Work is proceeding nicely, but because the Format is Test of Time, I have to be very careful as to what I want to do in the Rules.txt file.
For everyone who does not know, Kyokujitsu is a scenario about WW2 in the Pacific. The ToT AI has already proven to me that it at least has a clue about how to use fleets and carrier air, and if it should do the same in the pacific, I may not need to play with the AI's mind. Although, I have several ideas on how to tweak the AI for carrier air if it still has no clue.
Some of the graphics have been laid out, and what I really want to do first is set up the cities and then the stats, and then the graphics. I have to set up the tech restrictions first though, because those gave me problems (BIG BUG PROBLEMS) in my last scenario.
Just an update...
Here's what I'm hoping to have for you in this scenario:
- A fully interactive on-line strategy and history guide.
- A scenario with a difficulty passing that of Red Front.
- A war on multiple fronts
- A tech system nobody has ever seen before
- A war economy that will come to a violent halt if it is not fed with rich resources coming in from the south...
- A music track, movies, and more!
- Coming to Civ2 on May 18th!
With all these features, I expect the download to be in the neighborhood of 50Mb