If you want more techs than the game provides, then I would say that you are the type of gamer who enjoys the game so much that you don't want it to end...ever.
Which I understand
I mean, if they doubled the techs you might say that (after the time spent researching them) they should add more and more....and more...to the point where we are either A) researching some tech that allows us to manufacture the rubber needed for miners boots, or B) researching some obscure tech that allows us to refine metal in order to produce the equipment that can manufacture a containment device to produce fuel that can power the latest space satellite... you get my point i hope.
I guess i'm saying that the amount of techs is pretty good for the game.
Although I can understand someone who truly wants some kind of historical simulator asking for many levels of minutae in the tech area.
That just would be for the minority of gamers I think who can find true minutae in historical gaming elsewhere......I think....