Originally posted by sandro
1) i play goodmod for apolyton pack and i can't use Nature Preserve because there isn't the icon in the tile improvement zone in spite of i have the advance conservation. WHY?
Well if you really play GoodMod for CityMod2 or for ApolytonPack then I have no idea why you shouldn't find the icon on the tile improvement tab under the land improvements on the right most colomn in the third row if you already got conservation. If you play by accident GoodMod for MedPack then it comes with Natralism according the Great Library.
Originally posted by sandro
2) There is a new version of goodmod?
If you downloaded after September the 13th 2002 then there is no newer version.
Originally posted by sandro
3) It's possible to use the slics of call to conquest for other mods? (like goodmod)
Of course it is possible, the only question is how much time is needed to make shure they work also with other mods. Unfortunatly these slics need modifications of text files too, like strategies and units.txt to work.