ability to create intriguing, detailed, and – most of all – fun campaigns.
Job requirements: [*]Demonstrable skills in single player scenario design from another RTS game (Starcraft, Total Annihilation, Age of Empires, etc.) [*]Knowledge of history [*]A passion for games [/list]
You should have the following: [*]An eye for detail [*]A great imagination [*]A desire to be part of the team [*]Excellent written and verbal communication skills [/list]
Contact: Dara-Lynn Pelechatz at
All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential. We are an equal opportunity employer offering an excellent salary and benefits package along with an exciting stock option plan to qualified candidates.
(Stainless Steel Studios is the company of AOE's designer Rick Goodman, working on Empire Earth, an rts with a timeline of thousands of years(something like a total coversion of civ in rts(blasphemy!
