Originally posted by Chris 62
The US doesn't allow comical martinets like your friend the Col either Moby.
War hero from a speech he made?
What a guy.
Instead they have this bell end!
GWB seems to think rather highly of him, had a copy of his speech on the wall of his room IIRC...
Don't worry, he's been relieved and is under investigation...oh, you meant the REMF major, sorry.
Actually he got promoted - probably for making your guy cry like a baby!
The MUSLIM private is what your using as an example?
Your consistant though, distortions and fatual errors rife.
Sargeant actually! At a stretch I could call him an officer because he is a non commissioned one...

He was initially reported as an officer here probably because it was officers he attacked, so I apologise for my slight unintentional error. You on the other hand have just committed a distortion/factual error yourself by calling him a private.
Who trained whom?
Your guys needed Urban Guerilla Warfare training from the British Army because they were ill prepared for it and were getting picked off and getting spooked and blowing away loads of civilians on a daily basis.
Your tiny contingent did rather poorly underfire, and only had a soft time becuse the Brit zone was under the no fly zone region, so saddam was kept at bay.
There I was thinking we did rather well - I must be the victim of BBC propaganda...
Perhaps you're talking about being under friendly fire, because IIRC this is the second Gulf where the US killed more of our troops than the Iraqis did during the war phase!
Now, what is this sh*t about the no fly zone!!? There I was thinking that the whole f*cking country was a no fly zone for Saddam during the war!

Is that why the US did worse than expected - Saddam was strafing the poor hapless US forces with his rusty clapped out MiG-29's and the US weren't allowed to shoot them down!!?
Since then, the Brits have been losing people regularly.
Not really. Something like only four or five incidents so far. The first one was a clusterf*ck those 6 MPs getting trapped and unable to call for backup due to our sh*tty out of date radio comms system. Nothing compared to what the US is suffering...
See Moby, I read the news also.
Leave military accessments to people who know what they mean, but that would really defuse this lame-ass troll, now wouldn't it?
You do???
Coulda fooled me with your hilarous no fly zone gaffe!

x infinity!
What is an 'accessment' anyway?
Here is someone who claims they themselves were in the military and you make such an elementary mistake as that!
More people aern't need, he knows it and you know it, stop spinning.
Oh yeah?
So, all those nice terrorists showed up just cause the US overthrew Saddam., not like they were there beforehand, fighting a government that was secular and so-called anit Jihadi.
Pretty much. You've got all your terrorists who Saddam invited just before the war. Then you have Ansar Whatsit who were also anti Saddam, but are now anti US. Then there is Al Qaeda who appear to have been moving into the country after the fall of Saddam. Finally there are Saddam's followers, who it can be argued are not terrorists but the resistance of a government overthrown by the US.
So, congratulations to the USA and UK for turning a previously stable, if not friendly, secular nation into a seething hotbed of fundamentalist and terrorist activity!

You used to be better at this, your losing your touch.
And you have gone right down the toilet!
You claim you were in the army and you come up with the dumbass military quote of the year! I don't have to take the piss out of you - you're more than capable of doing it all on your own!