I'm having trouble starting up RF, in the read me file it mentions:
Before starting the game, double-click RedFront.bat. This brings up a menu from which you should select option 1 (Load Summer 1941). Selecting 1 sets the game to summer conditions and set events to the initial part of the war while creating the files units.gif, cities.gif, events.gif, rules.txt, terrain1.gif and terrain2.gif. If you do not first run RedFront.bat the game will not find these required files and will revert to the corresponding standard Civ II files.
Now this redfront.bat stays on my screen for about 0.1 seconds so not enough time to select enything
And when I just start it up it shows pike's, inland transports and all other kind of crap.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
(I use XP HE and the latest patch etc)