Originally posted by Provost Harrison
Remember, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter...and there is no escaping that axiom.
I'm sorry but that is
It shows a confusion between
goals and
When you describe a person as a "freedom fighter" you are describing his goal - freedom. Whether his own, or of a group. A "freedom fighter" can use different means to achieve his goal.
When you describe a person as a "terrorist" you are describing his method of fighting: intentionally targetting civilians with the purpose of creating public histeria and pressure on the governing body. A "terrorist" can use this tactic to achieve different goals - ranging from freedom to hard cash.
Thus taking Hamas and Hezballah for instance - they are udoubtedly terrorist as they employ terrorist means.
Hezballah was a "Freedom fighter" - fighting to free Lebanon from Israel (But not from Syria. Lebanon is still under Syrian military occupation).
Hamas would be a "freedom fighter" if you would call their goal - 'the removal of all jews and jewish entities from palestine' - "freedom". I would call it genocide. Thus they are 'genocide fighters'.
And if you think that Hamas goals are only limited to the 67 borders - you are welcome to take a peek at their website.