Really its a ToT modpack, but it is packaged as a Scenario to ease loading onto your PC.
(Just create an extra Scenario Directory and load it there and then you don't have to fiddle about with changing your Original game folder contents).
Also it is a set up as a Scenario so that the Earth and Undersea realms are in synch to ensure U-Boats, Submarines, Mines etc. can operate/submerge properly. (If used as a modpack the worlds can be created randomly, which doesn't suit the premise).
Scenario offers - 4 Maps, 4 "Realms" - Earth-Surface, Undersea, Orbit & a different planet of Alpha Centauri than the one normally visited in ToT, with the first 2 realms in synch in order to attempt create a 3-D effect.
Subs can submerge to hide from and lie in wait for enemy shipping (but this does not mean they are safe from other hunter-killer subs).
Shuttle can travel to Orbit, ferrying certain units with it.
Building a Spacecraft to get to Alpha C. is not required as there are technology secrets to be found in the archaic structures in Orbit.
Aliens live, love & breed on Alpha C, and will invade Earth given half a chance.
3 Scenario options provided :
Medium.scn - Medium Sized World from 4000B.C. (Random-start) (60 by 90)
Med-2000BC-start.scn - Medium Sized World from 2000B.C. (Random-start) (60 by 90)
EARTH-and-AC-Start.scn - Medium Sized World from 4000B.C. (60 by 90)
(Good if you don't want to wait till end game to experience AC)
In each of these scenarios, don't play as the Aliens (Gazpichi) unless you want a really boring game for a long, long time.
- Base Web-Site where it can all be found
- New Scenario / Modpack
- Extra Sprites for same from my other 3-D Mod-pack
And for those that have not downloaded them before ...
- Sounds 1
- Sounds 2
- Sounds 3
Try it, Enjoy, Criticise & Feedback.