I hope you plan to undo the fact that words spill from the center of the page over the links? That is annoying.
Umm, for suggestions, hmmm
I do like the Ziggurat emblem you have going. You should incorporate a larger version on the page somehow. How about a forum-style quick scenario review. Say, if you see a scenario that you like, or once you find one you like you can post a bit about the good/bad points. This would help people who hunt blindly for a scenario. I mean, not all scenarios have 3 current threads at the top of the SLeague forums like Nemo's. For people who look for obscure ones, they could avvoid the ones that are total crap. I hate downloading something I think will be fresh, and it ends up stinking. Unfortunatly, there would have to be someone to go in and weed out the inevitable spam. But it would be a unique feature.

I'll try to think of some better ones.
See you next December in the Kremlin, Komrade, when the first snow falls... if you are still there...