Originally posted by HeymlicH
... and since the AI doesn't use crawlers right some people consider it a cheat
Yes, it takes longer to win the game if you do not use crawlers.
What else is considered a cheat?
There are several other things I do and know others do that the AI does not.
Are probe foils allowed?
Is rushing a SP (even using units that are not crawlers) a cheat?
Does using the 'drop' feature of your drop units for general mobility verses just an attack a cheat?
How about drop probes, needlejet CPs, and drop CPs (I do not use them because I am afraid that they cause the Terran.exe to occur on my machine); anything 'drop' other than an infantry unit?
How about rushing prototypes (even with units other than crawlers)?
There are some things that I realize are almost certainly cheats, like the SE flip/flop, but I'm not sure of the complete list.
I tend to think that using the crawlers, as they were designed to be used, is not a cheat. Please note that before I learned about crawlers in the forums here, I ignored them and still did well against the AI (the games did take longer to finish). Crawlers are not essential, but are very, very useful.
I will occasionally play without using crawlers as a self-challenge. But, then, often find myself challenged as a result of actions that I have taken and the decisions I have made.