We're entering a new phase of the game. In a few more turns our SPs will be completed, and we will be looking at other ways to extend or growth and our power.
All Hive minsters and officials should take a keen interest in the upcoming years and help out in planning the growth our of fledgling faction.
A challenge has been issued to all hive members. The recently developed hive simulation secret project has come to fruitation, with this project we will have the foresight to make our faction the greatest in Chiron.
The winner will have one of the major Hive centres renamed in their honour. Either our current captial "The Hive", or "Freckin Cheeky Tower" the site of the HGP, and the heart of our future empire.
Or primary priorities are simple.
* Have the secret projects HGP and PTS constructed in turn 2136.
(queue up all the minerals in 2135)
* Build the VW in turn 2137.
(queue up all the minerals in 2136)
* Ensure that our bases are not infiltrated.
* Grow the hive's power.
Additional merit will be given to others that
* Build sensors under new bases.
* Have good base placement.
* Infiltrate other factions.
* Advance the hive's tech.
* Good industry
* Good economy
Play the game for 20 years from 2135 to 2155.
Keep a save file of every year. You can make more than one submission.
When you have completed your 20 years put the save files for years 2135 (after you've played it), 2140, 2145, 2150, and 2155 in a zip file and make the zip available in this thread. Submissions that have a post explaining the strategies used and future direction after 2155 will be rated more favourably than those that don't.
Finalists will be required to submit all the save game files for further analysis (so make sure you keep them all).