MSN – Secret Project Discussion and Announcements
Lately there has been much talk in the Hive about certain upcoming secret projects which we may or may not build. The government has finally decided to reveal its intentions in regards to this matter.
As of this date we plan on constructing the Human Genome Project and the Planetary Transit System in the upcoming year (2135). The construction of the Victual World has also been planned, though the date has yet to be confirmed due to reservations about the risks in waiting to construct the project, therefore as of current the VW will either be constructed in 2136 or 2137 pending further discussion.
Kody says:
I realise when doing the turn today that we should have built the PTS as soon as we were able.
Voltaire says:
When was this?
Voltaire says:
As in when were we able to build the PTS?
Kody says:
a few turns ago
Kody says:
simply the PTS gives us extra workers
Kody says:
and additional energy
Voltaire says:
A small oversight
Kody says:
the extra workers would offset not having the crawlers
Voltaire says:
I take it this will not interfere with the current plans?
Kody says:
Kody says:
it's just something we could have done to get powerful faster
Kody says:
it looks like the VW built date is deadlocked
Voltaire says:
I was afraid this would come
Voltaire says:
This makes the decision a lot more difficult
Voltaire says:
I want to know what you think?
Kody says:
I think I should probably run both options in the simulator
Kody says:
and see
Kody says:
at the moment I'm leaning towards waiting
Kody says:
yesterday I was leaning towards rushing it in 2136.
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
I want to know how many minerals we save by waiting?
Kody says:
I have a rough estimate already
Voltaire says:
if its a segnificant amount then waiting is viable
Kody says:
I played the turns quickly
Kody says:
to 2138
Kody says:
If the VW is to be built in 2137, at the start of turn 2138 we have the following.
Gross production - 13+13+4+6+7+14+9+12+9+4 = 91
Minerals in build queue - 7+13+4+6+5+14+17+16+4 = 86
Crawlers active = 11
Minerals in crawlers = 11*21 = 231
Total minerals (queue+crawlers) = 317
ECs = 40
Kody says:
With the VW built in 2138, at the start of turn 2138 we have the following
Gross production - 13+6+4+6+7+21+11+12+9+4 = 93
Minerals in build queue - 10+4+12+7+1+18+8 = 60
Crawlers active = 13
Minerals in crawlers = 13*21 = 273
Total minerals (queue+crawlers) = 333
ECs = 57
Kody says:
the actual outcome will be better for both cases
Kody says:
as the moves were completely planned
Kody says:
Kody says:
I also think that it's time to reveal our full hand to the rest of the hive.
Kody says:
well anyone that doesn't know
Voltaire says:
Kody says:
and also reveal our plans to the drones.
Voltaire says:
it may make the choice easier
Kody says:
otherwise buster will think the hive keeps most of its citizens in the dark.
Kody says:
okay I'll run some more simulations
Voltaire says:
Kody says:
we could probably ask the drones what they think.
Voltaire says:
The numbers are closer than I imagined, at least with those rough simulations
Voltaire says:
of course
Kody says:
well it's only 1 turn
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
there isn't much they can do to hinder us at this point (i hope)
Kody says:
in one turn 16 minerals is a fair amount.
Kody says:
well actually I have serious doubts any of the other factions even have a chance
Voltaire says:
That's why I'm leaning towards waiting, the chances that the other factions would take the VW from us seems minimal
Kody says:
also we need to decide what to build afterwards
Kody says:
I probably need to figure out the balance between colony pods/formers and other things
Kody says:
like we should probably build defensive probes
Voltaire says:
Well if nothing else I would like to claim the whole of our landmass officialy as ours, just in case the pirates pop up out of nowhere
Kody says:
and maybe some scouts for policing the new bases.
Voltaire says:
so in terms of colony pods we're not looking at too much
Kody says:
okay so start expanding east as a priority
Voltaire says:
Kody says:
okay well I have the base south-east of googliegrad
Kody says:
and the base north-east of feckin
Kody says:
those two will be planted in the near future.
Voltaire says:
We should also consider the expansion of our military in the near future as we get better tech, such as upgrading the defenses of our bases, as well as a formitable naval defense against the Pirates
Voltaire says:
these are longer term things, but we need to take them into account
Kody says:
Voltaire says:
sorry formidable
Kody says:
Kody says:
I'll negotiate a exchange of units
Kody says:
so we can get the +2 armor
Kody says:
in exchange for giving them the transport chassis
Kody says:
foil chassis rather
Voltaire says:
i'd want until +3 armor before we upgrade or build new defenses
Voltaire says:
since +2 tends to become obsolete rather quickly
Voltaire says:
at least that is what i have found
Kody says:
Kody says:
but that may be all that's available?
Voltaire says:
Voltaire says:
Well we will be getting the probe teams out when we get foils
Voltaire says:
which means we will have the oppertunity to acquire it