Another MSN thingie
John says:
hi there
John says:
I figured out how to increase our industry to 14% of my original plan
John says:
114% rather
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
nice work
Jamski says:
is this with a 2137 build?
John says:
John says:
that was the complicated one
John says:
which I didn't mircomanage properly when doing my last set of tests
Jamski says:
I thought they were ALL complicated ones
John says:
well the 2136 build means there's no crawlers left
John says:
so basically makes it alot easier to juggle minerals
Jamski says:
I see
John says:
anyway so the difference in 2138 is now 14 crawlers.
Jamski says:
how many minerals is 114% better
John says:
compared to 11 crawlers
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
so 3
John says:
John says:
but the mineral difference is less
John says:
but the EC difference is huge!
Jamski says:
John says:
yeah 90 compared to 40ECs on turn 114%
John says:
because with the later build we get 70ECs on turn 2138
John says:
mainly from the stockpile bug
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
that will rush a few formers
John says:
if we convert ECs to minerals at 2.3ECs per turn
John says:
I mean per mineral
Jamski says:
John says:
we get 382
John says:
compared with
John says:
John says:
minerals in the build queues & crawlers & ECs
Jamski says:
so you think its really better to go for a 2137 build?
John says:
however I'm thinking of converting one of those 14 crawlers into a colony pod.
Jamski says:
good plan
Jamski says:
we don't want to delay expansion as well as delaying the SP
John says:
well it's a 13% increase in industry for 1 turn.
John says:
we don't delay expansion
John says:
in fact we build 2 more cities before we build the VW
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
John says:
and I think instead of rushing a former
John says:
we rush colony pods
John says:
because it removes any drone problems from newly planted cities
John says:
and the colony pods are nearer to where we're going to plant new cities
Jamski says:
of course *slaps head*
John says:
you still need the food though
John says:
it seems that food is subtracted at the start.
John says:
but recalculated in the growth stage
Jamski says:
John says:
actually I mean food is calculated twice
John says:
before production it checks for food
Jamski says:
so that explains why I get some bases that complain they can't buils apod, but they are size 2
Jamski says:
and the pod comes next turn
John says:
then after production it checks again
John says:
well production occurs before food gathering
John says:
but you can't build a pod, and avoid starvation
John says:
because it checks for starvation before it does production
John says:
I tried avoiding starvation by rushing a pod
John says:
it didn't work
Jamski says:
hmmm, that would be the reason then
John says:
but you can't build a pod the same turn it grows
John says:
if the city is size one
John says:
because it calculates food after it does production
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
I often tryed to do that
John says:
however you can build a pod, and have it grow back to size 2.
Jamski says:
Jamski says:
just one of those SAMC quirks
Jamski says:
John says:
also I did some checks with golden age
John says:
it's very hard to do
John says:
the main problem is the beaucracy drones
John says:
they cancel out talents
John says:
you see pysch is calculated first
John says:
so even if you have police, or facilities that reduce drones
John says:
your pysch is often lost to the drones before the facilities and police remove them.
John says:
so really to make it work properly you need +pysch facilties
John says:
anyway sleep time for me
John says:
John says:
post this chat please to the hive forum.