Originally posted by Agathon
I didn't see it. But then again neither did most people.
I don't even remember what channel it was on. My summary is thus:
Dean: While reasonably articulate and poised, was dull and seemed ill-prepared. He kept glancing at his notes while speaking, which is a big debate no-no.
Edwards: Why do people say he's so good-looking? He isn't. And he's not a great speaker, either. He just didn't come across as having any weight.
Gephardt: Over the top aggressive. He seemed like he was trying to do a Clinton imitations with his hand gestures. He used every question as an opportunity to go onto a long-winded, fiery tirade. Seemed rather staged.
Graham: My god, the most annoying speaker of the group. He spoke in a halting manner reminiscent of William Shatner, sans panache.
Kerrey: Strongest performance, IMO. Was poised, witty and very articulate. He always sounded like he knew exactly what he was talking about, even when his words showed he was doing some fast-footed dodging.
Kucinich: Was disappointed he didn't come across as the lunatic he sounds like in things I've read. He actually was pretty articulate and intelligent, but it's obvious he's waaaay out in left field and isn't going to go very far. Looks like a gnome.
Lieberman: Not only unexciting, but seemed mean-spirited when he tried to bait Dean. His jowls are really distracting, and his monotone voice unbearable. Kudos for not shying away from his pro-war stance in the face of it being unpopular, although I disagree with him.
Mosley-Braun: She's such a lightweight, and it shows. Her answers were full of catchy colloquialisms and devoid of any meat.
Sharpton: Mercifully absent, although he doubtless would have added some excitement...
Man, am I bored...