September 9, 2003, 19:49
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History of Mankind
I have started this thread for roleplaying of our tuesdays eurotime diplo. We can keep technical issues in the old thread.
September 10, 2003, 06:14
Local Time: 10:29
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It was in year thirty of rule of Slaven the Thinker that the event that I will tell you about occured.
Slavs were since dawn of time a peaceful people, living their days in the fertile lowlands on the shores of the Crno more (black sea). There were many tribes of them, the Rusi, the Hrvati, the Poljaci, the Srbi, the Cesi and so on, but across the tribes one language was spoken and same gods were worshiped. Perun, of sun and storm. Svibor, of water. Lada, the spirit of spring.
They had no military ways to speak of and their meager knowledges of irrigation and mining were used to acquire but a few products of earth which were traded locally, between villages that had no walls. Such were the infancy days of our great nation.
Then, one day, there was a schism. But it brewed for longer.
Prophets came from the arid lands of the south, bearded men who held no women. They preached to the people of one God, whom they called 'jehova' and who was more powerful than Perun, and at least as pissed off at everyone. Slaven the Thinker was a man of words, so he dined with them and debated. He pointed at inconsistencies in their faith and laughed at their talk of 'great temples' and told them the proper way to speak to a god is standing up and looking at the sky. And how can you look at the sky if there is a roof above you?
But some took prophets to their homes and heeded their words. Miroslav, son of Slaven, was first. He was followed by Zdeslav of Poljaci. Then Vlad of the Cesi. And soon, the stone was being cut for the first temples. And to finance them, tolls were instituted on bridges and taxes and thithes. Bickering started and sporadic clashes between tribes. Soon, the situation became unbearable. Their minds poisoned by words of the priests who convinced them that all must be done for the glory of god, tribes fought savagely.
It was only then that Slaven of the Rusi understood the gravenes of the situation and acted. He attacked the Poljaci and all the other tribes and a bloody struggle that lasted for a decade, the wars ended. As he stood over the body of his dead son, Slaven looked up to the sky. "We have poisoned the soil with the blood of our kin! This land is cursed and no man shall live here again!"
And thus began the Great Exodus.
They burnt all the temples of the southern God. A great Council of Tribes was held, and a Treaty of Spreading was accepted. The tribes were to go their own ways. No tribe was ever to accept a priest again. They were to convene every five years in a city of choice, to attend the Games of Gods, to compete and discuss and wash away the bad blood with laughter and wine and mead.
And so it was, and there was never again a schism. And when Perun looks down, he can see people from Baltik to Ural talk to him in same tongue.
Written down by Papirije, scribe of the city Sibirsk, tribe of Rusi, in the year 2000 after Slaven.
Last edited by VetLegion; September 10, 2003 at 06:23.
September 10, 2003, 06:16
Local Time: 10:29
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What passe in the weste by Vinko the Jolly
I write to my brothers in Sibirsk my grievances. My son Ratimir the Unpatient has been forbidden access to his promised land. We have for centuries lived in peace with the Germanos, but now they block his acess to the Brittania. This leader of Germanos is proud and stubborn. He even refused our aid against the barbarians. This has been going on for years and Ratimir is growing increasingly restless. I look forward to discussing this with you on the next Games.
I have asked artist to make an interpetation so you can see how it looks on the land.
Last edited by VetLegion; September 10, 2003 at 06:26.
September 10, 2003, 18:08
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Just to keep us observers in the loop, who is who?
Please list civ, name, color, and starting location out of character. Thanks much!
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
September 10, 2003, 19:04
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And post the session saves...
AND save this thread and synchronise to your hard drive... it will disappear eventually..
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
September 11, 2003, 00:08
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I expect the truth of the atawan ancestry to be revealed througtout the history of this world.
I expect to learn why, despite the discovery of writing on many occasions, the atawans have yet to understand capitalisation...
[ I know, I know - don't look at my sig... ]
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
September 11, 2003, 03:06
Local Time: 09:29
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VetLegion, leader of the Slavs, Germanos, leader of the Dutch and Winzity, leader of the Chinese are invited to gape with awe and amazement as the ancient and glorious civilisation of Ethiopians demonstrates the wonders of FEUDALISM. Absolutely no scribes will be allowed.
September 11, 2003, 09:46
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You didn't get in on this one Deity?
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
September 11, 2003, 10:23
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Originally posted by deity
I expect the truth of the atawan ancestry to be revealed througtout the history of this world.
I expect to learn why, despite the discovery of writing on many occasions, the atawans have yet to understand capitalisation... 
[ I know, I know - don't look at my sig... ]
The Maori are far from such discovery's as writing and havent even heared of this thing called capitalisation
I'll post later tonight (when I dont have a manager looking over my shoulder  )
September 11, 2003, 21:21
Local Time: 20:29
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
You didn't get in on this one Deity?
I couldn't make this slot. Damn it. I really wanted a good diplo game.
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
September 13, 2003, 06:21
Local Time: 09:29
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To answer the calls from the audience, I'll post the players and the map.
The map used is OzzyKp's real world map, also used for HOTW2 diplo. It's only slightly edited:
1. Connected UK and Scandinavia to Europe. (It's united Europe after all.)
2. A few changes around my capital. (I am editing the map, am I not?)
3. Replaced some jungles and plains in Indonesia and Pacific islands with forests and/or grasslands. (Why are there so many plains in the first place? I thought plains were a speciality of the Americans until I discovered that rainy Indonesia also had plains.)
There are five players in our diplo game:
1. VetLegion, leader of Panslavia (white - Russians), starting at (83, 35)
2. ljcvetko, leader of Ethiopia (green - Babylonians), starting at (94, 64)
3. germanos, leader of Holland (dark blue - Germans), starting at (73, 27)
4. atawa, leader of New Zealand (yellow – Aztec), starting at (177, 105)
5. winzity, leader of China (light blue – Chinese), starting at (138, 44)
The map is large and is well suited for seven players. Unfortunately, we were unable to find more than five that could agree to the same time slot. Even more unfortunately, the author of these lines and the changes to the map and host for the first 3 turns forgot to include 2 additional AI civilisations so that interested people could join the game later on.
I’ll now post again Ozzy’s edited map. As for current position, I played at work so I don’t have the save here at home. If nobody else posts it I shall on Monday at the latest.
Last edited by Ljube; September 13, 2003 at 06:35.
September 13, 2003, 06:24
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Forgot to post the map.
September 13, 2003, 09:59
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Local Time: 04:29
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thanks much
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
September 14, 2003, 10:23
Local Time: 10:29
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Posts: 4,037
Ah, germanos is leader of Dutch, I'll correct that in the future.
Here is the last save I have, 1400 BC.
September 14, 2003, 10:36
Local Time: 10:29
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VetLegion, leader of the Slavs, Germanos, leader of the Dutch and Winzity, leader of the Chinese are invited to gape with awe and amazement as the ancient and glorious civilisation of Ethiopians demonstrates the wonders of FEUDALISM. Absolutely no scribes will be allowed.
King Slaven Branimir V of Panslavia was getting angrier as his envoy to the court of Haile Selaisie of Ethiopians finished describing the demonstration of Feudalism he witnessed. Absolutely no scribes were allowed, ofcourse, but man was specifically chosen for his good memory, and brought home an accurate description of the event.
- You say then, envoy, that this feudalism allows them these...pikemen?
- Yes, sire. It's the whole system you see..
- And these are better than my phalanx?
- Yes cause they are not peasants and they train whole year and..
- I want it! I want Feudalism! His eyes left the envoy and went to his scholars.
- Ah, sire you know we don't have the funds..
- Funds!? You are dumb, that's why! How can Ethiopians, of mere three cities have better scholars then all the tribes of my Kingdom? How?
- They are not better sire, they just..
- They run better! Perhaps I should also set lions on you, like Haile does to his? Maybe it would make you more productive?
- Sire, you know about the legendary Ethiopian Mountain of Gold. It is said their scientists have all its wealth for themselves...
Branimir sighed.
- The mountain of gold.. only such mountain in the whole world. If I were to have this mountain.. if I were to take it..
- Sire, at this moment, it would be extremely unwise. Your grandfather, Ivan the Explorer, has set up a border and a peace and a treaty of friendship with Ethiopians, it would mean breaking the word of your royal family..
- Yes, the old bastard. If only he was faster to Suez, I would not have to envy primitives now...
- Your grandfather was a most distinguished among world leaders my lord, thanks to him panslavia is a most prosperous nation..
- Yes but my achievements have to be greather than those of my father! What will I be remembered by if I don't leave a new knowledge to my people and a new city or twenty?
- Your highness, there are news of civilizations to the east and south of our land, near the edge of earth table, if we can contact them, perhaps we can trade..
- Get the expeditions ready! King of Panslavia will not again suffer the humiliation of being outpaced in research by a bunch of brownskins!
September 14, 2003, 16:14
Local Time: 09:29
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Year 1650 BC
In a magnificent ceremony held in Ethiopian glorious capital Asmara, attended by all respected leaders of the known world as well as by all nobles of our vast Empire, Haile Selassie XXV the Magnificent became known as Haile Selassie I King of Africa and Asia as our Empire adopted the Chinese concept of Monarchy. These Chinese people have been generous to us, just as we have been generous to all other less privileged people and shared this secret world wide immediately.
The ceremony was an elaborate extravaganza aimed at amazing the leaders of the world and assuring the position of Ethiopia as the world’s foremost power. To help finance this event, gold was extracted in vast amounts from our legendary mountain.
Worried that this increased exploitation could reduce the gold deposits in our mountain, which would, in turn, jeopardize our capability to finance our privileged life stile, our wise minister of interior, Mengistu Haile Mariam sent prospectors to search for more gold in the mountains nearby our most recently founded settlement Torra Borra. After many years, gold has been found in these mountains too, causing jubilations in Ethiopian cities and providing solid financial base for expansion plans of our kingdom.
September 14, 2003, 16:41
Local Time: 10:29
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The Maori Empire: The years 4000 - 1400BC
By Nga-tokowaru, chief Maori storyteller.
The Maori people found themselves on a small island near the southern pole.
The two bands of Maori settlers decided to mine the hill while at the same time building a city on top of it.
When the mine was about 3/4 finished the people of the city above named Aotearoa suddenly decided to kick the remaining band of settlers out
The settlers left and build the city of Rongo further down.
Soon there was the invention of mapmaking and an expedition was send to where the sun meets the water at night. Our settlers found a small island where they decided to settle and found the city of Abel.
The ship with a band of warriors sailed north and discovered a vast landmass
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcensoredxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
We are now sending expeditions to all directions trying to find out if we are alone on this planet.
* This message has been checked by Hotumatapu, aid to the subchief of information.
Btw, we suck sofar:
September 14, 2003, 16:56
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September 14, 2003, 16:58
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September 14, 2003, 18:02
Local Time: 09:29
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Special report to Mengistu Haile Mariam, minister of interior of the Kingdom of Africa and Asia by Osama Bin Laden, governor of Torra Borra.
Respected minister,
I came in possession recently of news of existence of a civilisation previously unknown to us. It is neither situated in the unforgiving areas of frozen Siberian wasteland we haven’t explored yet, nor in the vast part of our own desert currently ruled by the barbarians. It is on a distant island, far away in the middle of the endless sea. Please inform our great ruler and ask for guidance.
From a discussion between His Majesty King Haile Selasie I and the minister of interior Mengistu Haile Mariam at a meeting of the High council of defence.
- And you are saying it’s from a reliable source?
- Definitely, sire. Osama Bin Laden has never let us down before. What shall we do about it?
- Two things:
1. Announce the folly of the theory that Earth is enveloped by endless see, the very theory that was stopping our developments in the field of map making. Then, we’ll have means of establishing contact with this far away nation.
2. Acquire from the Dutch the concept of currency even at the cost of our highly valued feudalism, for it will soon result in a discovery of trade which would surely be much more profitable if conducted with the people so distant from us.
Last edited by Ljube; September 14, 2003 at 18:21.
September 14, 2003, 18:38
Local Time: 09:29
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The Maori people are in dire need of urgent aid from the Global Community
His Royal Majesty Haile Selasie I, King of Africa and Asia is calling a world conference in Ur with a single topic: Sharing the knowledge of existence of Maori people with other nations and deciding the way to help this backward nation progress faster.
Kassahun Ayele, Ethiopian minister of foreign affairs has already circulated a paper with several propositions and all leaders are invited to choose what they think is the most appropriate way to assure the wellbeing of the Maori.
1. Let the Maori build Marco Polo’s Embassy (neither of us on the mainland need it anyway).
2. Let the Maori build the Great Library (you can only truly help them by establishing a self-sustaining system of research for them).
3. Let the Maori build the Hanging Gardens (With increased number of settlements even Maori should become capable of discovering something).
4. Let the Maori build both Marco Polo’s Embassy and the Great Library (maybe we should have let them keep their 9 starting techs).
5. No these choices are too risky, none of them (It’s president atawa of the Apolytonia we are talking about).
Last edited by Ljube; September 14, 2003 at 18:45.
September 18, 2003, 08:47
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Fun stuff, I'll be watching this one. Posting here so it'll show up in My Threads.
Nice writing, esp. VetLegion.
Is this 1xDeity? 2xKing?
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
"The Borg are gay." -Drake Tungsten
September 18, 2003, 10:59
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Its 1x Deity on a slightly altered map that was also used in HOTW2.
/me of the Maori, waiting to finaly meet someone
September 23, 2003, 19:33
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I only discovered this thread today
Here's what I posted in the game thread earlier:
Allright, after a little postponement last week there was some action again tonight
The puny civ of the Germans (which should have been the Frisians, but never mind) finally struck against the huge Russian civ (should have been Slavs, but never mind) after continuous harassement by the Russians, who blocked every possible expension, be it east or south. (see below)
Dispite the fact that the city count was 4 to 9, the Frisians were able to hold for the entire session (lasting from 1350 BC to 800 BC) and inflicting serious damage to the Russians. In the end we lost the outpost of Hamburg (located in the Urals), but only after destroying the city of Biograd, and repulsing all attacks on Frisia proper.
The Frisians were able to build the Hanging Gardens during the war, as well as clearing the way for settling in Spain and the UK.
The future looks bright for the Frisians, despite the fact that the Russians refuse any talks
September 27, 2003, 08:26
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Early Frisian History
Since I missed this thread earlier, here is some info on the early history of the Frisians (Germans):
The Frisian people, under the guidence of Stamhoofd Gerben, set out to explore the lands around them, and soon found beautifull lands where they choose to settle and give up their nomadic way of live. Early life was difficult, and strange things occured: The gods of time played tricks on them. On many instances the rule of Gerben was challenged, and many times control was taken from him. This resulted in many deja vu's, and history was changed in the proces. (meaning that players dropped out (atawa and VetLegion, repeatedly), the game had to be restarted and units of the Slavs (Russians) would move differently then before the restart)
We met soon our neighbours, the Slavs. Initially, the encounter was peacefull and prosperous, but it was soon to be discovered that this was not to stay. Twice the Slavs proposed borders, and twice before a decent reply could have been given, the Slavs 'violated' the proposal they were just making. Gerben, together with his wise elders wondered what this meant.
However, eager for cooperation with their neighbours that could result in peace and prosperity for both nations, techs were shared, and we even gave the Slavs the Frisian Code of Laws, in a bid to speed up the process to form a new form of Government.
To Frisian surprise, and growing frustration, slav units kept trespassing through Frisian territory, often occupying 'specials' in Frisian city-radii.
In the meantime, Frisian explorers on horseback had moved east, and discovered many lands, tribes and mercenaries. It wasn't long before we made contact with the Ethiopians and Chinese. With both nations we established peacefull relations. A remarkable discovery was that the Ethiopians and Slavs shared a common language, and we were soon to discover this was not the only thing they shared.
The Frisian Wise Elders were making great progress on their path towards an elightened form of government, and when they learned the Ethiopians were following the same path, a deal was quickly made with them, on request of the Ethiopians, that would enable both our nations to speed up the process immensely. Great was our dissapointment when the Ethiopians announced they had miscalculated their research effort, and the promised date of delivery could not be made.
(To our surprise, we have learned now by reading the Ethiopian early history that the Frisian aid towards Monarchy has been completely erased in their records, and that sole credit was given to the Chinese…)
While this was going on, the Slavs became increasingly annoying, claiming both the lands west of Frisia (Brittania) and south (Andalus). Not only did they claim these lands, but they effectively blocked our access to these lands, and kept saying that it was our fault that Friasian cities and units were blocking their progress to these lands. Knowing that if the Frisians would allow Slav occupation of either of these lands would be de facto complete containment of Frisia proper, Gerben decided that the only sensible path was defiance of the requests by the Slavs, even when our situation was dire. The situation became critical when barbarian raiders threatened the south of Frisia as well. The Slavs thought to take opportunaty of the situation, and offered help, in exchange for either Brittania or Andalus.
At this point in time, finally the knowledge of Monarchy had been received through the aid of the Ethiopians, whom had given it to the Slavs as well!!! Frisian Elders still wonder what exactly persuaded the Ethiopians to share this marvelous technology with the Slavs, who could not possibly have aided the Ethiopians in their quest for it. The Frisians, caught between hammer and envil by the Slav troops, had only one hope to succesfully challenge the Slav intruders: a much more sophisticated form of government would allow for increased production, growth and economy, that would make up (to some degree at least) for the pitifull size of our nation, as compared to the twice as big Slav nation (which was revealed by Vetlegion when he had to rejoin once again). Baflled by this Ethiopian move, and faced now with an even stronger foe, the Frisians knew they were now completly left on their own. It was decided not to speak about this with the Ethiopians, and certainly there was not even time for coversations: all our attention was required to hold of the Slavs from establishing their goals: settling Brittania and Andalus, while trying to hold off the Barbarians, who would surely try to pillage the coalmines build south of Sneek.
It was the brave warrior by the name of Rutger who convinced the King that Frisia would be able to pull off both feats, and so Frisia would not have to give up its ambitions to settle at some point in time the lands of Brittania and Andalus. When the first band of Barbarians was slain, and first signs were shown the Slavs would actually give up their (immidiate) plans to settle Andalus and/or Brittania, there was time to send envoys to both Slavia and Ethiopia to remind them of their earlier vows to return technology to Frisia, as both of them were given technology earlier on this pretext. Luckily for Frisia, both nations honoured their earlier vows, and valuable technology was returned to Frisia, although they were stained by a foul smell: Frisia had had to beg for them, when both nations could have been honourable partners had they returned the Frisian favor immediately when they were able to.
And so ended the earliest records of Frisian history:
The Frisians are stuck on a tiny piece of the world, in the east there is Panslavia. In the west Slav troops deny access to Brittania, in the south both Slavs and Barbarians block settlement of Andalus. There is some hope in the far east, as we have a trading post in the Urals (a friendly tribe).
In fact, the outright hostile moves of the Slavs, who have answered our assistance in developing their technology by frustrating Frisian progress, make expansion a dangerous thing: we would have to spread our meager forces on four fronts.
On the other hand, being deprived of expansion, Frisia is able to invest in its infrastructure, and the city of Sneek can focus on building a marvelous structure, since initial plans to use the city for producing settlers is obviously not feasable.
Frisia is in dire straits, and we can anly hope for the best, but must fear for the worst.
September 27, 2003, 10:45
Local Time: 10:29
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Posts: 4,037
Many who travel to Kingdom of Panslavia, for work or pleasure or both, are stunned by the sharp contrast between beauty of the land and sadness of folk music. How did it come to pass that Slavic music is so full of sorrow, so nostalgic, they ask? But it can not be explained in a few words. This story requires the listener to sit down with us by the fireplace, drink warm wine and hear about the land where sun is born in the sea...
Since unwritten past Europe ended at the feet of Ural mountains, in the city of Sibirsk, also known as easternmost city of civilized men. And nothing changed in that regard when a band of runaway Frigian explorers mixed with the local savages to form the city of Hamburg, soon to become known for its corrupt morality and bribery its citizens were so fond of. Slavs shunned the place and avoided it. But there was never war between two nations and Slavs respected the ancient treaty that gave Frigians freedom to expand from Hamburg in all directions.
So it was not fear of Hamburgers that delayed the research of Siberia. After all, at the time they were weak in the region, and Slavs felt they could eat them for lunch.
It was the fact that for hudreds of daywalks to the east, there is nothing but the great steppe. South of it lie the Sands of Gubi and north of it are WinterWoods so thick mounted men can not traverse them. This is a waterless area, unfriendly to peoples that would work it, so only savages that hunt game survive there. This was why every expedition to the east was seen away with saddness, for everyone knew it was never to return.
But each generation brings forth new pioneers, and it was one of them, restless Vlad Konjovic of Sibirsk, that rode to the east until the endless plain began to give way to grassland. Here he stumbled into a tribe of good natured natives and celebrating this luck they jointly founded the city of Sretnovsk (Lucky).
Still eager to reach the end of the world, Vlad took his horsemen further east until there was no more east to go and they were finally rewarded with the sight of sunbirth. The lands they found were splendid, here grassland mixed with plains, and there was water to sustain farming.
Impressed by Slav steel another local tribe soon pledged allegiance to the crown of Panslavia and with it Vlad settled on the ocean shore. They called the city Vladivostok and it was in 3000 after Slaven that this landmark in the Great Spreading was achieved.
As eastern provinces thrived on good land, contacts with Chinese were established. These strange people are small, but advanced culturaly so peace was made and written down.
So great was prosperity that within a century another group of settlers was formed in Sretnovsk and sent to cultivate the land. This marked the peak of good times in the east.
Nobody knows to this day where did the strange eyed horsemen come from. It must have been from the great ocean - is it possible that there are more lands beyond it?
Birds flew west, and messages hopped from outpost to outpost until they reached Sibirsk. What money could be found in Royal Treasury was immediately dispatched to aid the province now facing the barbarian onslaught.
But then, alas!
Back in Europe, the trecherous Frigian nation sneak attacked Slavs!
Gold sent to help defend the east had to be diverted to form defences of the heartland of the Kingdom!
Citizens of Sretnovsk suddenly found themselves unable to fend off the numerous Barbarian riders. After a short struggle, city fell, citizens were massacred together with 10 000 settlers who took refuge with them. Only a small number of people made it to Vladivostok, where the province was to make the final stand.
As news arrived that Sretnovsk fell to the Barbarian hordes, citizens of Vladivostok intensified their pleading for gold to fund defence. But faced with the fall of Biograd, King Svibor I could do nothing but curse Gods for their cruelty and Frigians for their trechery. Devoid of any help from the King Vladivostokians could only pray Barbarians will decide to steer in some other direction, and leave their citiy alone.
How fruitless that payer had been.
Yet another wave of Barbarians appeared, and they were doomed!
It came to pass that what pioneers have built for centuries, barbarians destroyed in decades. There was only a handful of survivors that brought home news. East was no more and with it the promise of prosperity for Panslavia was also gone. Upon hearing the story whole country felt like a mother that has lost an infant baby. The tale of 40 000 dead Slavs that were left unburied in the east left a deep scar in the collective memory.
Traveler can now understand how sadness in folk music originated in those times, known since then as Times of Troubles.
September 27, 2003, 10:51
Local Time: 10:29
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Posts: 4,037
To the council of nations, for all the world to see!
We want to share with you most terrible news. In the year 3000 after Slaven, nation of Frigians have not only started a war with us, but have done so in a most calculated and perfidious way.
The ancient art of backstabbing, forgotten in the civilized world since the invention of honour and practiced only by barbarians, has been used again.
The council will be polite to listen about the origins and the nature of the conflict.
In the ancient days when the two nations first met, near the city then known as Sankt Petersburg (later Biograd)...
...looking down from his horse Frigian tribal leader asked bluntly "We dont just go to war, right?"
Those words later became stuff of legends as have negotiations that ensued that day.
Encouraged to speak by the obvious Frigian lack of talent for diplomacy, leader of Slavs proposed an east/west division marked by the line going north-south from the cave meeting was held in.
To which the Frigian replied: "Yes, but how far east will this division go?"
Dumbfounded by this reply, Slavs tried a simpler approach: "How about everyone expand where they want?"
This appealed to the Frigians, partly because they had already begun to develop the trait of paranoia that was to characterize them ever since.
And so it was decided. Relations between two nations excelled and we even exchanged a technology. Bothe pursued expansion wherever there was virgin land, nicely demonstrated by the city of Hamburg in the middle of Asia.
Only later first conflicts came. A Slav horseman exploring Britain (Britanija) found a small tribe of Vikings there and they told Slavs of a green land to the west, "across the water and beyond the ice".
Intrigued by this story Slavs claimed the uninhabited land of Britain, to serve them as a base for further exploration. The band of horsemen was ordered to guard the entrance.
Years later, a settler arrived from the Frigians, asking to go north. We explained we need Britain and claimed it on basis of coming here first. But not wishing conflict, we politely suggested that Frigians can expand on all the other european peninsulas. Europe does not lack in them, there are Spain, Italy and Scandinavia, all unpopolated at that time. We also confirmed our dedication to the ancient Treaty of the Cave and that as far as we are concerned, there are no limits by us to the expansion of Frigians anywhere in euroasia, on the principle - grab what you can.
However, Frigians refused all further talks about this.
Soon the tribe of Ratimir (not yet known as 'the restless') was sent to settle Britain. But things have changed since the passage of horsemen. Frigians positioned their troops in a way that made it impossible for Ratimir to pass between their cities.
Hoping that a change of rulers will change things, Ratimir camped on the Frigian border for centuries and kept sending different proposals to the Kings of Frigia. But it seemed that lack of will for diplomacy was endemic to the Frigians as all replies he ever got were 'No', 'No' and 'No.
And no counterproposals whatsoever.
During this period of European Migrations, near the city of Sneek we observed for the first time the art of mining and saw the first European mine ever built.
Both impressed and happy for our neighbours achievement, we didn't for a second attempt to either blockade, let alone destroy this valuable infrastructure. If we were to know what would happen later, we would have done different.
Meanwhile, dozens of shields and gold were lost to Slav Kingdom while Ratimir camped on the border of Frigia, unable to go to his promised land. As he aged, he became increasingly restless, and when he finally lost patience, he decided to let go of Britain and settle in Spain.
But upon returning to Spain, there was a Frigian settler there. Conveying to Frigians that we have decided to back down from claiming Britain and will leave it for them if they remove their settler from Spain, we got another 'No'.
Counterproposals? None.
Tired of taking to a wall and Irritated by the constant production deficit we were suffering as a result of Frigian stubborness, we moved a horseman to an irrigated field of the city of Sneek. His orders were strictly not to pillage, but if we were to lose immense production, so should the Frigians (albeit far less).
Seeing as Spain was about to be settled by the Frigians, we decided we wouldl try for Britain again. As MapMaking was not within sight, this was to be done by outmanouvering the Frigians around the city of Leeuwarden by positioning the units in a way that settler could pass over them, thus avoiding the zones of control.
An elephant from the Barbarian Fast Response Force was sent west with this purpose.
But much to Slav dismay, Passing near Dokkum, he was attacked and cut down by an Archer unit of the Frigians!
No threat of war.
No declaration of war.
No proposals to resolve the situation.
Just a sneak attack.
The way of the Frigians.
We call upon the whole world to condemn this aggression as unjustified.
It is obvous to everyone with eyes that Slavs had neither intention nor means for attacking the Frigians. Not only we had no attack units, we also had no defense units but a warrior here and there, and our treasury was always strapped for cash.
If that is not enough, one can witness the spotless Slav reputation in relations with Ethiopians and Chinese. Not only sneak attacking is not allowed by the rules of international diplomacy, but it is also completely foreign to Slav culture and customs.
As such, this war was completely unprovoked.
Upon being backstabbed, still not believing what happened, we lost to them defensless city of Biograd, which also supported the settler tribe of Ratimir and a warrior.
Also due to unpredicted troubles with the Frigians, we could not aid our eastern provinces and as a consequence lost them to barbarians. This too, rests on the soul of oathbreakers.
Years later, with immense sacrifices, we managed to put an end to the permanent raids Frigians conducted from their stronghold of Hamburg, which resulted in loss of at least two good military troops, one of which was lost to bribery. During the siege, citizens of Hamburg decided to destroy their city rather then let it fall in our hands and commited a collective suicide, many of them reportedly doing it by stabing themselves in the back or cutting themselves down with swords. Others were mysteriously squashed by something heavy.
In total, the nation of Slavs, having suffered 3 cities, 2 settlers and 1 elephant, two horsemen and three warriors as a direct consequence of Frigian attack, will not agree to a peace treaty until this aggression is condemned by the leaders of the world and rightous reparations are payed. We also refuse to enter direct talks with the Frigians. Expirience shows that diplomacy with them is a wasted effort.
All agreements, if any are to happen, will have to be conducted through international intermediaries and have to be guaranteed by international community.
King Vojnoslav I of Panslavia.
September 27, 2003, 11:27
Local Time: 10:29
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: behind a firm dyke, Rotterdam, NL
Posts: 2,336
Good story, VetLegion.
However, it's full of inconsistencies, as we may or may not, point out before tuesday.
One thing though, when you don't even have the courtesy to adress us with our proper name, how can we expect honour from the brutal Slavs?
At least the world now knows the full stories.
September 28, 2003, 18:38
Local Time: 09:29
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 7,255
The European War
The Kingdom of Africa and Asia, the most prosperous nation in the world has grown greatly in the last few hundreds years, both in terms of size and population and in terms of wealth and culture. In fact, so great was this advance compared to the other nations that the Ethiopian people became decadent and started to lead self-indulgent, luxurious life.
It was an event outside the Kingdom of Africa and Asia, far away in intensely contested Europe, that helped snap Ethiopians out of their complacency. The Ethiopian people witnessed the break-out of a war of incredible proportions that proved to be the longest war so far in the history of mankind.
The rulers of Ethiopia repeatedly offered to both sides in the conflict to mediate a peace treaty in hope that further bloodshed and destruction could be avoided. Sadly, the efforts of Ethiopian diplomacy proved futile and the war between the Frigians and the Slavs went on with unrelenting intensity. Many cities were burnt to the ground, tens of thousands of people massacred and both sides suffered terrible losses on the battlefield. Still the war is raging and ravaging what is left of both nations involved in it.
It was during the reign of King Haile Selassie VII the wise that the Ethiopians devised a plan how to end this terrible tragedy that has befallen our world. The plan shall be laid out in details bellow:
1. Panslavia and Frigia oblige to end hostilities immediately.
2. Kingdom of Africa and Asia dispatches a task force of four units (one elephant, one horseman, one archer and one pikeman) to serve in Europe as peacekeepers until the definite solution to the conflict can be found in direct or mediated negotiations between the sides. It is worth mentioning that the Chinese have aided the Ethiopians in this effort with a donation of 25 gold talents.
3. Since the peacekeepers are on the way and will take some 15 turns more to arrive to the disputed area, the kingdoms of Frigia and Panslavia pledge to respect the provisional separation line drawn along the 81st parallel as presented in the attached image.
4. The Frigians shall found new settlements in Spain and Brittania exclusively, and shall leave the areas bordering the provisional separation line unpopulated. The Slavs shall refrain from founding new settlements at the site of former Biograd until the final agreement is reached.
The Kingdom of Africa and Asia prays only for peace and will stop at nothing to achieve it.
The leaders of Frigia and Panslavia are invited to have there own suggestions, but the negotiations should be completed on Tuesday at the latest. Guided by the benevolent hand of Haile Selassie VII these negotiations are destined to produce the biggest prise of all: the permanent peace treaty between Frigia and Panslavia.
September 29, 2003, 04:09
Local Time: 10:29
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: behind a firm dyke, Rotterdam, NL
Posts: 2,336
The Frisians welcome the efforts made by the Ethiopian King to mediate in the war that is raging across central Europe. We also welcome the contribution that China is making to send a peace-keeping force to the disputed lands.
Frisia, or as it is known in known in our own language as Fryslân (adjective: Frysk), has never laid claim on any Slav territory, and the Slavs can be sure we never will. Fryslân has fought for the lands that are rightfully ours, and we will continue to do so if our lands are threatened by foreign powers. The Ethiopian proposal is fair and honest, and will effectively mean a return to pre-war borders.
Frisia accepts the Ethiopian proposal, unconditionally.
In addition, Frisia is willing to put the battalion of Pikemen, as shown central on the map provided by Ethiopia, under Ethiopian militairy command, until the Ethiopian forces have arrived in the area. No Frisian units are beyond this unit, thus it will effectively be a borderpost that will hinder any Frisian troops to push into Panslavia territory, for which we have no plans whatsoever.
A similar arrangement can be made with regard to the river Oder, that is flowing in between the cities of Dokkum and Sjevernomorsk. That river is clearly in Frisian lands, and I must add, control of the river is vital for the security of Dokkum. Defensive forces from Dokkum can be dispatched immediately to take positions on the river, and then be handed over to Ethiopian control. Alternatively the Chinese may take control of said units.
Frisia requests that Scandinavia will also be included in the Frisian sphere of influence. The line of division will be the extension of the proposed border straight northward.
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