Random lockup problem
Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster. Many thanks for all the Civ/SMAC tips and strategies I've gleaned from these forums. Not sure if this particular forum is appropriate for technical problems - let me know if it's not.
I recently installed SMAC on my laptop (1.2g Athlon, 256mb, WinXP). Patched it up to 4.0, but didn't install the 2000/XP patch. I had some initial problems with lockups because of sound, but these were fixed by setting eax and ds3d = 0 in my Alpha Centauri.ini file.
Played 2 or 3 games through with no problems whatsoever. Just within the past few days, however, I've started getting the lockups again. I checked the .ini file, and my settings are still in place. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to the lockup points - sometimes it'll lock twice in the same place on consecutive loads, sometimes it'll breeze right past it. They're not occuring at any regular frequency either: sometimes it's after 3 minutes of play, sometimes 45 minutes. These are hard locks, requiring a reboot of the system.
You can imagine that this is very annoying, especially since the game was working fine previously. I made no changes to the system before the lockups started, btw, and have tried reinstalling twice. The 2000/XP patch had no effect, not that I expected it to.
Has anyone had or heard of any problems like this? Any advice or suggestions at all would be most welcome.